Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


I sat down on a cool metal chair. The area around my gate wasn't that crowded, yet again it is early in the morning. With each sip of my coffee I felt myself wake up. I usually wake up early in the morning with no problems, but usually I'm not waking up early to leave.

"Flight twenty one to John F. Kennedy International Airport is now boarding first class."

I stood up and got in the short first class line. Behind me the people in coach were already lining up. Turned out there were more people than I thought.

"Enjoy your flight." The attendant said.

"Thank you." I quietly said walking through the gate savoring the last of my coffee.

I was 3b. Thanks to my mom being a flight attendant she got me a window seat; especially in first class.

Well, I made it! I survived 3 hours from Denver to New York City. And I didn't even piss my mom off from boredom. She was working the flight I was on. Now, the both of us in New York, it was time for our goodbyes. Me off to Helsinki and her off to Cape Verde. It was time for her to say goodbye to her baby girl. Now she can't go home, walk up the stairs, and see her baby whenever she wants.

"Don't cry mom."

"I should have seen this coming. After all, all my other babies have left."

"I'm not leaving forever."

Finding that funny she laughed. But it was only for comfort.

"I'm going to miss you Annie baby. Remember to call."

"I will mom."

"I'll have your daddy call you once a week."

"Oh please no!"

I should have said that. Because I know it's near impossible to ever reach my dad while he's fighting. I haven't even had contact with him since I was 16 more or less. But I give points to my mom for trying; at least someone is.

"It's not the end of the world mom. Just keep telling yourself that." I whispered to her when she became silent.

"For me it is, for you it's a new beginning. Before you go I got something for. Call it an early birthday present."

I quizzically looked at her. She could easily ship it over to my apartment; by the look on her face told me she didn't want to. Giving me whatever she was going to give would make the world shine for her right now. And hell does my mom need that. Mom took out a golden wrapped rectangle box and handed it to me. Wasting our time I slowly opened the box. I don't want to leave my mom so soon.

"Oh my god." It was the one thing I've wanted for months now.

"Donna knew how much you wanted those sunglasses and bought them. It's from both of us."

Black Chanel sunglasses. Hella expensive. Oh yeah, Donna is like my second mom. When my mom is away working she stops by and makes sure I'm not dead.

"I love you mom. More than anyone."

"Oh my dear Antoinette Kirsten Kavinstavanti. I love you so much. But you should head towards your gate now, you don't want to miss your flight."

"I'll call you. I promise."

"I believe you."

I was hugging my mom just as hard as she was hugging me a few moments ago. With a kiss on the cheek I made a 180 going down the elevator to my gate. I got there just in time to board the plane. Again, I had a window seat in first class. I smiled and reminded myself to thank my lovely mother for booking this impossible seat for me. And also paying for most of it.

I think it was 20 hours mas o menos. But I was free from that piece of flying metal. More specifically comfortable & warm piece of flying metal. Anyways, I rushed out of the plane and was tempted to kiss the filthy floor. Those 20 hours of sitting got to my ass and made my ass numb. A very awkward feeling. I only spent 10 minutes searching and retrieving my bags. Unfortunately I had no help with carrying them.

"I almost forgot!" I said to myself.

I have a tradition of taking a picture of a specific sign whenever I'm in an air port. The sign being: 'Welcome to __________'. It was some crazy thing I thought of when I started travelling a few years back. Taking out my camera I quickly took a picture of a sign that read: 'Welcome to Finland.'

"Where to madam?" A middle aged man with a deep Finnish accent asked me. Being a gentleman he heaved all my bags into the trunk of his mini van taxi.

"Is it possible for you to take me to this address?" I nervously said handing him an index card with my new address on it.

"Sure thing. It'll be a bit of a drive though,"

"That's okay." I shyly smiled. "I don't mind."

Four over packed heavy suitcases, one me, 3 flights of stairs, and one very narrow hallway. A very painful scenario. I was kicking bags and rolling the other too, also trying to keep my balance from not falling. I was also making a few large amount of noise.

"My monkeys! Who the hell designed this building!?” I exclaimed to no one. I didn't even hear the party of men coming down the stairs.

"Ehhh excuse me? Do you happen to be apartment seven?"

I screamed and ended up falling backwards on the suitcases I was rolling and dropping the ones I were kicking on top of me.

"Holy fuck. That was the worst thing ever." I mumbled. The two suitcases on top of me were picked up and soon I was too.

The person to thank was a man with shaggy light brown hair and green eyes. Behind him were three other men. One with similar hair that was darker & blue eyes; he was the youngest. The eldest had long black hair and eyes hidden over black lense aviator sunglasses. Then the last one had tan skin, grey eyes, and black hair in the most interesting style.

"Yes I am. And I'd love for that event to never happen again." He chuckled and smiled.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm Ville Valo by the way. These stalkers are my friends; Jussi, Jyrki and Bam. I'm your up stairs neighbor."

"Oh hello then, I'm Antoinette Kavinstavanti."

The men took a looked at me. Their faces said everything. Like: What?, How do you say that?, and my favorite: What the hell is your name and how the hell do you say it?. I rolled my eyes and picked up my other two bags.

"Ann-twon-ette. If you're retarded and still have no clue, call me Ann or Annie."

"That's just made everything so much easier." Bam said, smiling.

"I'm pleased...?"

"Well, I'll be heading off right now. Good luck and I suggest you don't use the stove." Ville suggested.

"Unless you want to it to blow up." Bam added. I chuckled and smiled to them.

"Don't worry, I bought a new one." I told them. But the idea of blowing the stove up made me smile.

Now we were in a problem. I had four bags and we were locked in this tiny hallway. Luckily right in front of my apartment door. I quickly unlocked my door and shoved all my bags inside.

"Oh yeah!" Bam remembered, "Where are you from?"


"See you around Annie." He said grinning. The waved to the guys as they walked by then shut the door.

My flat was filled with brown boxes. All having my name on them. Rolling my bags to the master bed room I took out an army knife and started unpacking. To my happiness my washer(s), dryer, stove/oven, and fridge were installed and working. I was afraid I was going to have to force my brother to do it for me. I'm hopeless trying to install those kinds of things.

I attacked my couches with my army knife. Being careful beyond careful to not destroy my black sway love seat and L-couch. I pushed all the boxes that held my clothes, trinkets, personal items, and smaller items to either my room or the three guest rooms. I was going to attempt to set up the shelf thingy that will hold my DVD player, tv, books, and movies.

I'll take care of everything else afterwards.... Which will most likely end up being sometime tomorrow afternoon.