Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


"Oh my god Scottie! You look so cute!" Tatiana shrieked in happiness.

I swear, she's drinking waaaaaaaay too much coffee to be healthy. She and Henna have officially named me Scottie, because I'm Scottish. Sometimes Tatiana calls Henna 'Tonia' because she’s Estonian. Tatiana... we're still thinking of a nick name for her. Fishy might do well; she is Finnish after all.

"What's so cute?" Henna asked. Tatiana grinned and showed her the magazine she was looking at.

"Aren't I right?"


"Okay, that's it. Let me see!"

"You mean you haven't seen this? Nor read it?" Henna asked me. I nodded my head, "Thank god it's in English."

Henna passed me the magazine. I had to flip through the magazine just to find out what they were looking at. I saw the pictures and looked up. Tatiana giggled and jumped. On the contrary, Henna looked quite worried. I didn't ask any vocal questions but started reading the article; which was pretty lengthy.

'Another night, another girl.... The classic rockstar thing. Here we have one of the sexiest drummers alive, Jussi 69 of the 69 Eyes, out for a drink with the band. For a long time his love life has been quite secretive; and it's been awhile since we've seen or heard of Katrinna.'

But this night, there was a new guest our photographers noticed. Our mystery person being tall, lovely blue eyes-

"I'm glad they like my eyes enough to compliment them in the article." I muttered.

"Keep reading!" They demanded me.

"I am, I am... geez. Crazy people."

'-and long black hair. The perfect impression of a vampire. Walking by you wouldn't have noticed her. Hardly saying a word and quietly yet casually laughing at something that was spoken. Towards the end of the night our journalist found Jussi 69's secret-'

"I can't read this!" I pouted and tossed the magazine to the side.

"You haven't even read the good part. Read this section," Tatiana gladly showed me a few paragraphs to read.

'For years now Jussi has kept us on our toes to see who his next girl is. We're left to wonder about the other girl and what happened to them. Currently we're wondering where Katrinna is. The last time we saw her she was linking arms with Jussi and strolling through Helsinki Park.

I'm sure we all remember what Jussi have said about Katrinna in the past. 'She's the one for me!' 'I'll never leave her for another woman. I swear on my music!' What happened to that? Has Jussi reverted back to his womanizing way? And who is this new girl? We've seen here more than a few times with our dear Jussi 69.'

"Oh my god! He has a girlfriend!"

"WHAT?!" Tatiana screamed and pushed past Henna to see. "OH MY GOD! I told you to read those paragraphs! Not those!"


"Maybe they're messing with us!"

"Shut up Fishy!" I unhappily said.

'We will compliment her on her vampiric looks. She does seem to have captured something in Jussi's eyes. Sadly no one can tell if it's only lust between them; since we have to take into account what Jussi says about Katrinna. If he is what he said he is, we'd being seeing more of Katrinna and less of this mystery "vampire".'

"WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" I screamed. Tatiana and Henna has the expression as I.

"They don't like you." Henna whispered.

"No fuck shitlock!" I hissed.

"They are totally wrong! They're making you and Jussi the bad guys while his girlfriend is the innocent one."

"I have nothing to do with this! Henna! Fix it!" I whined.

"This just came out yesterday. Jussi's on the cover; I swear to you, every fan in Helsinki will be reading this."

"Shut up Henna! You're not helping!" Tatiana hissed then crossed her arms.

What's she so pissed off about?! I'm the one that got told off in a magazine! The stupid people don't even know me! I've been named some mystery girl that has vampiric looks! They're making it seem that I'm the bad person along with Jussi and "Katrinna" is the poor innocent person! I don't even know what to think!

I sighed and looked down in sadness. I noticed Henna taking out her lighter and holding the magazine above her.... She's not doing what I want her to do? She is. She's burning the magazine. I smiled and grabbed both things from her; doing it for myself.

"Who wants to bet that Jussi will run into the shop?" Tatiana asked an hour later. No one has come in, like usual. We all were free to do what we want.

"I have thirty Euros on me." I announced.

"I have twenty five." Henna replied.

"And I have thirty as well. That makes eighty five Euros."

"Works for me. What's the time limit?"

"In forty five minutes." Henna quickly replied.

"Forty five minutes it is!"

