Because Of You...

JC. One shot

"Do you have to make so much noise!" I groaned, rolling over in bed. Last night was mine and the guys first night back, after a three month noise. We celebrated by having a night out on the town, hence the killer hangover, which Ana's banging isn't helping!

Roling over onto my back, I rubed my eyes and then sat up in bed. Ana, my girlfriend of 6 years and mother of my son Jay, was ziping up a suitcase. "What are you doing?" I asked in panic.

"Im leaving. And I'm taking Jay with me."

She plulled the suitcase of the bed and headed downstairs. I quickly jumped out of the bed, pulled on my jeans from last night and darted after her."What! Why are you leaving!?!" I asked. Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she put the case down. Jay walked in the hallway.

"Mommy? Daddy? Whats wrong?" He asked. He may have been four years old, but he wasn't stupid.

"Nothing Honey. Go get our jacket." She cooed, he obeyed and went to his room. Ana then turned back to me "I'm leaving because of you Johnny!" She snarled "I'm sick and tired of your family, YOUR family, being second best to your party lifestyle!"

Jay walked over to me and looked up at me. Ana picked up the suitcase and put it in her car. I knelt down and huged Jay close to me. "Don't worry Daddy." He smiled, not knowing what was going on. Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I released Jay from our hug.

"Jay go pick a book for bedtime tonight." Ana sniffled as tears slipped down from her pale cheeks. Tears that I am causing. Again, Jay went to his room.

I stood back up, "Why?" I cried. "Please don't do this to me!" I begged.

"And what about what you've done to me?! I was 19 when I had Jay! I gave up everything! My job, my life! Everything! So we..I..could bring our son up right! I became a full time mom, so you could go ahead and follow your dreams and concentrate on the badn with the guys!" She sobbed.

Jay walked back into the room, he had heared us arguing. "Don't go! I don't want to go!" He cried. Picking up Jay, I rocked him back and forth in my arms.

"Don't cry Jay." I siffled, "Please don't cry."

"I-I let you lead the life you wanted Johnny and you can't spend time with me or Jay! We're just people in you life that mean nothing to you!" She reached out and pulled Jay away from me, who was crying hysterically. "Until you get your priorities in order, me and Jay aren't part of your life!" She cried.

Ana walked out of te house to her car. I followed begging, pleading, praying that they stayed. Ana put Jay in his car seat and then walked to the drivers door."Please don't do this Ana! I love you!" I cried, attempting to pull her into a hug.

She shoved me away from herself, "I haven't felt loved by you in a long time Johnny." She whimpered, then got in the car.

"Please!" I cried, as Ana started the engine. She gave me one last sorrowful look, then backed off the driveway and took off down the road.

I fell to my knees and cried my eyes out, bashing my fists to the floor. "How could I do that to them!" I sobbed. "How could I!"

It's been a little over a week since Ana left me. She called Val and told her to tell me that she and Jay were okay, and staying with her parents in New York. The past week, I've sat in the empty shell of my family house, thinking about all the things I needed to sort out in my life. Never once did I drink, go out to party or anything like that. I just sat in silence, thinking my life over and what I need to do in it.

"Johnny..I'm um..I'm pregnant.." Ana stated nervously. She stood up from the bench in the park and started pacing "I...We're only only young but I'd give up my world if we made a go of this..I mean...If you want to.."

I looked at her in shock for a moment, before breaking out into a huge grin "I'm gonna be a dad..." I hugged Ana. "I promise I'll always be there for you," I put my hand on her stomach "and our baby..."
End Of Flashback

I knew what I had to do with my life and who should be in it. I only had one problem to solve..How to prove to Ana that she and Jay...are my life..

For several hours I sat awake trying to find way to prove my love to Ana. I lay on Jay's bed, holding a picture of Ana and I before we had Jay. Sighing I ran my finger over the photo, "Nothing can compare in this world to you.." I mumbled to the photo.

Thats when an idea struck me. Grabbing my cell phone from the night stand, I called Matt. "Get all the guys to meet at the studio ASAP!" I smiled to myself "I have an idea."

After hours of trying and failing, we finally had a song that I wrote, with a little bit of help, that will hopefully show Ana how much she means to me.

