My Way of Living

Cemetery Drive

Well I really have no clue how we managed to go from the subject of my parents beating me to the subject of going to the cemetery.

Well it was a pretty long long walk, also kinda sorta spooky. It was a beautiful night and being there with people I care about and have lots of fun with made it even better!

"So, here we are!" Gerard stated. As we walked up to the cemetery gate.

"This reminds me of that Micheal Jackson song! 'Thriller'!" Gerard said.

Then I said "I feel kinda sorry for poor old Mikey!"

"No wonder why he doesn't like being called'Micheal'" Frank said. We all laughed.

"Spooky, huh Ema?" Gerard spoke.

"Yea, kinda reminds me of those horror movies with all those zombies and shit!" They laughed. We now were sitting by a mausoleum looking around the unfamiliar creepy place talking.

"So when did your parents start treating you like this?" I looked over at Gerard and said, "Well about when I was ten years old."


"Well because apparently they hates my guts! It all started after my mother died she supposeably got in a car accident when my dad was in the car with her, he has been abusive toward her, too. We'd talk about how one day we would leave him and run away together away from him away from everything he put us through. You know she was the best mother I could ask for. She'd always tell me "Be brave Ema, he will one day be out of our lives. Be strong and just know that I love you so dearly. Then he got remarried to someone just like him...but almost worse."

"You know what I'd just love to do? KILL THAT BASTARD!" Of course this is coming for Frank!

" too." I said. "I always thought that he has done something to kill her or kill her himself somewhere and then claim she was in an accident."