Three hours later

The bet was extended- from eighty five Euros to three hundred and eighty Euros. All of that was my fault. Three hours from when we started the bet nothing happened. Many people came in the shop. None of us knew why we were getting so much popularity, but we liked it.

"We close up in ten minutes, who wants to leave early?" I announced.

"We do." The girls said.

"Good enough for me. Let's go."

"What about our bet?" Tatiana asked.

"Extend it to tomorrow." I said and got up.

I've forgotten all about the magazine and focused on the bet. I know, pathetic. But its 380 euros and it's bound to get larger. Us three went through the whole process of shutting down the shop. We all walked to one street then went our three different ways. In the middle of my walk home my phone went off; it was the loudest noise in the area. Causing passing by people to cringe and jump in surprise.

"Evening Jyrki." I said into the phone.

"Ello darling, have you seen Jussi?"

"Nope, I just got off of work."

"Okay. Well he said something about heading over to your place around ten minutes ago so he can talk to you."

"Did he tell you what?"

"He didn't. But tell him we have band practice tomorrow early in the morning."

"Will do Jyrki."

"Thank you darling." He said chuckling and hung up.

Why are they so weird? I rolled my eyes and made it up to my floor. I was half surprised to see Jussi sleeping against my door. But with Jyrki's "warning" I wasn't ask surprised. Feeling lazy and not wanting bend down I lightkicked nudge Jussi.


"Jyrki told me you left ten minutes ago."

"I called him. I've been sitting for a little less than an hour." I rolled my eyes.

"You pansy." I muttered.

"Love, do you have a free moment to talk?"

It must be about the article. It has to be. There's no other reason.

"Of course." I said hiding my thoughts. "Come in and we'll talk there."

Jussi got up from the ground then plopped his ass on one of the couches. I sat across from him after I placed my bag and jacket on the table. We sat in silence, no eye contact, for a few moments. It was obvious Jussi wasn't going to start up the conversation. Meaning I'll have to.

"This is about the article."

"Correct. Did you read it?"

"Yep. Then burned it."


"Cause its shit."

"It's true though."

"Exactly why I burned it." I retaliated back. This is going to be a very harsh convo.

"I didn't really like it, I have no idea that was coming. Usually the magazine would ask us for our permission to write an article about us and take some pics of us. This time they didn't."

"It was more of a tabloid than a magazine article."


That's semi-cleared up. But we need to get to the point now.

"Is Katrinna your girlfriend?" That question came to a surprise for Jussi. But he should have been expecting it. The article was about him, me intruding, and Katrinna left in the shadows. That question was bound to pop up and I want an answer.

"... Yes, well kinda." I looked at him like he was crazy.


"Well a few days before you came to Helsinki her and I were having out difficulties. She said she was tired of my whole rockstar thing and needed a break. The same day you arrived she left Finland saying she needed some time to think. I thought of that as a closure since we didn't have any contact....

"I didn't plan on any of this. I didn't plan on going over the Ville's place that day, I didn't plan on getting close with you then falling in love with you. Antoinette, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall in love with you. Katrinna's back and she wants to start things over again." I stayed silent for the longest time. Sitting with my hands folded neatly in my lap and leaning back into my chair. I looked directly at nothing, while Jussi stared at me. He's trying to reach my eyes with his but I refused to look at him.

"Please Antoinette, don't make me choose between you and Katrinna."

"I never said that, but it's true."

"I love you both and I don't want to hurt neither of you. This month or so have been amazing with you, even though I didn't plan on falling with you I couldn't help myself. I honestly don't give a damn if there's ten years apart.... You made me forget about Katrinna. But with Katrinna, I felt she was the one for me. I have no idea what her thoughts was but she started becoming distant from me."

"God I hate saying this," I murmured to myself even though Jussi could hear it. "I've said it so many times in the past."

I let one of the biggest sighs I've taken. This was a repeat of my past relationship. I hate to be a bitch, but Jussi is being harsher than my last boyfriend.

"I can't and will not tell you who to choose. Just choose who you think will make the biggest impact in your life. If you choose wrong, that'll be a life lesson for you. This was all a mistake. I shouldn't have gotten close to you; I'm only in Helsinki for school. As soon as I get my business degree.... I don't know. I'll probably end up leaving Finland or Europe all together to open up my own business or invest in some business."

