Sequel: Carved My Name
Status: Finished.

Don't Turn Your Back My Dear, Never Turn Your Back On Fear


Both Jussi and I turned around at the same time. There was Jyrki with 3 other guys. All of them dressed in black and smirking. Jyrki had the biggest one. Him and Jussi started going back and forth in Finnish.

"I hate when they do this." I muttered and sat down on a nearby bench. All eyes turned on me. "Done?"

"We are."

"Where were you two off to?" Jyrki asked us with a grin.

"Dinner." We both said.

"Aren't you cold?" One with spiked black hair in a mohawk wondered. By the looks I've been getting by other people passing by, they were wondering the same thing.

"If I were cold wouldn't I have a sweater or have worn pants and actual shoes?" I boldly questioned with a smirk.

"She's right."

"Of course I am." I cockily said. I know I'm cocky and I don't have a problem in displaying it.

"You won't mind us joining you on your dinner then-" One of the guys started.

"-Unless you two are on a date." Another one finished.

Jussi looked to me and I looked to him, "I don't care."

"I don't mind either. Sure." Jussi said.

I moved from the bench and started walking between Jussi and Jyrki. Jussi's arm found its way back to my waist and again I was being pulled his way.

"So Jussi are you going to tell us who your new friend is?"

"Baltic's youngest sister; Antoinette."

"Antoinette?" All of them asked.

"Let them eat cake." I muttered annoyed.

"Oh! That French Queen!" One of them said.

And there's the down side of being named after someone famous. Especially someone European and from the 1700's -I don't know. Plus I have to have the name of some crazy Austrian that all of France hated. Gee, I'm so happy. People must think my parents hate me and my other brothers and sisters. Just look at what they named us. Antoinette? Baltazar? Draco? Lucinda? Yep, it's bad.

"How's things been Annie? I haven't seen you in a couple weeks." Jyrki asked me.

"Things could be better."

"Baltic knows?"

"Oh hell no. If he did I'd be dead. But he's still mad at me. Holding grudges is in our blood."

"I'll remember not to piss you off." The second eldest said smiling.

"Very smart idea." I sweetly said, quickly turning cold and hush. "Sadly no one remembers it."

"Awww, poor you."

"Shut up Jussi." I hissed. He chuckled and turned into a restaurant.

The other guys spoke to a man in Finnish; which I don't understand. And I bet I never will. Either ways, we all sat in a rectangular table. Like most times, I sat next to Jussi but against the wall.


Abby sighed and leaned on my door frame. She was watching me go throw my clothes. I heard her click her heels on the floor. I rolled my eyes at her action and continued with what I was doing.

"You're going to have to tell him sooner or later." She said.

"I'll take option C. Never."

"That's not an option Annie."

"Abby, I've kept things from my parents for years. I can keep this from Baltic easily."

"They're his friends Annie. One of the them will be human and make a mistake. He's going to find out in a matter of time."

"Well I'm not going to let him win. He told me to stay away from them, and he SHOULD know me well enough that I would go behind his back."

"They're not the wrong group for you to be with."

"Then tell me what kind if "group" I should be in." I over exaggerated with using the air quotes but whatever. I want my point across clearly.

"I'm not going to be-"

"Because you're not me. Please Abby, butt out of my fucking life. I don't want people telling me who I can love, who I can be with, who I can't, what I can't don. If you were smart you'd back away from the subject now."

"No Antoinette. You're my sister."

"Not my BLOOD sister. And not even they care. So please, let me handle my life. Against what you and Baltic said, I'm going to the club tonight. Jussi, Jyrki, the Eyes, Bam and Ville are my friends now. Fuck you guys if you can't come to terms with that."

"Antoinette, you're over reacting. Please listen to us, they're rockstars. They'll break you then throw you away like you're nothing."

"No they won't."

I ended my part in thefight conversation. And took the clothes I decided on wearing to the club with me. Regular jeans, a plain rose pink tank top, black boots, a grey & white sweater, and some silver bangles; just for the hell of it. I ignored Abby's presence and went into the bathroom. She was still there when I finished my shower and changed into my outfit. I passed by her to grab my make up then went back into the bathroom. For the next 10 minutes I was deaf to everything. The blowing of my hair dryer cloging my hearing.

