Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


Jussi held up to his deal and opened the door to my apartment for me. I managed to carry my flowers up the stair cases to my apartment. I carefully set them on the dinning table; with a little help from Jussi. Even though I told him I was fine on my own. But he wouldn't hear it.

"Ugh, it's too hot out." I complained. Jussi looked like I was mad but chuckled.

"It's forty seven degrees out love. And you're hot?"

"I know I am!" I said jokingly. I know he meant the temperature hot, but I was just being silly.

"Yes you are. But I was talking about the other one."

"Sure Jussi." I sarcastically said. "I'm only messing with you. I've been cooped up in a heavily heated room wearing this thick sweater all day. You'd be sweating too."

I walked off to my room. I threw my sweater on the ground and put my sweaty shirt with my other dirty clothes. I put on a hot pink tank top and walked back out.

"I'm not going to even ask." Jussi said more to himself than me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'll just put a sweater on. No big deal."

"All right." Jussi said letting go of his end. I sat down on the arm rest of my couch then fell backwards on it.

"What do you want to do?"

I could tell that Jussi was smirking. And I'm not even looking or facing him. I probably shouldn't have asked that question; but it's too late now. Jussi was already making his way over to the couch. He looked down on me and I looked up at him. A glint of the devil was in his eyes.

"Are you sure you want me to answer that?"

"Just go ahead." Jussi smirked and got on the couch.

He was straddling my hips and bent down to kiss me. He made it to my lips and starting kissing me like I was his life line. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. Jussi's hands went down to the end of my shirt. I half expected him to go lower, but his hands when under and upwards. Jussi pushed my shirt up past my stomach and almost past my bra when the door banged open. I took a pillow and put it in front of our faces. While doing so Jussi went back to kissing me.

"Jussi, stop trying to fuck the poor girl." Jyrki said ripping the pillow right out of my hands.

"Ow! You asshole!" I complained and put my finger in my mouth. The sweet yet yucky taste of blood overwhelmed my mouth.

"Don't be a baby Antoinette."

"You're the one that fucking made me bleed." I angrily said to him. Jussi took my finger from my mouth. "Stupid abusive rockstars."

"Hey!" Jussi said with a frown.

"Sorry." I quickly said.

"Jussi, do we have to force you off our friend?" Bazie said smiling and chuckling.

"No! He's mine!" I yelled.

I hugged on to him and wrapped my legs around his waist. Jussi was smirking to his band mates and I was casually flipping them off. Jussi had just won this battle. I was now smirking at them but turned away.

"So why are you guys here?" Jussi asked in acalm cocky tone.

"Ville sent us down." Timo said, also smiling.

"Let's go then." I suggested.

Jussi got off the couch but I didn't want to get off him. I rotated myself so I was holding on to his back and my legs around his waist. I screamed out 'wait' and tried to direct Jussi to my room so I could get my sweater. But he wasn't going the way I wanted him too. Instead he went out of the apartment and up stairs to Ville's apartment.

"Who sent you the flowers?" Archize asked me on our way up. I giggled and turned to him.

"My lovers."

"And they would be?" I sighed at him.

"Jussi and Bam. But Bam is my first lover and we already decided that we were going to elope. Then Jussi sent me those flowers for reasons that I don't know. However, I do know that I'm not suppose to ask how much they cost." Jyrki got a devious grin.

"How much did they cost Jus?"

"Shut up Jyrki." Jussi coldy said.

I found it funny and laughed. The guys opened Ville's door with no problem; just as they did to me. But the only difference being that they didn't bang the door open this time.

"There she is!" Ville happily said. I haven't seen him in a few days. But this was life for us. We'd see each other a few times then we wouldn't see each other for a while.

"Awww, now isn't that cute." A guy with crazy blonde dreadlocks said smiling.

"Our dear Antoinette, this is the rest of the band HIM." Ville started off, then introduced them off. "Mige, Burton, Gas, and Linde."

"This is Jussi's girlfriend Antoinette." Jyrki joked. But Jussi wasn't happy about this.

Sad thing is, Jussi isn't my boyfriend. Though I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend. Being like most woman, I wanted him to make the first move. And I will wait. But damn! I really want Jussi! I smiled to Jussi, but he was still scowling. I silently sighed and rolled my eyes. I got Jussi to put me down and sat down in an empty seat next to Burton. Jussi stayed where he was; in his own little world.

Around 1:15 in the morning

"Jennnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I whined in a baby voice.

"Annnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!" Jenna mimicked back in the same tone. If they were compared, they might match almost perfectly.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. I haven't talk to you in a couple weeks."

"It's been forever."

"What happened?" I sighed.

"Blah and blek!"

"Awww Annie! Is it that time of month again?!" Jenna asked me all giggly giggle.

"Shut up Jenna!" That proved that it is this time of month.

"Tell me what happened!"

Don't you love how your best friend can tell when you have something to tell them? I don't even have to wait that long for her to wonder. There I started to spill everything. I told her everything from getting into Helsinki to earlier today when Jussi left me with HIM and the rest of the 69 Eyes.

