Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


7:20 in the morning, and I'm still at it. We even fell asleep on each other, but we didn't care. Jussi was still sleeping. I had taken a shower and cleaned up. I was still cold in my jeans and army green long sleeve Henley. But that might be because of my damp hair and not wearing any socks.

"Eww and groody. Is your ear all wet and sweaty like mine?" I asked Jenna with a grossed out expression.

"It is actually. That is just nasty."

"Aren't you tired?"

"I don't have to work later, so I'll sleep all day."

"Works for you, though I have work later and I need to eat."

"THANK THE DEVIL!!!! SHE'S FINALLY GOING TO EAT BREAKFAST!" I pulled the phone from my ear.

"SHUT UP JENNA!" I screamed just as loudly as she did.

"Owwwwwwwww! My head! Stop screaming." Jussi cried out. I hadn't notice him walk across and planted his ass on one of the bar stools.

"Sorry." I said giving him an apologetic look.

I handed him a glass of orange juice and two tablets of aspirin. He quickly scarfed those down, I chuckled at him and set a plate down in front him. He looks down at the empty plate in hungry and wonder. I rolled my eyes and placed a cheese and egg crepe on the plate. Jussi went at it but pulled back from it burning him. I started cracking up at that.

"Annie?! Annie?! ANNIE! WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

"Nothing." I choked out laughing. "Talk to Jussi. I'm going to find some spices."

I handed the phone to a silent and confused Jussi. He hesitated in putting the phone to his ear and talking to Jenna. I rolled him eyes and his stupidity while climbing to my spice cabinet.

"Hello?... Oh hello love. How are you?.... That's great, so tell me something.... Anything really. I don't care wh- No that's perfect! Tell me about our dear Scottish Queen of France." I snapped my head to Jussi.

"No! Don't you dare Jenna! I will murder your ass!"

"Really now? That explains the box of Midol I'm staring at."

I groaned and sat down on the counter. "No no no no no. I want a V8!"

"Is that why she's whining about wanting a V8 and rocking from side to side?"

"I want a V8 I want a V8-"

"Love, your crepe is going to burn."

I snapped out of my whining and ran to my crepe. I dropped it on a plate for myself; also burning myself in the process. I turned the fire off, burning myself again and almost falling off the counter. Then I went back to complaining on how much I want a V8.

"She hung up on me."

"Her cell phone died. Can I have my V8 now?" Jussi chuckled and patted the seat next to him. I smirked and walked over to that seat.

"Love, how badly do you want your V8?"

"Since two or three in the morning."

"Positive?" I sent him a look. "Yep, you're positive."

"Are we going any where with this?"

"Why yes love, we are. After we're done and you follow me to my apartment, you get your V8." I smiled and felt my eyes glitter in happiness.

"Really?!" Jussi smiled and nodded his head.

"Really love."

"Well let's go!" I whined.

"Love, give me a moment." I groaned and blew some of my bangs away from my eyes.

"Fine; I'll go find my shoes and jacket."

With that said I went into my room and started looking for my stuff. I needed my bag, socks, boots, and jacket. I found 3 out of those 4 things, but not my jacket. Though I can survive with out my jacket, I have more than enough hoodies. I grabbed an element hoodie and skipped back to the living room. Jussi was still in his hung over state.

"Are you going to pass out?"

"No love."

"You sure?"

"No." I smiled.

"You're fine then." Jussi stared at me like I was crazy. "Remember, I'm the youngest of seven. I know more than you think and more than you'd ever want." Jussi ponder over what I had said.

"That makes sense. Let's go."

I smiled and clapped my hands. Jussi chuckled at my doings while looking for his grey Misfits coat. I took it from the couch that was in front of him and held the coat in front of his eyes. Jussi smiled and happily put it on him. He took my hand and pulled me out of my apartment.

"Please tell me I didn't do something stupid last night." Jussi suddenly said on our way to his apartment.

"I can't say anything before three am, but after that you were a passed out hellyard." I paused, waiting for his response. "That's a good thing."

"That doesn't calm me down all that much."

"Well I'm sorry but I was on the phone when you gave me a heart attack."

"My apologizes Love, you apartment was closer than mine and Ville was actually with us that night. And thank the devil that you were an angel and took me in."

"Aww Jussi! I wouldn't turn you down. Unless you pissed me off beyond pissed; but you didn't. Last night was a change and reminder of my grand ole life."

"And here we are." I didn't notice it until now but we were already inside the building and standing in front of a door. "But I'm warning you now, the place is a bit of a mess."

"Nothing that'll be new to me."

"You've been warned, keep that in mind." I smiled and saluted him.

"Will do sir."

Jussi walked in first and hurried off to the back of the apartment. Leaving me to swim through his mess. Swim being metaphorically used for more drama and affect. And for my own enjoyment, but moving on. His apartment was bigger than mine and the mess wasn't that bad. Just like Ville's apartment there were empty and even filled beer bottled almost everywhere. Ash trays scattered around with burnt out cigarettes, random stuff casually tossed around the floor, and I don't even want to see the kitchen.

I found the sofa clean enough and went to lay on it. It was black cloth four person couch, with a smaller one on the other side. This one actually seemed a little warm and extremely comfortable. I believe I like it more than my couch.

"Ahh, that is a popular sofa you're laying on love." I giggled and smiled to Jussi.

"I like it."

"I've noticed. Let me brush my teeth and then we'll be off."

"Oh yay!" I smiled and raced off the couch. Jussi took my free waist and put his arm around it.

In no time Jussi and I were at a small store that sold lesser brand items. I stood next to Jussi as he paid for his cigarettes and a bottle of V8. He smiled to me when handing me the V8. I clapped and started jumping. The man behind the cashier than ran the store smiled to us while giving Jussi his change.


