Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


Shopping. A girl's best way to cool down, all time classic, best thing to do, and the only thing to do. According to Jyrki, he wanted me to go shopping for some nice clothes to wear. Him, Ville, and Jenna went through all my shit trying to find stuff. Nothing they liked. However, Jyrki and Ville did like the bra and panties’ drawer.Men BOYS.

"I don't understand what you mean by ca- Oh!!!! Shiny!" Yes, I was distracted by black glittery high heels. "I need those shoes!"

"Now we're getting somewhere!" Jenna happily said and walked in the shoe store with me.

I ended up being surrounded by different pairs of shoes; the majority of them being heels for my birthday. I will be getting the black sparkly heels, also these shoes: one, two, three, and four.

"Antoinette! We need to be shopping for tomorrow!"

"I'm almost done! Let me just pay for these shoes and we can get shopping."

I gave the man my credit card while another bagged my new shoes. I don't need any more shoes, but who's to tell me that? My birthday is tomorrow and I can do whatever the fuck I want and buy whatever the fuck I want. For instance that, dress in the store across the street. We'll go there, but our next stop is the store next door; Jenna says there are some nice clothes. She left me to go look so I could shoe decide on my own.... Not a good idea.

"What kind of clothes should I be looking for?"

"Something nice!"

"Nice can be anything! Fancy? Casual? Preppy? GIVE ME SOME INFORMATION!" No, I did not scream inside the store. I screamed outside the store.

"No! I'll tell you which clothes are right and which aren't."

"Bitch..." I whispered. "Someone needs a Midol."

"Ugh! Shut the fuck up Antoinette!"

We're going to kill each other at the end of this.

In the store we split up and just hand a bunch of clothes in our arms, most of them for me. It's like I'm shopping for a whole new wardrobe. I pulled my sea green polo, dark skinny jeans, and silver tie up ballet flats over my once exposed body. This outfit. I took all the clothes in the dressing room and put them on the counter. Behind me, Jenna dropped her handful on top of mine. All these clothes, mine. There's gotta be something for me to put together, if not, then all this money will just be a waste.

"What are we doing for my birthday?"

"It's a surprise!"

"Oh come on Jenna!" I pleaded. I distaste surprises. Some I can handle others I just can't stand.

"Let's just get to your place and start coming up with outfits."

"Oh great..."

That night

We had nothing planned for dinner, I wanted to eat but Jenna was going to skip dinner and picking out an outfit or two for me to look at later. She was busying herself with the Finnish news cast. By the looks of it, someone either died or is missing. I almost wish I can understand and know Finnish; it would help to understand the weather sooo much easily.

"Is Jussi coming?" I asked out of no where.

"He said he had something important to tell you."

"So that means he's coming?"

"Yep. What exactly happened between you two?"

"A lot of stuff."

"Well no shit Sherlock." I hissed. "Him and I got close, then there was a tabloid article about us. In the article it mentioned Jussi had a girlfriend and he's using me to cheat on her. I didn't know that and when I confronted him about it he said he would tell me who he chooses before my birthday."

"Well maybe he's going to tell you tomorrow."
"But he's been with her since then! He's already chosen." Jenna was going to say something but my phone started ringing. I answered it, thinking it was a call, but it ended up being a text message.

Are you free for dinner? Will you go out to dinner with me?

"Um, I'm going to go out to dinner with one of the guys."

"... Okay."

"I'll call you later or whatever."

"Have fun." I smiled to her and tied the strings of my silver metallic ballet flats around my ankles.

I picked up my black bag and left my apartment. I opened the text message window on my phone and replied: I'm in, what place? & Where? 'A small local place near the water. It's not to far from your place, just head to the park then turn to the pier. But don't go into the pier walk past it and you'll see it.' 'God, we're both lucky directions is one of my strong points. I'll be there in 20 or whatever.'

I followed the directions given to me and just like he said, I saw it. I softly smiled when I found him. He sent me a matching smile. I didn't expect him to stand up and kiss my cheek, but he did. We both sat down. A diet coke was already brought to me as well as a menu. The food was already ordered, I didn't know what was on the menu, and being made.

"How've you been love?" Jussi asked me.

"I've been better I guess... if I didn't have to go through five thousand articles of clothing to only pick out two." He chuckled.

"Jyrki said that he and Ville sent you shopping with Jenna today."

"It was not fun. The bitch made me try on a billion clothes. The only good that came out of it was I getting to go shoe shopping for four pairs of shoes."

"What did you want to wear?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know really. But I'd be more dressed up than usual.... You know what we're doing for my birthday right?"

