Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


"Hey look! It's Antoinette!" I giggled and started walking backwards. I noticed Bam, Jussi, Jyrki, and Ville walking behind me along time ago. I was choosing on simply ignoring them until I got bored with that plan and chose to acknowledge them.

"No shit Sherlock!" I said giggling to them. Not even bothering to slow down so they could catch up to where I was.

"You know what Antoinette?" Bam said smiling, in his hands was a can of red bull.

"Yes Bammi?"

"I don't like your attitude."

"I'm sorry Mr. Margera, but I believe I haven't been using an attitude against you."

"Hey Antoinette, how about you slow down?" Jussi sweetly asked me. Only for me to evilly smirk.

"How about you hurry it up?"

Jussi took a few moments to think it over. I rolled my eyes and turned my back on them. I didn't expect for Jussi to run up and jump on my back. He didn't really jump on my back; he just used my shoulders to push down against so he could jump higher. And when that did happen I screamed and started jumping up and down.

"Man, I'd paid to see that." I heard Ville chuckle from behind me. Jussi must have been the distraction for me to slow down so the rest of the group could pick up.

"That was mean." I pouted.

"I'm sorry darling, but it was fun." said Jussi while he put an arm around me. I, being the immature one, stuck my tongue at him.

"Oh I bet it was a very humorous sight from your point of view." I coldy muttered.

"Hells ya!"

I rolled my eyes at them. Two weeks ago I was in my own little world, not having to worry about school. But now those two weeks are over and my little world is now being hammered on by college. Which is harder here in Helsinki than it was in Colorado.

Of course I went against what Baltic said and actually befriended these morons. But it's not like I really had a choice, they pop up everywhere I am and choose to keep me company. I can't say that Baltic is happy about this. I haven't seen him since our fight a couple weeks ago. But I bet that he has seen our little group multiple times and that he's only holding up his anger so he can use it against me later on. But for all I hope and know, he doesn't know about this!

"Hey, I had an idea!" I chuckled at Bam and smirked.

"We should have a party; it's your first idea ever."

"That wasn't funny."

"I'm not sorry Bam, but do continue."

"I'm hungry. Let's go eat something."

"That was a pretty pathetic idea."

"No one asked you." Bam said flipping me off and turning his head away.

"I'll agree with you. I skipped lunch today."

"All in favor of a late lunch, follow me." There were no objections and we all ended up following Bammi.

To no one's surprise Bam led us to a bar/cafe place. I wasn't expecting anything fancy but this was actually let than what my standards are.

"How old are you again?" Jyrki asked me. Us two ended up going ahead of the group.

"Almost twenty. Just a couple months."

"That's good. We won't get in trouble for you giving you any alcohol." I smirked and chuckled.

"And who said I would tell if you were to "sneak" my some alcohol." I held my fingers up doing the little 'air quotations'.

"I think you'll fit in just well."

"That's such a relief! Now, are we almost there yet?"

"Right in front of us."

"I, I knew that." No I didn't.

Jyrki chuckled out loud. Signaling that he knew that I didn't know we were there. But honestly, I still don't really know my way around Helsinki. If I have problems I call Jussi, Jyrki, or Ville. Whom have given me their cell and home numbers. I've become something like their little sister.

Us five sat down in a round table outside. Jussi was on my left and Ville on my right. The waitress stopped by getting our orders then left. I'll admit that I felt totally out of place. The guys, but Bam, were moving form English to Finnish conversations. The rockstars left us for good so Bam and I started our own conversation in English.

"Baltazar coming!" I whispered and dove down under the table.

"Antoinette! What the hell are you doing?" Jussi coldly snapped to me.

"I'm not letting Baltic find me! He thinks I'm in class right now!"

I pulled the table cloth back down and hugged my knees. I feel like James Bond right now, it's actually pretty fun too. I should hide under tables more often. Okay then, back to reality. The footsteps stopped in front of the table and a conversation started.

♥Jussi Vuori's PoV♥

"I was just about to call you." Bam said to Baltic the moment he stopped in front of our table.

"Oh really?"

"I was going to ask you something. But I forgot."

"Typical Bam. Can't remember shit." Baltic said laughing and quite rudely to Bam.

I let it slide and started eating my food. Antoinette was lucky that her food wasn't here yet, if it was we all would have a problem. I stayed out of the conversation and poked around with my food. In the corner of my eye I noticed Antoinette's hand slowly snaking up the chair into the open. I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it back under the table. I held on to it and attempted to flip off the girl.

"Ugh!" Antoinette said in a high pitched voice; catching Baltic's attention.

"Was that... Annie?

"Annie? As in your sister Antoinette?" I asked.

"Yeah, that one. Is she here?"

"Sorry Baltic but we haven't seen her in weeks." I lied to him. Baltic remained silent but then smiled.

"She must have listened. Well, I'm off." Baltic smiled and walked off. When he was across the street I pulled Antoinette up.

"Did you have to do that?!" She snarled to me.

"Did you want him to see you?"

"I was trying to keep my balance. Or would you have preferred me to fall over and bring the table down with me?"

"No... that would be worse." Antoinette smirked to me.

"Exactly my point. You can let go of my hand now."

I quickly let go of her hand; only because I forgot I holding it and out of embarrassment. Antoinette took my plate from in front of me and placed it in front of her.

"You've been poking my rotini." She sadly said but ate it any way.

"How was I suppose to know that was rotini?"

"By the shape of the noodle." Bam smartly said.

"See? Even Bammi knows how to tell rotini from Farfalle."

I rolled my eyes at ate my Farfalle. I can honestly say that I like being in the presence of Antoinette, but she's a little annoying at other times. Though she is awfully young and makes the time when she isn't annoying entertaining. During lunch we all found ourselves switching foods. It was Antoinette and Bam who started picking off our plates. As a joke Antoinette and Ville started stabbing the other with their fork.

"Uhhh check!" Bam yelled. Jyrki and Antoinette threw out around ten euros each and started getting ready to leave.

"You don't have to do that Annie." Ville offered.

"Cry me a river." She smiled and got up. "I have homework to do. Bye."

♥Antoinette's Kavinstavanti PoV♥

I waved to them and walked over to my apartment. I actually do know part of my way through Helsinki. Not the main part really. Only from my apartment to the university; then there's Baltic's tattoo shop that I know the location of. But that's as far as I go. I'd explore more; but I don't have the time.

"Call me obsessed, but I don't give a damn. I fucking love this movie." I said into the phone.

"Nice Antoinette. I've already heard this speech." I smiled at what my friend Jenna said over the phone.

"I know you have. But you were the one who brought the topic up."

"True. Don't you have homework Ms. I'm-studying-buisness-and-planning-on-getting-my-degree-like-next-year?"

"Oh shut up! I'm multi-tasking!"

"You call talking to me, painting you nails, waiting for you nails to dry, watching 'Lost Boys', and doing your homework and multi-tasking?"

".... Why yes Jenna. I do."

"I love you."

"Love you too... WHORE."


"I know I am."

"Ann, you're the last person anyone would take for a slut."

"Not if you see who I've been hanging around lately."

"Oh my god Annie. TELL ME!"

"Can't. They're coming. Talk to you later." And like the bitch I am, I hung up. But Jenna still loves me. She's like my twin; only not.