Six Feet Under the Stars


The clicking of the fan is quite annoying, and distracting, I can’t keep my attention focused on the geometry homework that I should be doing. I’m so far behind in that class and failing is not an option.
I’ve been distracted lately anyway, not that it matters. But, there’s this kid, I’ve never noticed him before, how did I not? He stand out from the crowd, I think he might be new, if not to the school, then at least to this class. I heard my teacher say his name, once or twice, but I really wasn’t paying it any mind, but I know it now. Boy do I ever.
I never thought he would have such an impact on my life. But two weekends ago, man did he ever.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*two weekends earlier *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
“You’re such a freak Amy, why do you even bother coming to school?” Hayley said as she walked past me.
I put my head down and walked faster, trying not to let her words hurt me, and thanked God that it was Friday. I quickly went to my locker and tried to open it, but it was jammed. I quickly gave it a kick, leaving a dent, and made my way towards the office. I told them that my locker was jammed and they sent someone to unjam it.
I was late to my class, and got odd stares, not that I didn’t get them anyway. I quickly took my seat and hid my face from everyone.
Between fifth and sixth hour, my bag broke in the middle of the stairway. My stuff flew all over, and no one stopped to help.
I was late to that next class too, I went in about halfway through. Yeah, it took me twenty minutes to actually collect all my stuff, people were kicking it around, and some of it had even made it to the bottom of the stairs.
My teacher didn’t believe me when I told her what happened and she sent me straight to the office. The dean of students gave me a long detention set for that next Wednesday.
She let me go after the bell rang.
“Ha. What happened freak? You look so sad, are you going to do what your friend did and kill yourself? We’d be better off without you Amy, deep down you know it’s true.” Hayley sneered after eighth hour. I quickly ran away from her.
Luckily my ninth hour was study hall, and all I had to do was read. But not even the end of my book could turn our right. The main character died, how does that work?
By the end of the day I was just ready to go home. But I had a rude awakening when I got there, too. My mom and step-dad were fighting again, over God knows what. I didn’t want to stay for the finale when he starts to hit either her or me, so I quickly and quietly closed the door, ditching my broken back pack in the front yard, and I took off in the direction of the park.
I didn’t even look at her house as I passed it. Rose made her own choice, and it’s not my fault.
I made it to the park, there weren’t many people there, mainly just a few teenager throwing around some sort of a ball. I paid them no mind, and they did the same to me, as I quickly walked past them and towards the bridge.
The bridge was seventy or so feet above a river.
I quietly sat down and looked at the rocks, they were pretty big and pretty sharp.
I was thinking about jumping, maybe Hayley was right, maybe everyone would be better off without me. I scooted closer to the edge, barely even on anymore when someone sat down next to me, pulling me back a little.
“Hey,” He said, his light brown hair hanging in his face. “you looked pretty sad, and were kinda hanging off the edge there, you okay?” He asked, voice lined with concern.
And that’s when I lost it. I cried for the time since Rose killed herself, a year ago.
Everything that hurt me was let out, to this stranger, the only person to as if I was okay.
And he sat there with me, rubbing my back, listening, giving advise. When I was finally done he pulled me toward his chest and hugged me tight.
He sighed as he loosened his grip, “Listen Amy, don’t let things get to you like this okay? Rose made a fucked up decision, and Hayley’s a bitch. Your step-dad should be in jail. Don’t let things bottle up in you like this, okay? If you even need to talk just come find me-”
“How could I find you?” I interrupted, this is the first time that I ever saw him.
“I go to your school. I’m in your third hour…I’m Alex… I sit in front of you….”
“oh.” he smiled at me.
“and you’re Amy,” this time I was the one who smiled. I couldn’t help it. “And you’re not going to let these things get to you anymore” he said sternly, I just nodded my head.
“I’ll come find you if I need to talk, I promise.” I said, half smiling.
He pulled me into hug again, I smiled at him as he pulled away.
I closed my eyes and sighed.
“You wanna go home, Amy” Alex asked, I quickly shook my head no.
“They’re probably still fighting.” I mumbled, leaning over the edge again. Alex’s hands went lightly around my wait, holding me so I wouldn’t fall. a smiled once again played at my lips, but quickly faded away.
“You wanna come to my place, you could stay the night. We have a guest room that you could use.”
I let a slight smiled form on my lips as I nodded “That’d be great.”
He nodded and stood up. He offered me his and, I grabbed it, and he pulled me up.
The walk to Alex’s house was short and silent. And, Alex didn’t let go of my hand the whole entire way.
His house is white, with red framing. The paint looked new, the house looked happy. I just hoped that it really was.
We walked up the three stairs that led to the front door, my hand still in his, our fingers laced.
We walked into the living room, where his mom sat. He quickly explained what happened, and asked if I could spend the night.
His mom gave me a worried glance and nodded her head. “you can stay here as long as you need to, Hun”
I smiled and thanked her.
Alex led me upstairs to where the guest room was.
He opened the door. The room was simple, a bed with a white comforter and pillows set up against he wall. A window out looking the street, a light yellow chair next to it, it matched the yellow curtains. A table sat next to the bed, with a simple lamp on it. A dresser was in the corner.
It kind of frightened me to have been in such a happy place, but what frightened me the most was that I felt so at home here. So safe here.
“Well…uhm…this is it.” Alex said lamely. I nodded my head. I felt tired, worn out, from crying. It was only about six p.m. but I was ready for bed.
I was leaning against Alex, my eyes half closed, our hands still laved together.
“I could get you some clothes to sleep in if you’d like.” he whispered, afraid to be too loud, I just nodded my head again. He led me to the bed, where I sat.
He quickly walked out of the room was back within minuets. He had a pair of shorts, probably used for gym class, and a shirt. He handed them to me.
“I’ll be in the room next door if you need me okay?” he smiled down at me. “just knock.” he said kissing my forehead, and leaving the room.
I quickly changed into the clothes that he gave me. I laid down in the bed and pulled the covers over myself. The bed had so comfy, I wish I could lay in it again.
I laid there for a good twenty minuets, listening to Alex strumming a guitar and singing in the next room. I just couldn’t fall asleep.
I slipped out from under the covers and dropped my feet to the floor. I swiftly walked tot eh door, and out into the hall. I stood in front of Alex’s room for a few minutes, debating on whether or not I should knock.
I was listening to the sound of his voice. I sounded amazing. He was singing pretty low, probably trying not to wake me.
I quietly knocked on Alex’s door. The singing and guitar stopped and I heard him shuffling around in his room before he came to the door.
“Hey Amy, what do you need?” He questioned once he finally managed to open the door.
I shyly looked down as I mumbled, “I can’t sleep.”
He chuckled and lifted my head up, but I kept my gaze away. “Why not?”
“I dunno.” I shifted my gaze back to his brown eyes. He smiled at me, letting me know that I could ell him anything. “ I don’t want to be alone, I guess.” I mumbled again. I couldn’t take my eye away from his.
“You wanna lay in my bed?” he questioned. I nodded my head slightly. He smiled and took my hand again leading me into his room. “Excuse the mess please.” he said as he pushed some stuff off his bed. I just smiled.
He pulled back the covers and stood back so I could lay down. I did, and he pulled the covers over me, up to my chin. They smelled just like him. I could feel my eyes getting heavier. “Goodnight Amy.” He said, kissing my forehead again.
He stood back up and started walking to the other side of the room. I grabbed his hand before it got out of reach.
“Don’t go.” I whimpered, afraid that if he went too far I’d loose him forever. He just blinked at me.
“What’s wrong?” he looked worried, I felt panicked.
“Just…lay with me.” I whispered, I was almost having a panic attack. He looked surprised, but nodded his head. I pulled the covers down and he laid down next to me. His arms went around my waist, my head went on his shoulder.
My eyes closed as I listened to his heart beat. He started to sing quietly as I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day, still in Alex’s arms. I could tell that he didn’t move the while time, he was still in his jeans and shirt.
I smiled to myself and laid still. His breathing gave it away, he was still sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake him.
He woke up about an hour later. I just stayed still, hoping I wasn’t the reason why he woke.
He looked down at me and saw that I was awake. “’Morning Amy.” he said tiredly .
“Good Morning Alex.” I said softly. His arm went tighter around my waist, and I smiled at him.
“Mmm. I could get used to know, you know.” he mumbled, I could tell he was barely awake.
“I could too,” I whispered. He smiled at widely at me, his brown eyes gleaming. I smiled back as he laid his head back on his pillow. I cuddled back into his chest, listening to his heart, and smiled. I was truly happy for the first time.

