Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast: One

I am a beast. Yes you read right, I'm a beast. And I'm not talking about the way I look. I used to be really nice looking and all the girls at school liked me. If you want to know how I looked like before my transformation here's the picture:


That's me on the beach. My girlfriend Alison took the picture. I know why I got this way and I know how to turn back: to find true love.

It's not easy. First of all do you know how many people there are in the world? And besides with me looking like this who'd love me anyways.

Before this, girls used to be hanging off my arms waiting for me to ask them to the prom. A girl is actually how I got into this problem.

Her name's Mia, and she was the high school's official geek-girl. And she was picture perfect for the role: braces, thick glasses and a goofy smile to go with it all.

After that she changed! She had straightened her hair, her braces were gone and
I'm guessing she also had contacts. She looked hot!

And naturally I asked her to the prom. And she said yes. Then the problem started.

Turns out she was a witch or something. This is my stupid pathetic story and if you want to read it, please go have your head checked.
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Should I continue or should this just be a two-shot explaining what happened to him?