I'm No Cinderella

Chaper 1

‘I’m No Cinderella.’

Let me put it this way, for all who don’t understand…


Yeah, my world may be falling apart, and yes, I might have two crazy bitchy stepsisters, and an evil step-mom. Yet, I you dare compare my life to that…girl, I will show you everything in my power to prove you wrong.

Reasons I am Different…
1] I am a brunette
2]I go to Great Oak High School [Senior]
3]I have no fairy godmothers or mice to look after me…[except for my best friend Blake.]
4]My name is Jennifer, NOT Cinderella
5]My prince charming did not magically fall in love with me, more the opposite I supposed.
6]My stepsisters [Paige and Sydney] are not twins. [Paige had to do preschool twice so they are both seniors like me.]
7]I am not a ‘girlie-girl’
8]I do not break out singing to random squirrels and deer [ok, I know that’s Snow white, but seriously! Same thing…]
9]I have a true passion for art, and beauty.
10]My stepsisters [Paige and Sydney] are not ugly…they are the farthest from it.

Yeah here’s where my fairy tale *haha* kicks in!

So my sisters have a slight obsession with shopping. With all that shopping, they must have SOMEONE to carry all their bags…
Yes, you guessed right. Me.
I would love to have gone shopping with them, except for the fact that I’m not really allowed to without a supervisor.
Apparently, “I express my feelings too much with my clothes and I should just head for HOT and PINK taped to my butt.”
PFF. So what!? Who cares if I don’t like Juicy Couture…THE WORLD?
I like my retro/funky clothes. They are comfortable and nice fitting. Its part of who I am.
Well, while I was in the mall, lugging around the clones clothing I spotted him.

Drew Colton *drools*

He is my prince charming.
He is the cheese to my macaroni.
He is the peanut to my butter.
He is the M to my n M.

No, he isn’t a football player, no he does not have enormous muscles, and no he isn’t a player.
He’s an artist, with a beautiful smile, a face of a god, and a laugh that you would never forget.

God, I wish I could program my body to try and talk to him.

The only time I had ever gotten the nerve to talk to him was during art, but that was…pretty bad.

“Hi Drew. I like your picture.”
“Yeah, it uses a lot of perspective and detail…”
“Who are you again…? Oh wait. Ha! It’s Cinderella.” *smirks* *laughs* *ignores*

I only had enough nerves to manage a fake laugh and walk away with a wounded ego. But his shaggy black hair, tight skinny jeans, and his strikingly blue eyes always kept me wanting more.
I guess maybe he would have been nicer to me if it wasn’t for Paige and Sydney. They have been enemies with each other since the fifth grade when Drew thought it would be funny if he poured green paint over their perfectly plastered blonde hair.


Things all went down hill from there, and still is. Today for example.

I wasn’t the only one who noticed Drew. They walked towards Drew and his group of outcast friends, with an evil smirk on their faces.
“Jennifer, come, let’s have some fun with these losers.” Paige called me over to the group of people laughing and having a great time.

God. Life could get so much better…not…
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