Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


Ville smiled to me. I had just broken the news to Ville that I had gotten a job. I'd think he was going to act like my brother; who thought I was joking and laughed his heart out. But Ville was a gentleman to believe me and was actually proud of me. Which just makes me smile. Okay, I'm going a little overboard about this.

"You're not near anything that can cause any serious and probably permanent damage... are you?"

"No... I don't think so. Or if I am I don't know it." Ville sighed and chuckled.

"You have no idea how much weight has been lifted."

"That's harsh Ville! I'm not even that mean!"


"Neither is Bam! You ass!"

"Oh you know you just can't resist my ass." I chuckled to Ville.

"Oh yes Ville! I just can't stand your ass!" I sarcastically said; while waiting with Ville for the light to change so we could walk.

"To be fair, I'll say that you have a fine ass too." I started at Ville with wide eyes. "What?"

"It's not everyday when a rockstar says that. Drunk or not."

Ville chuckled even harder. He put his arm around my shoulders. Pulling me into a side hug. I giggled and put my arm around his waist. It's near the end of November now, and I'm getting really close with Ville. Not in the boyfriend/girlfriend way. Like, the you're my best guy friend/fake flirty way.

I haven't seen or talked to Jussi nor Jyrki in such a long time. Since before Halloween. Ville says they've been busy lately. Though it's been hinted that he doesn't know what they've been up to as well. But he's assured me that they'll pop up. Probably at some random moment.

"Ville, you know you'll have to let me go."

"I have what, forty five seconds?"

"More or less."

"Well then. I'll walk with you to a certain point-"

"Then I'll leave you."

"I was going to say that I would leave you."

"Well I bet you to it."

"That's because you interrupted me."

"Never said I couldn't."

"Oh I give up." I chuckled and let go of Ville.

"This is where I leave you."

"Fine Antoinette, be that way." I rolled my eyes at his drama.

"Love ya too." I waved to him before walking to the main building.

♥Ville Valo's PoV♥

I only walked a few feet before someone called me out. Who'd ever guess it was Jussi 69? One of the Helsinki Vampires that I haven't seen or talked to in weeks.

"You rang?"

"You are so gay."

"Am not!" He rolled his eyes

"Have you seen Antoinette?"

"Yes. I was with her a few moments ago. She just walked away to her classes."

"Which building?" He asked in a rush.

"The main one."

"Thanks. I'll talk to you later." Jussi said rushing over to the main building of the university. I watched him before walking away.

♥Antoinette Kavinstavanti's PoV♥

I'm going to be late. And all because I had to spend some extra time with Ville. But it wasn't that bad; I had some fun. Even if it does make me a little late to class. I pulled open the door to my class; just as the teacher turned around.

"Do you have a reason as why you're late Miss Kavinstavanti?"

"I-" The door opened again. Causing all the attention from me to who opened the door.

"Oooo." Jussi hushly said realizing where his is and what he's interrupted. "You don't mind if I borrow her for a second?"

"How long?" My instructor questioned. I put my hand over my eyes and looked to the floor.

'Dear god....'

"Not long. I just need to talk to her." My instructor thought over it and nodded. Signaling that Jussi can take me.

"Thank you." I said to him and walked out with Jussi. "You asshole!" I said laughing to him.
Jussi smiled and chuckled, "I didn't intend on that. I planned on running to grab you before you could open that door."

"Yet that seemed to backfire. Didn't it?"

"I blame the speed of your walking pace. You walked too damn fast." I giggled.

"Hurry this up Jussi; I still have class."

"I'm DJing in a couple nights at a local club. Before that the band and I are playing there. Drop by. You can meet the rest of the guys." Just to be mean, I took a little time to respond.

"Of course I would Jussi. Now if you don't mind, I have to go to class."

"Not one bit."

I rolled my eyes and departed from him. Entering the classroom for the second time I noticed all eyes on me. Or the door. Seems like everyone paused what they were doing and waited for me to come back. It has something to do with me being pulled out of class by a hot Finnish rockstar to talk.

