Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


I drummed my fingers against my thighs while waiting. My dear brother cannot seem to get the fucking wires to work for my stereo! He got the tv and dvd player work. But the stereo is being a total ass right now; also making me very impatient and bored.

"Can I please just throw it away? I'll get a new one." I whined to Baltic. Which is useless cause I know what he's going to say.

"No Antoinette! This was a gift from the Renolds!"

"But they suck at giving gifts! And this one doesn't work! As long as I didn't pay for it I'm cool with throwing it at your head."

"You're not going to do that either!"

"Ughhhhh! Give the fucking thing a rest. It's not going to fucking work." I whined and rocked from left to right.

"I'll get it Antoinette! Be patient!"

"I have been Baltazar! For 98 flipping minutes!"

"Then wait even longer."

"You're a bastard!"

I crossed my arms and glared at him. Being able to sneak some immaturity in there I stuck my tongue at him and pulled my eye lid down. I'm like less than two months away from being twenty; meaning I have until December 5th to act like a total idiot and not have to explain myself.

"I can't wait until you turn twenty." Baltic sarcastically muttered.

"Only a couple more months to go! Stop being a sissy and handle it!"

"When's your birthday?" Jyrki asked me. It's the first thing I've heard him say since meeting him.

"December fifth."

"In other words, hell day for the world."

"Fuck you Baltazar Kavinstavanti! Fuck. You."

"Oh grow up you whore."

"I'm not a whore. You're just jealous."

"Oh yes Annie! I'm sooooo jealous of you! And all your little minions. By minions I mean our nieces and nephews." Baltic coldly said in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh I know you are."

"I was sarcastic idiot!"

"No shit Sherlock!"

"Hey Annie!" Bam said to me. I turned to him only to be faced with an evil grin. Surprisingly, I like it.

"Yes Bam?"

"If I told you to jump on your brother would you do it?"

Let's see.... yes or no? Yes or no? A very simple question that might just get me killed by Baltic. Wait. He's not going to kill me, my minions will kill him if he kills me. I smirked to Bam and nodded my head. He and Jyrki smirked while the other two rolled their eyes but watched anyway. Instead of jumping on Baltic I pounced on him and latched on to his back.

"What the fuck Ann?!"

"Bam told me to."

"If Bam told you to jump off a cliff into a lake would you fucking do it?"

"If he paid me like 200 euros yeah."

"You're hopeless Ann."

"Hey, I'll be twenty soon. There’s no excuse for me acting like a total seven-year-old til then."

"Yes there is."

"Name it."

"You look like a retard."

"When have I ever cared what people think about me?"

"Never." He barely whispered.

"I can't hear you."


"Thank you. Plus those wires need to be switched around. The colors are supposed to match idiot."

I kissed Baltic's cheek and got off his back. I didn't want to go back on the couch and watch him some more, instead I think I'll go skip away! And that's what I did too. I turned my back on them all and skipped into my other rooms.

♥Jussi Vuori's PoV♥

"Dude! I love your sister!" Bam happily stated after Baltic's sister just skipped away.

"I'd prefer if you didn't." Baltic coldly hissed. "She's too young for our crowd and I don't want my little sister getting hurt. It'd be best for everyone if we just left Ann alone and let her go on with her school. That's the only reason why she's here. When she's done with school she's leaving."

I faintly smirked to myself without anyone seeing it. Hell did Baltic mess up just then. Telling Bam to stay away from something is worthless. He'll only want that something even more. Specifically he'll just hang around Antoinette even more. Once Bam says he likes someone (as a friend) there's no tearing them apart. Now Bam is just going to keep Antoinette around him even more because Baltic told him not to.

"I heard all of that Baltazar!"

"Then obey it!"

"Make me!"

"She's like a female Bam." Ville said smiling.

"She's a little worse. She pranks people for her own sadistic reasons."

"I just like seeing people in pain!"

"I'm serious Ann!"

"Well are you done yet?! I kinda want my apartment back!"

"When I'm done I'm done!"

"Well you're slow!" A loud sound of door being slammed mad everyone jump. For a few moments the air was tense and silent.

"I was serious guys. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but you guys are the wrong crowd for Antoinette to be with. She's already enough like Bam, I don't want to have to bail her out of jail someday."

Suddenly his voice faded then stopped. I looked at the other guys. Bam had no emotion on his face -which is a change-, Jyrki was in thought, and Ville was frowning.

"I think you're giving you sister less credit than she deserves. She obviously isn't that stupid to be where she is right now. If that's not the case she must be here on pure dumb luck." Ville claimed. Keeping a low and angry tone in his voice.

"You don't know her. Just stay away from her. All you are Ville is her neighbor. Not her new friend."

Now all of us were frowning. I was being convinced that what Ville said was true. Baltic is making it sound like his younger sister is the villain and he's the innocent by stander. I looked hard at Baltic's back. He was just stalling time right not.

"I'm not stupid Baltazar! I know you're finished hooking the stereo up! Get out of my apartment!"

"I'd prefer to stay."

"Well I'm telling you to go! Mom wants you to call her! Badly!" Again the door slammed shut. Only this time none of us jumped.

I was the first to get up. After that Bam, Jyrki, and Ville followed me. Strangely Baltic stayed where he was and didn't bother to even more. I'm not sure he heard what his sister told him before she shut us out again. Or if he did hear her, he was choosing not to respect her wishes.

"Stop acting like a brat Baltic." I said glaring to him and walking out the door. Once we were all out in the open Bam spoke up.

"Who's going to stop me from 'accidently' bumping into Antoinette on my way?" Ville chuckled at Bam's remark.

"What are you planning now Bammi." He asked Bam still smiling.

"Well I can't help myself if I like the girl. I find her amusing."

"So you're just going to go against what Baltic said?" I replied.

"Hells ya!"

♥Antoinette Kavinstavanti's PoV♥

I cautiously opened my bed room door. I only heard the front door open and close once. Being the total retard I am I left the safety of my room to see if they really have left and aren't fooling around with me. I getting past the hallway I sighed.

"Get out Baltic."

"No Antoinette. I want you to listen to me."

"I don't want to listen to you! I want you out of my damn apartment!"

"Not until you listen to what I have to say." This is where I got mad and crossed my arms.

"I know damn well what you're going to say. And I'm sick of it. I hate how you think you can tell me who I can befriend and who I can't!"

"You're a smart girl Antoinette! They aren't good people for you to be with!"

"If they're so bad why are you friends with them?" I snapped back with force. I can honestly say this is one of the few moments I will ever snap like that.

"I'm older than you Antoinette. Simple as that."

"No! It's not as simple as that! Now get out of my apartment! I'm finished with you."

And for once in my life, he listened. He bluntly left me to my loneliness. The idiot knows that there's no way in hell I'm going to back off from Bam or his friends. Undoubtly they'll come to me.