A Twisted Romance

Friends just friends

Morgan had just finished packing and was just about to leave , when he spotted their old year book this will cheer Fate up he thought as he shoved it into his backpack. He looked around one last time to make sure he had everything he needed. With All the windows locked, and everything turned off he sighed to himself and closed the front door and locked it.
In the car ride over Morgan sighed he hoped that in all this fuss Fate had forgotten the date, to anyone else the 6th of March was Just another day but to Morgan that was the worse day of his life that was the day his mother died, at the tender age of sixteen at first he was mad at her, no one could really blame him. She had terminal cancer she never told him, she never told anyone. The last time they talked he could remember it so clearly, she was lying on the bed white as a sheets she was wrapped in. He kept asking her when was she going to get better because his father was useless at cooking.

She turned to him and said in almost a whisper “you’re going to have to get used to your dads cooking.”

With a mocking tone Morgan replied”if I really have to, but he is the only person I know who can burn boiled egg.”

She started laughing but then it turned into a chesty cough. Her eyelids slowly slid over her sparkling green eyes, Morgan thought his mother was just after falling asleep she did that often now she was always so sick. He leaned over in the bed to give her a kiss on the forehead, that was when he noticed she wasn’t breathing. The ambulance was called, but of course it was too late, she was gone.
Morgan refused to talk or to see anyone for a month. He wouldn’t cry he wouldn’t let himself then at the one month anniversary fate marched over to him. She gave him such a murderous glare he was positive that she was going to scream at him or slap him. She stopped suddenly in front of him her expression had dramatically changed “oh, Morgan” she whispered, as tears stung her eyes she locked him in a tight embrace. At first he tried to push her away ,but then he felt something snap in him. He hugged her back with all the force he could muster; sobbing for the first time since his mum died he let it out he let out all the pain he was holding on to. Eventually he recovered and things went back as normal as they could ever hope to be.
Fate opened her eyes; she was very surprised to find herself on the floor. She slowly stood up and continued cleaning “it’s the stress” she said to herself, as she walked to the press in the hall to fetch the extra pillows and blankets she had set a side for emergency like these. Finished with setting up the couch, her attention was turned to the kitchen where some” bad day food” was hidden. Stuffing a package of popcorn in the microwave, she walked over to the medicine cabinet to get some aspirin her head was throbbing .The throbbing eased away just in time for Morgan return. Heading into the bathroom Morgan began to get changed into his pajamas, Fate headed into her room to do the same. Once they had changed Fate grabbed the popcorn as Morgan picked out Fate favorite DVD “The notebook”. They sat down on Morgan’s newly appointed bed, tucking into their feast.
Fate couldn’t remember the last time she was this comfortable in bed, she was so warm and happy between it’s arms.” ARMS!” a voice in her head shouted her eyes snapped open only to find herself on top of Morgan. Fate couldn’t help but notice Morgan in a way she never had before. Had he always been so, handsome? She found herself staring at his lips. They looked so plump and full she wondered what it would be like to kiss them and what would he taste like. “Fate you ok?” Morgan asked he was quite worried as she had a strange expression on her face, one he’d never seen before. He could have almost mistaken it for lust, but that would be impossible. They were friends, just friends nothing more.