"Go well?" My instructor asked me with a smirked.

"Oh yeah; it's fine." I said taking an empty seat near I was standing. I didn't even look or care about who I was now sitting next to.

"Now that the Austrian Queen of France in here, we can begin."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. 'The Austrian Queen of France' was my nickname in most of my classes. Back in Colorado I use to be 'Marie Antoinette'. I hated that name. My name was ANTOINETTE. Not MARIE. Yet they still added the 'Marie' in front of my name. I find it funny how they all know I'm not Austrian or French. I'm Scottish. From Scotland.

End of the day

I half expected Jussi to pop out of no where. Like he did earlier. But my walk home went Jussi-free. Just how it usually is. I briskly dropped my bag on my couch and headed to my room. I changed out of my tan cargo pants into a pair of pink Bermuda shorts. They horribly clashed my with yellow t shirt. I chuckled at my look and tossed the shirt to the side. I took out a black Jack Skellington top. Now I didn't look like an idiot. But I was adding a hot topic top with a wetseal bottom. None of them match- Yet I don't care! I never care what people think of me! Never have and never will!


"What?" I called from my bed room.

"Where are you?" It sounded like Jussi.

"My room." Seconds later I had a guest. Just as I thought, it was Jussi.

"You're wearing shorts."


"You do realize it's late November."

"And?" Jussi shrugged and smiled.

"I like it."

"So do I. What do I owe this meeting?"

"Nothing much. I just wanted to see what my favorite Queen of France is doing."

"I'm the only Queen of France you'll ever know."

"True to that love."

I smiled and started combing my hair out. I put in a pink head band in my hair and called myself finished.

"Plan on going somewhere?" Jussi joked.

"Oh please!" Jussi took my hand and started leading me out of my apartment.

"Since we both seem to be doing nothing I'm taking you out to dinner." I smiled to Jussi with all delight.

"I'm perfectly fine with the idea. But have you realized that you have just walked my out of my apartment complex with out my shoes, cell phone, or keys?" Jussi stopped walking and cursed himself.

"Fuck. Can you get in the building without your keys?"

"Sorry Drummer-boy, but I need my keys to get it."

"Can't Ville let you in?"


"Then we're set."

"But what if he's not there?" I asked with a smirk.

"Then you'll stay will me."

"I agree to that; but I don't have any shoes. And the last time I went out without my shoes it ended up badly."

"Then let's go buy you some shoes." Jussi suggested.

I rolled my eyes and tried my best to not touch anything gross on the ground. I got tired of jumping around and jumped on Jussi's back. He grunted but accepted me. He walked inside some store that I presumed to be a shoe store. To be polite I only grabbed a pair of black flip flops with cherries printed on the base. I paid the guy with some money I had found in my pocket. It was enough and I didn't have to bother Jussi by making him pay.

"You didn't have to pay. I would have paid for you." Jussi said frowning.

"Well it's too late, I already paid for them. And I didn't want to bother you."

"It'd only be fair-"

"No it wouldn't."

"-I dragged you without even realizing it."

"Jussi, it's too late now."

"Fine Miss Antoinette. But I'm paying tonight."

"All right Mr. 69."

"Thank you."

I finally got off Jussi's back. He sighed in happiness, only I hit him in the abs. Which hurt me more than it hurt him. Damn his abs are hard. My hit didn't even affect him.

"I'm that good love."

"Shut up Jussi."

"You can't resist me."

"Ville said the something about him and his ass earlier."

"He's just being flirty."

"No shit Sherlock."

Jussi looked offended but slapped my ass. I squeaked at the suddenly pain. Jussi couldn't help but chuckled. I playfully glared at him and crossed my arms.

"Now don't be dramatic Antoinette."

"Blah." I stated with my tongue out.

"That's just being immature."

"I have thirteen days until my birthday. I can act like a 5 year old til then."

Jussi chuckled and put his arm around my waist. The same way Ville did this morning. Only Ville put his arm around my shoulders. But I don't mind this.

"What a cute couple."