Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


Noon. It's 12:31 in the fucking afternoon. I didn't sleep or eat or drink anything last night. I was a little too busy unpacking. Okay, so actually I was cussing out my tv, dvd player, and stereo out. I remembered about the outlets being different and got that under control. But the god damn bastards won't work like it’s supposed to! It's pissed me off so much that I forgot about it and started setting up my other furniture.

I dragged my lightest weighing suitcase in the bathroom with me and started the shower. While waiting for the water to heat up I laid out some jeans, my favorite grey skate tee, a pair black & white checkered vans, and my golden angel wing necklace. The room quickly filled with steam signaling that my shower was ready.

I applied the little make up I usually put on (mascara, blush, eyeliner) when I dried my skin. Another usual thing I do is blow dry my hair and straight out the extra waves. My hair is naturally straight with a few minor waves.

I covered my eyes with my sunglasses and adorned my shoulder with my penguin bag. In my right pocket underneath my phone was a piece of stationary with an address scribbled on it. I don't really know where I'm going right now. All of this is so new to me and I feel like a tourist more than a resident right now.

'I am so fucking lost right now.' I looked up at street sign before crossing the street. I made a sharp turn and walked into a shop reading 'Tatuointi' in the front.

"Sorry sweetheart you're underage." If it wasn't for what my dear friend Janos said I would have smiled.

In response I had such a disgusted look on my face. I pulled my sunglasses off and glared at him. Janos' eyes widen and now he had a look of fear.

"You mother fuckin son of a horny bitch!" I hissed to him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Does 'I'm moving to Finland' mean anything to you?!" I hissed to him and completely ignored everyone in the shop.

"I told Baltazar to take care of it!" I shrugged and jumped on him.

"Missed ya bitch!"

"I hate how bipolar you are." He whispered in my ear.

"Where's Baltazar?"

"In the back. He's getting supplies to tattoo a buddy of ours."

"Which seat?"

"The only open one."

I got off Janos and walked through the group of people. Specifically Ville & the people he was with yesterday. I sat down on the chair and put my feet up on another chair. I waited a couple minutes for my older brother to come out. When he did he just stared at me.

"Yo babe!"

"Why the hell are you here? Aren't you suppose to be in CU?" Noticing that he wasn't carrying anything I took off one of my shoes and threw at him.

"You bastard, I accurately remember sending you an email that I was transferring. Plus mom called you then us both & Lucinda told Abby about."

"...Holy fuck! I totally forgot!" I glared and threw my other shoe at him. Hitting him in the face again and earning chuckles from everyone in the shop.

"You just got owned!" Janos exclaimed laughing.

"And I was mad at Janos! Janos I'm sorry!"

"Forgiven Ann." I turned back at Baltic.

"I don't like you. And for that I'm leaving. But I'm making you fix my shitty tv, dvd, and stereo because I'm going to end up throwing it away."

I dramatically stood up and walked over to Baltic. I took my shoes from his arms and hit him with it. I growled and walked out. With only my socks on my feet. I smugly smiled at the little show I put on.

'I'm going to murder him. I'm his sister... oh fuck! I forgot to tell him to call mom. Well ya know? This is my revenge for him forgetting that I was going to be moving to Helsinki.'

I put my shoes back on and started walking around. Again, looking like a tourist -which I'm not- than someone living here. Somehow I ended up where I needed to be. That is Helsinki University. Actually I don't need to be here until next week, but at least I know where it is. I walked around the campus before heading home.

Home. I still have to tell myself that Helsinki is my new home. Not Denver or my parent's house. The sad part is that I feel like I'm visiting the country not living in it. Yet when I am visiting a country I pretty am living there until I'm leaving. Yes, it's confusing.

"Now all I have to do is tackle my shitty electronic stuff and the wardrobe thingy that is going to hold it." I muttered to myself when walking in my apartment.

"Okay, so I'm like 115lbs. With my tv, dvd player, stereo, CDs, and DVDs like more than I weigh.... If I just sit on here with some weights... I don't know!" I took a yogurt and some books then sat on my wardrobe thingy.

Now it was a matter of time before this thing will collapse and I die. I'm acting over dramatic about it. I'm not going to die, I'm just going to hurt myself badly. I opened one of my eyes because of someone knocking on my door.

"It's open."

"I can be some rapist you know Antoinette." Baltic said smiling and walking in.

"I have yogurt I can throw on you." I simply stated showing him my yogurt.

He wasn't alone too. Behind him came Bam, Jussi, Jyrki, and Ville. I should have got off the shelf I'm sitting on, but I didn't. I just put my yogurt down next to me and stared at them.

"What are you doing?" Jussi asked me confused.

"Antoinette only weighs like 115 pounds; the combined weight of her videos, music, dvd player, tv, and stereo is like 200 pounds. So if that shelf could hold her and those books -which I don't know why you have- it will hold those 200 or more pounds." I smiled to Baltic.

"You can now fix the electrical stuff." I ordered him after I climbes off the shelf.

"Must I really?"

"Yes. I will tell Abby if you don't."

"Show me where the stuff is!"

I smiled knowing I got my way. I pointed them out and put my books on the coffee table.

"So Annie, why didn't you tell us you were related to Baltic?" Bam asked me.

He and the others made themselves comfortable. Which I like because I don't have to tell them to do so. I hate telling people what to do when it's so obvious. I sat down next to Jussi. At the same we turned our heads to each other. I smiled to him, getting a smile back, then looked at Baltic again.

"Antoinette Kristen Kavinstavanti, what the hell did you do to these poor things?" I rolled my eyes.

"They pissed me off."

"The wires are wrong."

"No they're not. I did it how the stupid book told me too."

"Then you're blind."

"Am not!"

"Then you're retarded."

"Then I'm going to have to try my shoe at you again."

"You won't."

"Ooo I would! You're in my territory now!"

Baltic sighed but kept working. I smirked knowing that I won... again. The three Finnish rock stars smirked and Bam laughed.

"Ville said you got here last night."


"When did you leave?"

"My plane to JFK left at six am. I only waited thirty minutes until the flight here."

"How did mom take it?"

"Horrible. I mean, she was expecting it, but probably not that soon."

"To tell you the truth Annie, none of us thought you'd leave the states. Of course we expected you to move somewhere else. But honestly we didn't think Finland. And why Finland?"

"Because they accepted me out of the six others. Plus I have a scholarship for here too. So yeah. I planned on to go France but that didn't work out so well."

I'm kinda happy I didn't. I have this totally hot rockstar sitting right next to me.