I finished getting ready. Also continued with ignoring Abby. Though I think it was unnecessary because I think she left a long time ago. But I don't care right now. I have to meet Jussi and the band. Jussi pointed out the club to me on our way back from dinner a few nights ago. It wasn't all that far from my apartment. The thing that got me the most was the cold. I thought my sweater could handle the cold; apparently I was wrong.

I got into the club with the VIP pass Jussi lent me. The place was pretty full and this is before the concert. I bet there's more people on there way. I found the stage from the upper deck. I leaned over the railing and waited for the show to start. I felt so awkward here. I don't seem to fit in. But I will admit I look better than a lot ofgirls whores & sluts do.

"Beer love?" I turned around and faced a blonde man. I laughed at what he was wearing. Black and white stripped shirt, jeans, and a black boots. I gave him and sly smile.

"Depends. What kind?"

"Well I have Cherry Wheat." He said with a smile that was matching mine.

"I believe you're in luck Mr....?"

"Jonne Aaron."

"Jonne." I said taking the beer from him.

"And you are?"


"Ahh, like Marie Antoinette. But no Marie."

I was starting to like this guy. Not only was he cute, but he was gentleman and didn't call me Marie. But I've come to realize that Finnish men are just true born gentlemen.

"Exactly." I heard clapping and screaming. I looked behind me to the stage. Jonne did the same thing. The 69 Eyes had just walked on stage. Jussi and Jyrki being the first followed by the rest of the guys. Immediately I made eye contact with Jussi.

"Seems like Jussi 69 is a bit fond of you."

"Nah, he's just a good friend." Jonne rolled his eyes and smiled.

Even I wasn't believing what I had just said. How was I going to convince Jonne or anyone else when I can't even convince myself? But for now, I'm just going to hang out with Jonne and what the concert. Jonne leaned against the rail next to me. I felt his shoulder against mine then push me over.

"That was mean." He chuckled.

"I wasn't doing that to be mean."

"I know, you were being cute." He smiled and lighten up; acting so cocky.

"Hush now, let's watch the show." I rolled my eyes but turned towards the show. I had already missed the beginning of the song.

♥ Jussi Vuori's PoV♥

I sent glares over where Antoinette was standing. I wasn't glaring at her but the other Finnish rockstar next to her. Jonne was flirty and so was Antoinette. Those two flirting is a crazy combination. But Jonne was being the flirt and Antoinette was just playing around.

I don't know why I'm so worked up about it. I only like Antoinette as a great friend. She can't possibly be my girlfriend. She's way too young. She's just barely ten years younger than me. But that huge fact hasn't hit me yet. When it does it'll be too late for things to change.

"Don't worry Jussi. Everyone knows that she loves you and that you love her." I glared at Timo as he smirked to where he was suppose to be. The rest of the band chuckled at what he said.

"Shut up asshole."

"It's true Jussi. You may not realize it, but we do." Jyrki said getting all wise.

What the hell did he mean anyways? But we do? I don't LOVE Antoinette. Love is a strong and misused word. I love Antoinette as a friend. She's an amazing and funny girl to be with. But girlfriend material? I shouldn't be judging though. I don't really know Antoinette that well enough. Hell, Bam knows her pretty well. Well enough that if he wants, he just ask her out. And know what little I know about Antoinette she'll say yes. I do see Bam and her making a good and evil couple.

"Jussi!" Antoinette squealed happily. I chuckled and happily caught her in my arms. I had no control in what I was doing and kissed her cheek.

"How'd you like the concert?"

"Loved it." She said giggling.

"I'm glad you liked it." I smiled to her; kissing her cheek again. "Oh hi Jonne. I didn't see you there."

Jonne chuckled t lighten to mood. We're some of the best actors. Honestly, we hate each other. What the other has, the other want; and we go after the samethings women. But when were out in public together we were friends. Not strong friends, but friends.

Antoinette raised her eye brow at the sudden tension. I smiled to her in resort to distract her. It worked with no problems. Though the band started chuckling.

"Jussi put her down so we can get our booth. Jonne, are you going to join us?"

"I'm here with the band. I saw a pretty girl and decided on keeping her company. She's in good hands." I secretly smirked and let go of Antoinette. She was fixed on the beer that was running down her throat.
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