"Thanks guys. You have no idea hw much this means to me." I said to them.

"Don't worry. We know how much you and Ana love each other." Smiled Zacky.

"You need a ride home with Brian and me?" Asked Jimmy.

"No, I got some stuff I need to finish up here." I replied. They then left leaving me to finish up the final part of the CD.

I stepped into to the recording booth and began to say, what I had been thinking over the past few days.

Ana...I can't do anything about how much of an idiot I've been in the past. But I can make our future something to look forward to. For all three of us. The day you told me you were pregnant on thepark bench, I made you a solid promise and so far I'ce broken it, But I'm gonna work on fixing it...If you let me. I'm so so so sorry about what I've done to you and Jay. I just want you to know that this song, Warmness on the Soul, on the CD is true, nothing in this world compared to you. Know that I always love you and Jay. If your willing to give me another chance, there's flight tickets for you and Jay for in a weeks time. I'll understand if you don't come, you've given me more chances than I ever deserve. Love always.

Putting the CD into its case, I then put the CD and plane tickets into a package with her parents address on it. After leaving the studio, I sent off the package. Ana should recieve it in two days. Now its just a waiting game.

The past week had been the longest of my life. I spent most of my time keeping myself busy. I fixed the swing in the garden, re-painted Jay's room and did all the chores that needed doing. That week finished way too soon for my liking. At exactly two in the afternoon the flight from New York landed. I was standing in the arrival section of the airport, hoping that the love of my life and son emerge throught the crowd.

So I waited. Waited..And waited. Three o'clock came and went, but they nowhere in sight. I gave up hope. I gave up on myself. Turning around, with my hands stuffed in my jeans pockets and head hung low, I began to walk to the exit.


Sharpishly, I spun around. Jay came running towards me, with a smile plastered on his face. "Jay!" I grinned, running towards him, swallowing him into a bne crushing hug. "Wow! Look at your hair little man!" I said refering to the black mohawk onto of his head.

"He wanted to be like his dad."

Looking just behind Jay, I saw Ana. Slowly I lowered Jay to his feet, never breaking eye contact with Ana.

"One last chance Johnny, That's all your getting." She said softy to me. I hastily took the few remaining steps between me and Ana. I pulled her as close as possible to my body, as she burried her head in my neck.

"I promise I'll never hurt you or Jay. Ever." I stated.

Pulling slightly out of the hug Ana and I kissed for the first time, in what seems months. "Eww!" Yelled Jay, covering his eyes. We pulled apart but remained in a hug.

"Give it a few years and you'll love it kiddo." I laughed ruffling his hair.

"Lets go home." Ana smiled up at me. So as a family we left the airport.

When we pulled up in the driveway, I switched off the engine and turned in my seat to face Jay. "I got you a little present in the house Jay." His face lit up with excitment. Ana raised an eyebrow at me.

Getting Jay out of his car seat, Ana folowed me to the front door. "What are you hiding Christ?" Smirked Ana.

I had a cheeky grin on my face , then opened the fron door fully. Out came running a St.Bernard puppy, with a red bow around his neck. Jay ran to the puppy, he giggled as the puppy licked his face. "You'r such a suck up Johnny," Ana smiled hugging my side, "but I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, leaning down and kissing her.

That night we spent as a family. Jay came into our room with 'Bernie' his puppy. We watched a few DVD's all cuddled up and ate some pizza that we had ordered in.

Jay had fallen asleep at the bottom of our bed with Bernie lying close to him. Ana was wrapped in my arms, as we both watched them sleep. "Johnny?"Ana asked shifting slighty, "I'm sorry I left...I hated myself for doing it.."

"Ana, I'm the one who should be saying sorry, I messed up big time." I decided to do what I should have done years ago.

I kissed Ana's shoulder and reached into the bedside table. "I've waited too long to do this." Ana looked puzzled. Readjusting her in my arms, I held in my hands before her, a small black box. "Marry me.." I whispered softly in her ear, as I opened the box, revealing a simple diamond ring.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands."Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" She smiled, as she began to cry slightly. I slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed the hand it was on then her lips.

"We're gonna be this happy forever. I promise"