I've Got You


As Sierra was sitting in her cast chair she was examing the script laying on her lap. Twirling her long blonde hair in her fingers she laughed here and there to the script lines. Before she was thinking this wouldn’t be much fun, but reading the script she thought, Hey maybe this won’t be so bad, the script is hilarious.

Later on that day the director sent the entire cast to an all payed for lunch to get to know each other and click so there would be less tension on set. They all went to lunch at Applebee’s. It seemed that everyone paired up with people they already knew, from earlier times of the show. Sierra was left all alone with no one to sit and talk with so she just played around with her jewelry until someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked over her shoulder and Cody was smiling at her. Sierra eyed him suspiciously. “Uhm, Hi?” Sierra asked more than said cautiously.

Cody took a seat next to her and said “What’s up? I’m Cody Linley, you?”

Sierra smiled and responded “Sierra Castello. Nice to meet you.”

After talking over lunch Cody and Sierra became pretty close friends. As they were chatting Miley was glaring across the table at them .Miley felt like Sierra was trying to take Cody away from her. Miley knew that Sierra was a nice girl and had a great personality but envied her nonetheless. Miley viewed Sierra as a beautiful blonde with amazing green eyes and all the curves in the right places. Compared to Sierra, Miley didn’t feel at her best. Little did Miley know that Sierra felt the same exact way. Through Sierra’s eyes she viewed Miley as a girl with beautiful brown hair that fell past her shoulders and shined in the sun., gorgeous eyes bright eyes, and a body to die for. Although she still felt the same way as Miley did about Sierra, Sierra still felt that Miley would be a good friend and a genuine person.

Cody brought back Miley's attention for she was staring into space. “HELLOOO MILEYYYYY???”Cody asked loudly snapping his fingers in her face.

“What?” Miley snapped glaring at her boyfriend. Miley really really liked Cody and Cody really liked her back as well. They had been dating for a month and had a very good relationship.

“Whoa, baby what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Cody asked with concern in his eyes.

Miley just simply turned away from him and continued eating her food. Cody knew Miley was mad and it worried him because he truly cared for Miley. I’ll talk to her about it later.

He continued talked to Sierra and valued her friendship. Cody thought Sierra was a really hot but only viewed her as a good friend. He really liked Miley and they clicked perfectly.

As Sierra talked with Cody she was grateful that he was friendly and came up to her. She thought he was a great person and had a great heart. But also only liked him as an awesome friend. Of Course she thought Cody was hot with his sandy blonde hair and amazing eyes. What girl wouldn’t? But she didn’t let that get in the way of her feelings for Matthew .Matt was really nice and they synced together.

After lunch the cast piled out of the restaurant and back to the set. Once on set Cody began frantically looking for Miley in hopes of knowing why she was angry. Cody found Miley sitting in a corner of her dressing room with her iPod in her ears. The music was blasting and Cody knew this was what Miley did when she was angry or trying to think.

“Miley, you okay?” Cody asked concern sketched in his eyes.

“Do you even care?” Miley retorted.

“Of course I care Miley. You’re my girlfriend and I care for you a lot.” Cody answered sincerely.

“Oh yeah. If I’m your girlfriend and you care so about me that much then how come you were all over that Sierra girl at the restaurant?” Miley asked.

“I was just making a new friend Miley. I didn’t think it would bother you as much. I’m sorry.”

“Whatever why don’t you just go talk to her I bet that’s what you’re thinking of now,” Miley said with tears in her eyes.

“Dammit, Miley. Calm down she’s just a friend I was just being friendly,”Cody’s voice grew. A tear left Miley’s eye. As soon as Cody saw her expression he softened up. “Listen okay. I like you and only you. Miley, you are an amazing person and you mean a lot to me .I don’t want to lose you. Sierra is just a friend and I promise it won’t be more than that.” Cody whispered in her ears running his fingers through her hair.

Miley silently sobbed into Cody’s shirt, although he could care less “You promise me? I mean, Cody I really like you and you completely ignored me at the restaurant and it hurt.” Miley said in a whisper .Cody inhaled and exhaled deeply.

“I didn’t mean to, Miley. Of course I promise you she means nothing like that to me.” Cody said. He looked her in the eyes and leaned in. Miley also leaned in closing the once existent space between them. Miley moved her hands up and down his arms while Cody wrapped his arms around her waist and brought them closer together, if that was even possible.

Meanwhile Sierra was searching for Miley’s dressing room in hopes of becoming friends. Sierra spotted a black door with the words Miley’s Dressing Room in pretty script white letters. Sierra opened the door silently and saw before her Miley and Cody making out .They had yet to notice her so she cleared her throat.

Miley and Cody snapped their heads in Sierra’s direction and saw her standing there shyly. Miley looked away and blushed furiously and smiled at Sierra.

“Oh, hi Sierra.” Miley said shyly. Cody chuckled at his embarrassed girlfriend and grabbed her hand. Miley smiled in his direction and turned her attention back towards Sierra.
“Hey Sierra. What’s up?” He asked.

“Nothing much. Just looking for Miley,” Sierra replied biting back laughter.

“Well then I’ll leave you two alone.” Cody responded pecking Miley sweetly on the lips and leaving the room.

“Um, Miley can I talk to you about something?”Sierra asked.

“Sure” Miley responded cautiously.

“Well I just wanted to say that…”