Snapping Threads

Part Two

His breath misted up the thin glass window when he sighed, making the droplets of water on the other side look surreal.
It had been 6 months to the day.

6 Months since he had seen his best friend.
6 Months since he had seen his lover.
6 Months since he had been happy.

The house felt cold and empty without his presence, Gerard had tried blasting music to try and raise the atmosphere but had resulted in a minor breakdown as he had reminisced about the times he had spent with Frankie. His Frankie.

He remembered the look on Frank’s face when the letter came, at the beginning Frank had been more upset than him, perhaps the reality of it had hit him first.

All Gerard knew was that when he hit 3 weeks he had been struggling, knowing he still had another 7 months and 1 week at that point left was heartbreaking.

The letters had become less frequent, the phone calls had stopped totally and Gerard was dreading the day that another letter was going to come through that damned letterbox.

He had always sworn to protect his love, but he had never imagined that Frank could be dragged away to a place where Gerard was unable to keep his promise.

He had never known that waiting could be so damn hard.
But he was willing to wait. For Frankie. For his Frankie.

6 months.
24 weeks.
168 days.
10080 minutes.
604800 seconds.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading, feedback would be appreciated. xo