"Antoinette, please love, don't be like that. You're probably the best girl I've ever had. Please give me a few days to decide. I promise I will let you know before your birthday. Please love, I'm begging you." And he was. I sighed and accepted his proposal. Not soon after that the door knocked. Or there was a knock on the door but you get my point. A girl shorter than me with cropped red hair and piercing black eyes stared at me.

'I would take Draco's eyes any day instead of hers. No matter who she is.'

I gave her a small smile she smiled back but it was totally fake. "I'm looking for Jussi; is he here?"

"Erm, yeah." Jussi was already on his feet and heading out to meet this woman. He gave me an apologetic look that nearly killed me.

"Jussi, sweetie, I'll meet you down stairs. I just want to get acquainted with your friend."

"Um, okay...?" Her smile got him to leave. When he was gone she snapped her head back at me. Even though I am taller than her by a full seven inches she made me feel tiny.

"So you're the vampire girl I read about. God you look horrible, are you trying to be anorexic? But getting down to the point; stay the hell away from Jussi. He's my man you were just his fuck toy while I was away. Any feelings you have for him, kill them." In seconds she changed her mood. "Are we savvy?"

"Oh yes! Of course!"

"Oh great! Now back off bitch."

Now that was a serious and rude wake up call. She trotted off to find Jussi. I wiped my eyes and closed the doors.

December 1st, Around Noon

"Come on darling! You're tall enough to not even have to jump it!" I giggled at Jyrki and tried not jumping the two and a half foot high fence separating me from the guys at the table. I groaned but made it across and sneaked my way inside the restaurant. I found an empty chair in the corner across from Linde and to the left of Jyrki.

"Never make me do that again Jyrki." I said giggling. Jyrki stood up and kissed each of my cheeks; I did the same to him in return.

"See?" I barely heard Katrinna whisper. I pretended like I didn't hear her and greeted everyone else. Even Jussi and Katrinna.

"So how are you love?" Ville asked me.

"Great. I'm freezing my ass though."

"Then you should have wore a jacket." I rolled my eyes and Linde.

"I have some serious issues concerning jackets." I said smiling and ordering a drink. Jyrki smiled, he knew all about what I was talking about.

"I love hearing this darling. No matter how many jacket, sweaters, or hoodies she has she can't find either of them." Everyone looked at Jyrki wanting him to explain further. "She was complaining to me this morning."

I smiled and backed up Jyrki. It was a fun little conversation we had. I was flipping out this morning, but he called me first asking me to meet him and the guys for lunch. He was the one the actually told me to not bring a jacket. I wish he explained why. But I'm prepared to receive what he has to say.

Lunch went by smoothly. Only Katrinna and Jussi didn't take any part in it. They were in their own world. One that involved some making out. I was repulsed about it and tried my best to ignore it. Thankfully they stopped... for now.

"What are you doing for your birthday?" The dreaded question asked by Bazie.

"Ugh, ask the guys of HIM. They're planning something. All I know is that I'm getting Jenna to fly out." I replied.

"When is she coming out?" Ville asked.

"I don't know, I haven't told her yet."

"Call her." The guys told me. I shrugged and got out my phone.

I don't care what time it is in Virginia. But Jenna won't care; no. I'm her bestest friend, she'll be totally glad to come here. Her phone picked up but it was her boyfriend. I snapped at him to hand the phone over to Jenna. He said she was asleep but I don't care.

"What the fuck Annie?"

"Put her on speaker!" Mige wanted. I smiled and put her on speaker.

"Yo Jenna, you're on speaker."

"Oh okay. Who am I talking to?"

"HIM, and the 69 Eyes."

"I LOVE YOU ANTOINETTE!!!!!!!" I chuckled.

"You'll love me even more, just listen to me. I want you to fly out to Helsinki for my birthday."

"Well of course bitch! Did you ever think I'd miss your birthday? You're my slut!"

"And you're my whore." I said smiling, everyone was confused as fucking hell.

Some of them caught on and joined in. That made my best friend as happy as ever. She was about the be everyone's friend. After talking with her for a while she agreed on coming to Helsinki. Leaving tonight and being here tomorrow.