"Of course I do." I wickedly smirked. "And I can't tell you."

"Aww why not?"

"Because it's a surprise."

"Well, will there be alcohol?"

"Of course love." I smiled.

"For an extra bottle of Jack I won't ask any more questions."

"There's no need for that."

"So? I want an extra bottle of Jack."

"Why? Is it because you're going to steal all the rest of the alcohol for your own fun?"

"Yes." I smartass said.

Our plates were taken away and replaced with some black berries. I smiled and took one then placed it in my mouth. I was purposely trying to make Jussi go crazy. Not sure that it's working.

"When I was younger, Jenna, my friend Bethany, and I would sneak into my neighbor's property and just eat their blackberries. Our lips would be so stained deep purple. Then I think after twelve years or so we got tired of them and never ate them since. This is the first in almost eight years."

"Wow, these berries aren't common this time of year."

"I bet not, it's December." I laughed.

"It's getting late love. Maybe I should be talking you home."

"Good idea."

"I'll walk with you." I smiled and accepted. Jussi's credit card was given back to him and we both left the water side place.

We had a very quiet walk. It was a little awkward and just nerve racking. I couldn't wait until I got to our building. Jussi stopped walking when we got to my building. He wasn't going to go inside with me. I say good night and good bye and went inside alone. I could hear Jenna up in my room looking through my clothes.

I found an empty spot to sit on my bed. My new clothes were now living in my closet accessorizing a hanger. I took a look at a few of the outfits Jenna had laid out. I put two of them away all together. I'm not wearing a dress. I sighed and found one within seconds.

"That? You're going to wear that?"

"Yes." I simply said and placed the outfit on my vanity chair. I took my shoes off and crawled into bed. "I ate blackberries."

"Blackberries? We haven't had those in years."

"I know... I missed them. Like I miss him."

"Things will be better by tomorrow. I'm sure of it."

"I hope so. I like him too much."

My Birthday

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLUT!" My amazing alarm clock. Being jumped on by Jenna and her screaming random shit to me. I soon joined hands with her and were jumping on my bed, ring around the rosy style. At some point I slipped on a sheet and crashed on to the floor.

"Fuck. That killed." I groaned, cradling the arm I broke my fall with.

"Do you want to go out for breakfast?"


"I get to choose your outfit!" She cheered and jumped off the bed right next to me.

"Just don't kill me and help me up."

Jenna took my non hurt hand and got me up to the bathroom. I did the daily normal morning routine. Showered and everything. A pair of underwear and a bra was placed on the counter by Jenna for me to wear until I get my clothes. With them on and the towel still around me I started drying my hair the straightening out for a finishing perfection. I did my make up; bottom eyeliner, eggplant eye shadow, powder foundation, and mascara. I stepped out of the bathroom and found the outfit Jenna chose for me. I looked at it and took it inside with me.

I smiled at the outfit Jenna gave me. I forgot I bought that dress yesterday. I put the heart pendant over my neck and put on my heels. I found a Juicy Couture purse and a jacket to wear. Jenna was dressed up nicely as well and hiding something in her jacket. I didn't ask and just locked my apartment on the way out. Open toe shoes in snow, very bad and stupid idea.

"Where are we going?"

"I saw some place we could eat yesterday."

"Oh cool. Is it just us?"

"Yep." It's weird how... honest she's being. That's not my Jenna.

Jenna got inside first and found a table. A pretty large table actually. That's when I realized all the balloons and birthday stuff. Also that there will be more people coming; like the ones coming from another door. My coat was peeled off my shoulders leaving me a little chilled in this heated place. I giggled and hugged Jenna.

"You're a lying bitch." I said to her.

"Screw that! Happy birthday baby!"

The rest of my birthday wishes came from a phone call from Bam, the 69 eyes, Negative -they were just passing by, and HIM. Like usual lately, I sat next to Jyrki and Jenna. A nice group of presents were lined up on the window side. I ended up getting chocolate chip pancakes with some juice.

"Is it present time yet?!" I pouted. Jyrki laughed and handed me a random bag.

"Here you go sweetheart."

"To my slut, from your whore." I read. I dug through the bag and found a gold metal bracelet.

"Love me?"

"Duh I do. All right, bring on the presents."

Gift after gift were brought to me. I got a nice sum of HIM and 69 Eyes CDs. As well as the few random jewelry, bag, money, etc. I figured out that I will be getting two parties today. This one and one that's later tonight. I happily skipped back to my place with the rest of the party to have a few drinks. A few bottles of wine were opened up just for the celebration.