"Of course! I've waited eighteen hours for this!" I replied after taking a sip of my drink. Jussi dropped me off at the store then went off to the recording studio.

"So I guess you two are a thing?" Henna asked me with a smirk.

"I guess you can say that." I replied with a smirk that out matched hers.

"Well let's get to work."

After work...

I sat in Ville's apartment in his lap with the rest of HIM. They were aimlessly talking while I was doing some homework. The Eyes were still in the recording studio and will be there until

"You know what's coming up love?" Ville asked me with a devious grin. I smiled and asked him what. "You're birthday."

"Only a couple weeks." I happily replied.

"What do you want to do?" I looked at HIM with confused eyes.


"Well it's your first birthday in Helsinki, we 'ought to do something special." Burton informed me.

"Oh... okay...?" I said unsure.

This was either a good idea or a bad idea. I can't tell... it's way too early. But I'm just going to let these guys do what they want. If they want to do something un-Bam-like for my birthday be my guest, as long as I don't get arrested or anything along those lines.

"Going to leave love?" Ville questioned when I started to get up from his lap.

"Yep. I have more work to do and I'm going to eat something."

"Don't burn anything." Mige jokingly said. A little inside joke between us.

"I won't." I smiled back and left the apartment.

I walked down the short stair case to be met with a surprise. One of the last people that have been on my mind lately was standing in front of my door. A very annoyed expression on their face. The other person was just leaning against my door trying to ignore the first person.

"God, don't you ever stop talking?" I glared at Baltic.

"Unlike you, people actually like me." Baltic scoffed and stiffed up when I pasted him to get to my door.

"You mean they just want to fuck you."

"God you're such a jerk. I don't know why I put up with you!" I complained and got through my door.

"That makes two of us." Janos mumbled and let himself in; but it was more like I invited him in.

However, I didn't invite Baltic in.

"Those from Jussi?" Janos asked about the flowers that were on my table.

"The bigger ones are, the other is from Bam."

"Bam Margera?" Janos was astonished, I would be too if were him.

"Yep, he tried sending something else but his mom caught him. I weren't expecting them."

"Damn... how much did Jussi pay for those? These are nice flowers... plus there are a lot of them."

"He wouldn't tell me and I didn't even ask him."

"Smart idea." Janos stated and moved his eyes from the flowers. "Have any plans?"

"Eat then sleep."

"Another smart idea for Miss Antoinette!"

"Why thank you Janos. Have any reason to be here?"

Janos' face fell. "Baltic forced me."

"All right then, better question; any reason for BALTIC to be here?"

"You and Jussi are getting way too close for my liking." I rolled my eyes and moved over to the kitchen.

"Yeah, for your liking. I'm a hundred percent fine with it."

"Of course you are, you're the one that's being fucked." I glared at Baltic then looked away.

"We haven't fucked you idiot, it's only been three days. Stop thinking I'm some whore that goes after Finnish rockstars."

"It seems like it." I looked up and pointed the knife [that was in my hand] at his heart.

"I'm going to find the bathroom." Janos said and ran off to the rooms.

"Why do you even care? It'll be my life that's ruined, I can fix it with out your help. Just be a normal person and butt out. I've taken care of things so far, all you're doing is ruining things. So is your wife."

"We're only trying to help."

"Oh my god totally! You're totally helping me lose my sanity."

"You lost it when you dyed your hair and god knows how long ago that was."

"No one asked you to bring that up."

"I'm right though."

"All right! You're right! There you go! Get the fucking hell out of my apartment and my life! YOU were the reason why I chose Helsinki instead of some other dumb country! Now because of you all I want to do is get the hell out of here!"

"And do that Annie! Leave those bastards and go back to the states! This isn't you place." I dropped my knife against the cutting board with a loud clank.


"Don't be like that Anni-"

"NO! GET YOUR DEAD BODY OUT OF HERE! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN OR TALK TO YOU! YOU'RE DEAD!" I screamed to him, my voice cracking so slightly.

If it wasn't for Janos I would have had to go to extreme measures. But Janos roughly forced Baltic out of my apartment. I didn't care that he left the door open. I dropped everything I was cooking and hurried to my bed room. The room was dark as midnight and just as cold too. I felt tears coming to my face as I crawled into my bed and pulled my covered over my head.

I was acting so childish about this. I didn't need to be crying right now, but I am. And I'm probably going to have some random ass drunk dude come into my apartment and steal random shit. I didn't actually stop sobbing fora couple minutes an hour. I was in the fetal position; holding my legs and my head against my knees.

"I come with gifts love." I felt a wave of comfort from the voice of my Helsinki Vampire. But I didn't say anything.

Jussi moved over to my bed and hugged me. Only a few thick layer of blankets and sheet between us. He had something box shaped in his hands while hugging me.

"HIM heard everything from upstairs and told us. That's why I brought you something."

"You didn't have to."

"After hearing what happened, it's necessary. And I know you'll like them. But the only way you can get them is if you get your ass out of bed." I groaned and turned on my side.

"Must I really?"

"Yes love."

I groaned and slowly pulled the sheets off me. I sat up in bed and looked in the darkness. Jussi was sitting up as well and pulled me in a hug. Before going to my living room Jussi softly pecked my lips.

"C'mon love, I'll carry you." I wasn't going to back down from an offer like that. Jussi stood up and picked me up bridal style.

"Want to tell me what you got me?"

"Candy love. Lots and lots and lots of sugary filled candy. Plus a couple other things." My mood lightened up and I kissed Jussi's cheek.

"You are such a vampire."