I'm No Cinderella

Chapter 2

“Well look who’s here! It’s Drew and his pothead friends! Paige isn’t this just wonderful??” Sydney’s laugh echoed through the mall as if it was the one and only laugh. She smirked at the group behind Drew and smiled angelically.

“Ha. Ha. Funny…look are you just here to plaster more crap to your face or show us how much you loose your eyebrows everyday Sydney?” People that were behind him laughed and I cracked a smile.

Lets say it didn’t go unnoticed.

“Oh look, Mrs. Robotic can smile!” a girl behind Drew said, laughing stepping up to look me in the face. Immediately my gaze dropped to the floor, and heat filled my face.

“Well at least she is potty trained.” Paige said out loud. Everyone started to laugh and eventually Paige and Sydney joined in too.

I had my last straw. My head shot up in complete shock. My face that was currently a slight blush turned red. Tears rimmed my eyes as I stared at everyone in disbelief. I dropped all the shopping bags in my arms, while the tears threatened to expose me.

Everyone seemed to abruptly stop laughing, and turned to look at me.

I was staring at Paige and Sydney and without even thinking I did something I knew I was going to defiantly regret.

“You fucking whores.” Anger was strong in my voice and I turned to look at Paige, “Mostly you though, I hope you just get fucking pregnant so you’d treasure life more.” I began to walk quickly away before I stopped mid-step.

I turned around to look at the girl who had insulted me earlier.

“Hey you.” I stared at her, and she had smug smile on her face. “I’d recommend you change your cover up. You’d look less like a transvestite with the right skin tone.”

With that I walked away. And Oh, I felt great.

The next morning I slowly crept out of the house.

I ran to the bus-stop to meet my best friend ever, Blake.

“Wow, You really did that?” his voice echoed with disbelief and shock. As we climbed into the bus I slowly nodded my head.

“Yea, but you don’t even know the worst part.” My voice felt weak, and my stomach flipped and turned. I rested my head against the cool windows.

“Oh man, there’s MORE?”

“Yes, there’s more.”

“I told Drew’s girlfriend to go to hell.” I sighed closing my eyes and slowly wishing I would disappear. Blake was silent for longer than I thought he would have, and I knew I had screwed up badly.

“Wow Jen.”


“You’re so screwed.”


You might be thinking, ‘What? Its not THAT bad…’

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Paige, Sydney, and Miranda (Drew’s girlfriend) pretty much own the school. They know everything and everybody.

Plus they look like freaking Gods.

Which person would reject a ‘request’ by the three most popular girls in the school?

Not me. But I’m different of course.

“So what are you going to do know Jen?” I snapped out of it, and looked at Blake who was resting his head against the seat, with an earphone in one ear.

“I have no idea. I think I will hang low and see what happens.”

I hopped out of the bus dreading my old, ‘best’ part of the day.

7th period art.

The only period where Drew, Miranda, Paige and Sydney were in the same period as me.

I’m so excited.
♠ ♠ ♠
do whatever.