Never Let Her Go...

Z.V. One Shot

"How could you do that to me!" I screeched.

"Baby, I swear, I wasn't with some other girl!" Zacky pleaded with me.

I shook my head as more tears fell. "Don't lie to me! I heared you telling Matt you were going to visit her" His gaze fell to the floor. "So who is she?" I yelled.

"I-I...No I can't say..." He mumbled. "I have my reasons Gena..."

"Forget it!" I said shoving back out of the front door. "It's OVER Zacky!" With that I slammed the door in his face, then locked it.

"Gena! Please!" He begged, banging the door. "It's complicated!"

I rubbed away my falling tears with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. "Go away Zacky! I don't want to see or hear you!"

He continued to beg and plead with me to let him in for another half an hour.

"I'll be staying with the guys....Please call me...It's the truth baby, I promise you." Zacky sniffled, before leaving.

My mind was working over time. How could Zacky, the one who could tell me anything and everything cheat on me! Alright so I didn't catchin him in the act. But I've found reciept for flowers on more than five occasions, when we argue he's gone for hours at a time, and comes home smelling of vanilla. The other night when I was asleep, after the BBQ we just had, when he was saying goodnight to Matt he told him he was going to visit her. If thats not enough proof then I have no idea what is!

By the time I finished the bottle of wine, I was an emotional mess and I needed to rest. So I dragged my ass to bed. My cold bed. How could he do that....Just how....


I had a sleepless night. Tossing and turning. If Zacky was there he would have stayed awake with me, held me in his arms until I fell asleep. But he wasn't there. After what he did he didn't deserve to be.

Checking my cell I had over 23 missed calls, 19 of them being from Zacky, the others from Michelle.

Trudging down the stairs I went to the front door to get the milk. Not only I had a banging headache, the hangover wasn't one of the best I've had. As I picked the milk up from the bottom of the porch, I looked down ther street. Empty as usual. Turning, I walked back into the house and closed the door with my foot.

*Knock knock*

Puzzled I looked at the door for a moment... I swear there was no-one walking up the street...I would have seen them, if they got to the door that quick.. I thought.

Putting the milk on the side table, I glanced through the peep hole...At least it's not Zacky...

Opening the front door, a girl stood before me. She looked under 20 years old, had dark hair with a simple streak of red in it, dark green eyes. She was also wearing a misfits t-shirt, the one where the hands are on the chest, grey ripped jeans and red converse.

"Erm...Hello.." I said softly.

"Are you Gena?" She asked, her voice was soft and calming.

I stood up straight whilst I continued to analysis this girl before me. "Yes. I am. Who's asking?"

"I'm Ember. A close friend of Zacky's." Her voice sounded quite young for her looks.

I couldn't help but snort and fold my arms "Your her aren't you? Your the one he's cheating on me with!" My voice getting bitter.

Ember didn't do anything just looked at me with familiar eyes. "No. I'm not." She chuckled slightly. "Zacky isn't cheating on you Gena. He loves you way too much to do that." She shifted her weight onto her other foot and folded her arms. She has a soft smile on her lips as strands of her hair blew in her face.

"I don't believe you. I bet your not even a friend of Zacky's! He's never mentioned you before" I snarled.

She nodded her head. "True. He hasn't told you about me. But I know for a fact that he didn't cheat." She looked away for a second then at me dead in the eyes. "Like I know that you really love him. You love him so much, that you trust him to go away on tour for months without you. And that he loves you very much too. I know that you two are just dying to start a family together. C'mon you've been together for 7 years!" She laughed slightly at the last part...So did I.

"But how do you know for a fact he's not cheating..I mean.. where does he go when he's away for hours..." I asked this Ember..She seemed to know what she was talking about.

She looked away again then back at me "It's not my place to tell...But call Zacky...He needs you just as much as you need him.." Ember turned to walk away. "Don't worry...You'll find out the truth." Then walked away, disappearing out of my sight around the corner.

I had no idea what just happened...But I decided to go with my gut decision.


"Gena?" Matt questioned when he opened his door.

I smiled slightly "I'm here to talk to Zacky." Matt smiled back at me and left me in.

Following him into the living room, I could see Zacky looking run down as Val held in friendly hug.

"Zacky man..Someone's here for you" Matt said. He nodded to Val. She smiled at him, then got up letting go fo Zacky.

She came over and gave me a slightly hug "He's missed you terrible" She said quietly. I nodded, then Val walked out the room.

Zacky looked at me and quickly rushed over to me and fell to his knees hug me around my waist "Baby! I swear I wasn't with no-one else." Matt walked towards the door to leave us alone.

"It's okay I believe you." I sniffled. "Ember told me everything..."

Matt stopped dead in his tracks. His face turning pale.

Zacky stopped rammbling. His face too turing pale.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, scared about the looked on their faces.

"There's no way...." Matt said under his breath, shaking his head. "There can't be...".

**Zacky's POV**

There was no way...There just couldn't be.

"Someone tell me whats going on...." Gena said looking between Matt and I.

Tears filled my eyes. "Matt can you leave please..." He nodded and left the room...looking very spooked out.

"Gena you need to sit down..." She did. I took my hands in hers. "I have something to tell you" She looked petrified of what I was going to say. "That girl you met today...Ember..How old did she look?"

She looked at me as if I was crazy. ''Around 16 or 17..why? What does that have to do with anything?''

"She always looked older for her age....She was 15...Had a red streak in her hair?" Gena nodded. So did I, smiling slightly. "That girl...She's...She's my sister..." I bit my bottom lip. "She's my dead sister"

Gena's jaw dropped. "Zacky stop fuckign around! Thats not funny! You don't have a sister!" She exclaimed.

"He does...Did..." Matt said quietly walking into the room. Matt turned to look at me. "She kept her promise didn't she?" He asked.

I nodded. Getting my wallet out of pocket, I pulled out a small picture from behind a credit card. It was of me and my sister Ember. I passed it to Gena..She gasped when she saw it. "When my sister was 13 she made a promise to me...That she'd look out a protect me..I made the same promise to her but I couldn't keep it..." Memories of my sister and I flooded my memory.

Gena took my hand in hers. Tears forming in her eyes.

"When she was 15..I was 18...We were playing baseball in the garden. I always used to take the mick out of her cos she sucked at it" I laughed slightly, Matt did too."The ball went over the fence towards the main road. She ran out to get it. The only thing I could remember was screeching tyres"I stared off into the distance. "She was hit by the car, and they didn't even stop to help her. They left her to die..."

"Zacky...I had no idea...." Gena said softly.

I looked back at her, cradling her hands in mine. "The receipts you find for flowers..I take those to her grave...And thats where I go when I feeling angry or I need to talk...Even if I can't hear her..I know she can hear me. And the vanilla..." I smiled remembering. "She always used to spray herself with it, that smell just makes me think he's here with me...But now I know she really is."

I looked back at Gena, who had silent tears falling from her eyes. "I'm so sorry for thinking you cheated." She leaned forward and hugged me. I hugged her back holding onto her for dear life. Cradling her, like I used to craddle my sister, when she needed comforting.

Opening my eyes and we hugged I looked out the window. I saw Ember standing on the porch, her face smiling back at me, her green eyes looking into mine, Never Let Her Go Ember's voice said in my head.

"I won't" I whispered.

One final look at Ember and she disappeared, leaving a beautiful summer's day in her absense.

"I love you Sis...."