We stayed like that most of the day. And I couldn’t have been happier. I was only sad when I saw the time and decided that I was time to go home.
He let me go, and let get out of his bed, changed, and then he let me cry again.
Alex quickly ran do to me when I suddenly burst into tears. His arms engulfing me in a hug, and I cried onto his shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair, and started rubbing my back again.
“Shhh, Amy. Come on. What’s wrong?” He whispered into my ear. His voice sounded worried. I just started shaking.
I never realized that I was this afraid of going home. Of going back to where I would hide in my room until I was forced to come out by a drunken Greg. I didn’t want to go back, but I knew that my mother needed me. I leaned away from Alex. I had finally managed to stop crying. He wiped my tears away with his thumbs.
“You don’t have to go back you know.” Alex whispered
I shook my head. “I have to go back Alex, my mom needs me.” I had been on the verge of tears again.
“Maybe you could stay another night Amy,” He was pleading with me.
“I can’t Alex, my mom.” I didn’t want to give in, but I could feel myself weakening.
“Okay, you’re right. Just…call me? Later okay?” he questioned, his voice almost shaking, eye really worried.
I nodded my eyes not leaving his.
He wrote his number on a piece of paper and put it in my pocket.
I hugged him quickly before walking away.
Once I got home, I ran straight to my room, grabbing the phone on my way. I pulled Alex’s number from my pocket and unfolded the paper.
My heart almost stopped as I read what he wrote.
"My dearest Amy,
You mean the world to me, and have for a while now. I hate seeing you cry, and I want to take your pain away. I know it’s probably not the right time, but I would love for you to be mine. Call me with your answer. I don’t be mad if you say no.
Love, Alex., 555-0321”

I called him as quick as I could. Told him my answer with a smiled. “Yes.”
And that’s where I am today.
Sitting in my third hour study hall, trying and failing to do my geometry homework, and with an amazing boyfriend.
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my teacher liked this one. <3