Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


♥Jenna TeCore's PoV♥

I'm stuck all alone in Antoinette's big apartment. I don't like it. Her place is nice, but it's big and quiet. In the kitchen I found a list of phone numbers and where my best friend would be until evening. I smirked and took my cell phone from Antoinette's room; she didn't have a phone for her apartment. Getting an idea I dialed Ville's number. It was December third, two days until Antoinette's birthday. I have no idea what she's doing... she doesn't even know what she's doing.

A simple phone call to Ville led to a meeting of the two bands Antoinette has been hanging out with lately. All I want to know is what Antoinette's birthday plans are. Apparently so are the 69 Eyes and some of the members of HIM.

"I was thinking of a dinner." Ville said.

"She'd like a lot of alcohol." I said aloud. "She's not one for a huge ass birthday party unless it's for someone else. Just give her booze and balloons filled with helium, and you've got a party."

"That can be worked out." Ville mumbled.

"I hate to say this, but none of us really know Antoinette all too well. What does she eat?" Jyrki said a little quietly. Embarrassed at himself.

You mean what kind of food she eats whenever she actually decides to eat...

"Oh that's easy. Anything. She favors Chinese, Greek, and Italian food."

"... I know this one restaurant." Timo-Timo said. "I've been there a couple times. It's nice and reasonably price. Something Annie would like."

"Anything with colorful balloons, hard alcohol, red bull, confetti, and chocolate is good. She's a retard but I love her."

"Where is she?" Jussi asked.

Jussi 69. Antoinette's current crush. I think she actually had something with him until she heard he was still with his current girlfriend. But this man is HOT. No, gorgeous.

"School. Tomorrow and Friday she's taking those days off. But she's going to class Saturday and Sunday to makeup."

"And when does she get back?" Damn hottie asks a lot of questions.

"Um like nowish?" I said looking at my watch. Suddenly I heard someone trip and fall. "That's Antoinette Kristen Kavinstavanti for you.... The biggest retard I know."

"And the only retard you love." Antoinette said coming in and rubbing her ass.

"Tripped up the stairs again?" Ville asked laughing.

"Shut up! I forgot I have to stop going up the stairs on the seventh floor." She said annoyed and still rubbing the place she fell on.

"You're a retard, but I still love you." She sneered and flipped me off.

All of us took time before Antoinette left to her room to study her. Her choice of clothing really showed howanorexic skinny she was. Her black long sleeve shirt with silver and pink foil skulls showed off her skinny stomach and big boobs. That just makes me laugh because it's like anorexic girls have no boobs. Her boobs are like B36.

But on to her jeans, they were blue grey, sexy, just perfect on her. They made her tall and good proportioned legs stand out. In her room we heard our lovely Antoinette scream then fall; all because she was trying to take her shoe off. Instead of bursting out laughing we decided on sending someone to check on her while the rest of us tried not to let out our laughs. But that plan was destroyed when her ass came into view. She was dragging her navy love sac and some black thingy.

"Should I get you a redbull?" I offered. She set her love sac down and jumped on it with the black thingy wrapped around her.


♥Antoinette Kavinstavanti's PoV♥

Jenna came back with a cold redbull for me. I took it after squealing in delight. Redbull is like me and alcohol; we go together perfectly. Jenna laughed and opened her own redbull.

"I didn't even know I had a redbull." I said.

"You've got a lot of stuff. You're just too lazy to actually look." I scoffed.

"Shut up! So what's this little party about?"

"Your birthday." Jussi said softly smiling. My eyes glittered, a first in front of Jussi.

"Oooo! What about my birthday?" I cooed and sat up in my bean bag.

"It's a surprise darling." Jyrki said smiling. Jussi calls me love and Jyrki calls me darling.

"Do I have to wait two more days?"

"Yes." Everyone said.

I rolled my eyes at them. Time passed and we got started into watching old home videos I had laying around in a box. Most of them are of me; okay ninety eight percent of them have me in them. The other percent is me holding the camera. These home videos are proving how much of a dork I am.

"Oh my god! I love this one!" Jenna exclaimed and drummed her feet.

"Start the music." A younger version of myself in jeans rolled up into capris, a red tube top, a skull necklace, and black ballet flats.

The next thing heard was the beginning of ‘Jenny from the Block’. Next stupid thing was me and my friend Will dancing horribly. He was doing random shit while I was doing horrible and gay ass gangster/rapper "dances". Then we started singing the chorus. Yes, it was horrible. Next thing happening my brother was coming up the stairs screaming. Causing Will and I to trip on our dancing then scream. The act faded away then focused on my young niece Kirsten.

"Say it sweetie!" My voice said not too far away.

"Now for the music thingy.... Was that good enough Auntie?" I came up behind smiling and kissing her cheek.

"Amazing sweetie." I looked up at the camera and pointed a ring at it. "You heard her!"

One of my favorite all time songs ‘Dancing With Myself’ by Billy Idol played. The scene opened up with Billy Idol's music video, it went on to many clips of me tripping up the stairs.

"WHY ME!" A younger version of myself from years ago screamed after tripping up the stairs then fall down.

It was a slide show of my tripping-ness when up stairs. I've come to terms will my horrible habit of tripping but there's one thing I haven't come to turns with. The music ended and the next video was of my sister-in-law Martha and I. She smiled and had a picture in her hands. This was before we hated he each other and while she was pregnant with her second child Katrina.

"Anyone that meets Antoinette nowadays will never realize it, but this skinny chick actually use to be a chubby baby." She smiled to me and tickled my stomach. I laughed as she did so and raised up my shirt. I had a little more meat on me than I have now. Then she held the picture she was holding up to the camera. It was a picture of me as a baby. A chubby baby.

"And now we take a look at my brilliant niece Stella." I held Stella in my arms. She looked exactly like me. Even the eyes where the same. The only thing was different about us is her red hair. "And you know what; she will end up being skinny like me. So ha! Ha to all you fat people that wish to be skinny!"

"You're just anorexic."

I threw a dirty look to Martha. I stuck my tongue at her and ran away with Stella. Also scream "I'm a skinny slut and you're not! Be jealous! Cause I know you are!" After that day Martha kept cracking insulting anorexic jokes at me. No one in our family was anorexic and all her insulting and pressure of society made me crash. I decided the next week that I no longer wanted to be the chubby little kid I once was.

The guys left after a couple more hours of watching stupid videos of me and about me. Jenna and I went in my room and started the stereo. She hugged me and I hugged her back. But we don't let go.

"Jussi likes you."

"He has a girlfriend."

"I don't think so. You were too busy laughing at yourself to realize that he was looking at you. And not the perverted kind looks, the ‘I love you’ looks." I stuck my tongue at her.

"You're lying."

"Would I lie to you?"


"True. But would I lie to you about love?"

".... No."


"But he said he would tell me who he chooses before my birthday!"

"It's before your birthday already! Or maybe he's going to wait for your birthday! Either way, HE LIKES YOU ANTOINETTE!"

"-" I didn't get to say anything there.


I chose to ignore her. But she was right. I did notice Jussi's stares at me. And they were
exactly like she said. But I'm afraid. Jussi already knows personal stuff about me some of my own friends back in the states would never dream off.

"Tomorrow... we go shopping." Jenna said before going to sleep.