No one in the universe would ever believe how worried I felt. Jenna was dead silent on the line for three minutes now. I was afraid that she had fainted from the shock of the news. It's not the first time, we're known to sometimes faint when some big news is told to us. WE as in Jenna and I. But Jenna is known more for fainting.

"Jenna... please say something."

"Oh... my... monkeys... of hell.... You are my hero."

"I'm no hero Jenna."

"I know that bitch. You're my blood twin."

"Hell ya."

"So tell me, what is it with you and that Jussi guy?"

"God I wish I fucking knew. I'm falling for him but I don't know if I'm just his lust buddy or someone he likes."

"I say you fuck the age difference thing. So who cares if there's ten years between you two?"

"I don't. But I just can't help but think of my family when something like Jussi and I having a relationship comes up. Baltic and Abby are against us one million billion percent. And I don't even want to think of the rest of my family."

"So true. If your dad found out-"

"I'd be fifteen feet under."

"They wouldn't be that mean."

"According to them I'm not allowed to get pregnant, I can't have sex, I can't fucking marry. I can't have a life other than school and jobs."

"I have to back up on that one. I was there when they said that."

"Don't remind me. So! Let's change subjects!"

"Okay, what time is it in Helsinki?"

"1:30 or so. What about you?"

"Eight hours behind you."

"God damn it Jenna! It's 1:37 in the morning! Don't make me do math!"

"Sorry babe. It's five in the evening here. Aren't you tired?"

"Nope. Even though I have to work tomorrow and do homework."

"Wow, you're not doing homework right now?"

"Shut up Jenna!"

Jenna started laughing. I started laughing with her. Right now talking with Jenna took me away from thinking about Jussi. Earlier I couldn't help but think that I had something to do with Jussi being really tense earlier and leaving.

"You know what I can go for right now?" I asked two hours and sixteen minutes into our conversation and three bowls of fruit salad.

"What can you go for?"

"A V8."

"But you're eating fruit salad."

"But that's fruit. A V8 is a vegetable. There's a difference."

"True. God I missed you. Especially when you have your period and you crave the most random things."

"Last time I was with you it was Little Caesar’s pizza." Jenna started laughing like a hyena.

"You're just like a pregnant woman! Only you're not all big."

"That's not nice Jen-" A very loud and rushed knock took me away from my conversation.

"Annie, what's wrong?"

"Give me a moment. Someone is at my door."

"At three in the morning?"

"Apparently." I got off my L couch and opened the door. A male body stumbled into my arms. "Jenna!"


"I'm going to crash."

"What happened?!"

"Jussi is in my arms and I'm about to fall."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Jenna!" I hissed and carried the drunken Jussi to the couch.

"When he's not fucking drunk and not at three something in the morning."

"True true. He's alive?"

"Yep." I said just after Jussi groaned. I set him on my couch.

He started blinking on controllably and rest his head on the seat. I sighed and sat down next to him. There was nothing I could do but take care of him.

"God I wish you were here."


"So you could help me carry him."

"Awww but you're such a saint that you can easily take care of him yourself."


Jussi suddenly bolted up and ran to the bathroom. I sighed and followed after him. Jussi was hunched over the toilet dumping his stomach out. I put my hand against his bareback and starting caressing it. Like before, Jussi crashed on to the floor. I hurried and got him a glass of water; he drank it all but it took him a minute. I helped him up off the floor and went to my room. Jussi passed out just as we got to my bed. I scooted him over so he could get comfortable and I could sit with him.

"Are you still there Annie?" Jenna asked after five to ten minutes of silence and me helping Jussi.

"Yeah I'm here."

"How's Jussi?"

"Passed out. But fine by the looks of it."

"Should we stop?"

"No it's fine. I'm not tired, we can still talk."

"Thank god! I'm so bored here!" I laughed. "So now what?"

"I still want a V8."

"God Antoinette! Shut up and go buy a V8!" I cheesily smiled and pulled my blanket over Jussi.

"It's 3:45 in the morning Jenna. I don't believe any stores are open."

"King Supers is."

"But that's in Denver. I don't even think there's a King Supers in Helsinki."

"If there was you'd be there in a heart beat."

"That reminds me, I have to go food shopping."

"And your main product, dum dum dum dumm! V8!"

"Nooo! It would be vodka then the V8."

"Sorry, how could I forget?"

For those that don't know me, they wouldn't believe me when I said that I could stay on the phone with Jenna for hours. Already, I've been talking to her for 3 hours, more or less. But with your best friend you can find everything and anything to talk about. And weren't even tired, or I wasn't. I can't say about Jenna.

My best friend started laughing like fuck. I had just told her that Jussi was a bit of a cuddler. He moved positions and started hugging me. Nothing perverted or sexual, just very uncalled for and interesting. To make things worse and funnier, my V8 craving was growing and I was having cramps. I was testing my limit of how long I can go without pushing Jussi off me and running to get a Midol. Jenna was encouraging me to do so, but I was going to be a lady and wait out my limit.

Which is coming very soon.