Angel Kaylee

Angel Kaylee

"No! Austin, stop it!" Kaylee screamed as her older brother hit her again.

Kaylee was five years old when it started. Her seventeen year-old brother, Austin, was like a father in a way. He'd get drunk at a party, come home late, and beat her. Kaylee told her parents that the kids in her class did it, and Austin was always too hung-over to remember, so he completely got away with it and didn't even know.

"Please!?! Austin, please stop! You're hurting me!" Crying harder than ever before, Kaylee couldn't even make her trembling legs carry her away from the pain. She lie on the floor trying to drag her little body under her bed. Austin grabbed her ankle and dangled her over the floor with his right hand.

"Youu shtupid fucking crybabyyy.." He slurred, he was majorly wasted that night. "Mom an' Dad alwayysh loved you morrrrre than me. I'm just.. not go-ood ennnough for them, am I? Am I?!"

"I love you, Austin! I love you, I love you, I love you!"

"Shhh..uddup!! Youu were always a liar! And a crybaby! Always! Youu.. aways ran tooo Mom an Dad an gah me in trouble!" Austin kept yelling two inches from Kaylee's face.

But Kaylee wasn't lying; she meant every word of it. She loved her big brother so much, she didn't care that he beat her at least four times a week, because all the other times when he wasn't hurting her, he was the nicest person on Earth. She could never turn his drinking habits against how much she loved her brother. She was only five, but she had a good head on her shoulders.

She, literally, loved him to death.

Kaylee could smell all the alcohol on Austin's breath.
She threw up on his feet.

That was his last straw.

Kaylee was pronounced dead on June 25, 2007; 8:19 AM.

She was five years, two months, and eleven days old. Her pretty blond hair was matted with blood, her porcelain cheeks stained with icy crystals, and her emerald green eyes were never to open again. Her parents were put on trial for child abuse, however they were found innocent. No one would know it was her big brother until seven months later. Austin turned eighteen in that amount of time and was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Three years later

Austin walked back in his cell after taking his shower for the week. The officer unlocked his handcuffs and padlocked the jail cell doors. He walked over to his bunk and noticed a neatly folded piece of paper. Curious, and slightly suspicious, he unfolded it and read:

"I still love you, big brother. ~Angel Kaylee"

Austin committed suicide that night. Now he's in Heaven with his baby sister where they'll be happy together forever.