Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


"Bad boys
bad boys
Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?
Bad boys
bad boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?" I sang to myself while watching Bad Boys II.

I totally have to thank Tyson. Since his dad works for like film and movie producing or editing -something like that- I get movies before they're even preview on tv for retail. And he's where I got Bad Boys II.

"ANOTINETTE! SHUT UP!" Bam yelled from upstairs.


"What the hell are you watching?!" He lowered his volume.

"Bad boys two!"

He didn't say anything but I heard him runaway, down the stairs, and barge into my room. I didn't jump up in surprise and just looked up at him. I shrugged and patted the empty seat next to me. Bam ended up jumping and land on me.

"Ow! You bastard! That hurt!"

"You know you can't resist me."

"No I can't. But at least don't hurt me."

"In which ways?"


Near the end of the movie

"Bam, why are you sprawled on Antoinette?" Jyrki asked us just walking into my apartment.

Bam decided on leaving the door wide open.

"He's been like this for an hour. And he's heavy."

"Push him off."

"Not as easy as it seems." I muttered. "He jumps right back up."

"Awwww! But Annie-bear! I thought you loved me."

"Oh I do Bam Bam!"

"Let's go elope." I started chuckling with the other guys.

"I didn't think elope was in your vocabulary Bam Bam." I said surprised. I'm serious, I didn't think Bam's vocab went past words large than eighteen letters. But apparently I'm wrong.

"Let's have a party." Bam offered smiling.

"Let's not Bam." He groaned and rolled over on me even more.


"Because you're cutting off my air way," I pushed him off and screamed 'No!'

I sat up before Bam could jump right back up. He glared at me. I stuck my tongue at him and crossed my legs. Making it harder for Bam to jump on me in a comfortable manor. I giggled and turn the volume up a little. And just as the credits were rolling by. I got off to take the movie out but my lover grabbed on to me and pulled me to the floor. With a very loud thud and painful aftermath may I add.

"Now that was mean Bam." Jussi said walking in.

"It hurt to."

"Well that's what you get!"

"I hardly pushed you." I said in my defense.

"I hardly pulled you."

'I beg to differ about that.'

"Just let go of my ankle so I can put in a new movie."

"What are you going to what now?"

"Finding Nemo." I childly said smiling.

The guys rolled their eyes. I growled at them and started forcing my way from Bam. I ended up having to step on his wrist to let go of me. With my new freedom and ran to the dvd player. And in record time I took out Bad Boys II and popped in Find Nemo. I jumped over my coffee table and safely landed on my sofa. Completely dodging Bam and anything else.

"Ten years of track, three years of hiatus and I still kickass!"

"Remind me never to challenge you to anything that involves track." I happily smiled to Jussi.

"Will do."

"Why are we watching some gay ass movie?"

Bam looked at me only to be shot down with a glare. I slammed one of the pillows from my couch on Bam's head then turned away. Yes Finding Nemo is rated G and for short, hyper, five-year-olds. But I love the movie. I've seen it more or less four times. Due to my nephews, nieces, cousins, and just going to see it with my friends to be idiots. How can you not love the spasmic fish that can't remember shit, Mr. Grumpy Gills, the kidnapped clown fish Nemo, Nigel the pelican, and the 'mine mine' seagulls?

"Well if you don't want to watch Nemo then you can just leave." I softly said crossing my arms and not looking at any of them.

"See you tomorrow." I waved them good bye. More like shooed them out.


And there goes the door.

Halloween Night

"Jenna Jenna Jenna Jenna." I said sighing on the phone.

"Antoinette, are you okay?"

"It's Halloween. And Finns don't celebrate Halloween."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jenna said screaming and choking on whatever she was drinking. "NO HALLOWEEN? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

"Why would I now be serious about something as serious as Halloween?"

"You're right. Well, what are you doing?"

"Not partying for one thing."

"Lost Boys, horror movies, hard liquor homework." She said guessing right.

"Almost like last year. Only I really did get to party."

"Don't forget getting totally wasted and stoned."

"Yeah, I still don't remember anything." I said laughing.

"And you think I do to?! I'm at the same level that you are on."

"No, I think you're higher than I am."

"Maybe. So if it's Halloween isn't your American friend partying?"

American Friend = Bam Bam my lover & the guy I'm planning on eloping with

"He left a couple days ago."

"Now all you have are those Finns?"

"Yup. And I actually have no idea what they're up to. Probably clubbing and getting drunk."

"And you Miss Antoinette Kirsten Kavinstavanti are being the boring yet good girl by not doing do. I can't say I'm proud."

"What about you? Are you going out later?"

"I am... just with myself."

".... Ewwie."

"God Antoinette!"

"Don't balme me! Blame my brothers!"

"I have and always will be."

"God! I hate being by myself! Especially on holidays!" I whined and throwing a fit.

"Just watch your movie and finish your homework."

"Believe or not I'm done. It's like the AP version of what I was doing."

"Wow, and you took AP courses all through high school."

"I know, so I'm like use to the extra work."

"You're probably going to get your masters in no time."

"I hope so."

"Okay, so listen to this...."

Jenna started talking about something that happened at college. She goes to Virginia Tech. I wasn't really listening to her but pretended that I was. Though my friend should expect me to not listen to what she's saying. It's late here, like eleven pm. If my math is right, it's like 3pm there. Or it might be three am.... Damn, I'm confused.

"Oh hey! I have to go! Clark is here and yeah!" Jenna said all giggly. More than usual.

"Have fun."

"I'll get extra wasted! Just for you!"

"Wow... I feel soooooooooooooo special. Love you WHORE."

"Love ya SLUT."

I carelessly hung the phone up and threw it on the couch to my left. Lost Boys ended a while ago and I already started some horror movie. It has Johnny Depp in it. I think it's the Ninth Gate.... Yep it is. This movie has to be one of the few movies that I haven't got from Tyson. Thank god tomorrow is Saturday. I can sleep in and not have to go to school until Monday.

Oh my god.... I can do absolutely nothing and watch movies all night! I am so sticking with that plan! Oh shit, I'm going to have to leave my apartment. I have to buy food and I think I'm going to need to look for a job. Eh, I'll have Abby help me with that. If I have time I'll get Janos to help. He can start repaying his debt to me there.

"I think that's a good idea Annie!" Baltic's wife Abby said smiling.

"Just nothing that involves me speaking a lotta Finnish."

"I can teach you."

"Nothing with waitressing."

"Okay, cross that out. Next option, sales clerk."

"Agree to that one. But no lingerie."

"Amen to that. I know a few places, let's go."

I smiled and got off Abby's sofa and followed her to her car. Yes, I was going to get a job. I had one back in Boulder, but I had to leave that job to come here.