Billie the Vampire


Tré’s eyes snapped open and he let out an ear-piercing scream, causing Billie to scream with surprise, stumbling backwards until he found himself against the door. His fangs retracted and his eyes widened. Tré was sitting up, and Billie expected the worst, or rather probably, to happen.

“Holy cow, you sure know how to scare a guy! But never get up in my face like that again! It’s kinda freaky...” Tré rambled. He rubbed his eyes, yawning sleepily before squinting in an attempt to see through the darkness, trying to see Billie who was frozen against the door. He let out a giggle. “Did I scare you when you trying to be sneaky?”

Billie tried to find his voice after being scared like that. His heart had stopped when Tré had opened his eyes, but now it was thumping just fine. He swallowed before managing to say, “Y-yeah.”

“Heheh, that’ll teach yah to try scaring Tré Cool!” Tré smirked, getting up.

“Yeah...” Billie said weakly, wanting to get out of there, feeling vulnerable.

Tré scratched his butt before asking, “Are you just gonna stand there staring at me all day or are you gonna do something?”

“Er, no, just thinking,” Billie muttered, turning around and opening the door. He closed it behind him and rested against it.

‘I wonder why he didn’t say anything about my attacking him, but I guess it was too dark and he had just woken up and didn’t get much of a glance to notice my fangs...’ he thought to himself. ‘Whatever it was, that was close. Thank God I’m getting this off my chest today.’

Then it hit him: Adie and the boys were coming back today. He needed to hide that book or something. He was probably going to get asked questions about it if it was just lying around. Adie would know if he lied about, and would also know that he was troubled. He just needed to hold out until tonight.

He straightened himself up and headed towards his room. He didn’t really pay much attention as he stumbled along, and it was a surprise when he reached the doorway. Practically tripping over his feet, he entered the room and grabbed the book that was lying on the bed. He glanced around the room for a temporary hiding place before deciding upon burying it in his underwear drawer. As he shut the drawer, he yawned before realizing that he was exhausted. He had stayed up all night and it was already sometime in the morning. He went over to his bed and collapsed on it, deciding he could afford a few hours of sleep. Tré would know to just leave whenever. With that last thought in his head, he fell asleep.