A Twisted Romance

Old times

“Don’t leave him do this to you he is such a…a…”growled Morgan.

“Don’t say it I already know, their is no point in shouting at me” interrupted

“I am so sorry! It’s just that I hate the way he treated you and now he does this! He is
Such an asshole, he is…he is...” raged Morgan.

“…Every other guy I’ve ever dated.” Fate said finishing what Morgan couldn’t.

“look! Will you spend tonight here with me please, it will be like old times?”
Asked Fate.

“Of course it will be, just like old times.” Morgan said with a heavy hearted sigh.

“I just have to get some things from my house, I will be a second, ok!?” he asked.

Fate simply nodded in reply. Good she thought this would give her time to clean up. Once Morgan had left Fate headed towards her room and began to Clear up the mess he had made she felt as if she was cleaning up the mess she had made of her life, just like the messes she had made in her life she hid them in her wardrobe, Out of sight out of mind was her way of life. Suddenly the room starts
Spinning just like her life, her vision became blurred and everything got out of control
Morgan swears under his breath as he drives to his flat. It’s
Not fair Fate is the nicest person you could ever meet he thought. Many would agree with Morgan on that Fate was lovely she was sweet, smart and very beautiful. She had long
Curly black hair which hid at least one hair clip at all times, she was tall, curvy and the most beautiful part apart her was her big sparkling green eyes. Many would also say that
Morgan was lovely as well he was polite, honest and had many nice qualities that made the girls at the station swoon! His looks were one of them he was tall, slightly cubby,
With beautiful blue eyes and long curly brown hair. Many girls ached to
Run their fingers through, those curly locks.
Once Morgan arrived at his flat he began to pack Morgan had known Fate since he was twelve. Their meeting had been like most things that happened in Morgan life, a wonderful accident. he could remember it clearly he was sprinting around a street corner, while nursing two melting ice creams Morgan knocked over a little girl who Turned out to be fates sister. Morgan felt so guilty for knocking her over that he threw away the ice creams to help her up. After a short rather teary eyed conversation Morgan found out that her name was Mary and that she lived on the same street as him
He thought it would be best to walk her home he was so glad he did too, when Fate opened the door. He could remember every detail how she smelt of lavender and vanilla, how it was impossible to breathe when she smiled and most of all the feeling of utter awe that was when Morgan made one of the most important discoveries of any young boy’s life. Girls stopped being “icky” that day, well at least one did.