I've Got You

CHAPTER TWO: The City Is At War

The door closed to Miley’s dressing room, and the two girls were alone.

“…..that I don’t want you messing with me. Just because we are best friends on the show, don’t try to be my real best friend.”

Miley glared at Sierra. She couldn’t believe that Cody actually thought that Sierra was a good person.

“Fine with me,” Miley said with disgust. The two girls glared at each other, trying not to rip each others throats out.

“Just make sure we act good friends around people, especially Cody.” Sierra hissed. That left Miley speachless and furious. What Sierra had said made Miley believe that she wanted to take Cody away from her.

Cody came in a minute later. “ So how did it go?” he asked curiously. Miley desperately tried to not roll her eyes and smiled sweetly.

“Just peachy,” she said as sweet as she could.

Cody didn’t seem to be convince but dropped the subject. Miley herself didn’t understand as to why she hated what Sierra said. A part of Miley wanted to tell Cody about the whole conversation, but another part of her also thought it was for the best as far as Miley was concerned Sierra and Cody had become pretty close. Thinking these things over, Miley figured that if she told him, he would have to choose who to belive. Sierra would most certainly deny it, and Miley didn’t want to put him in that position. As much as she hated Sierra, this was more about Cody. And she made her final decision based on her conclusions.

Back on Set an hour later…

"And....action!" the director called.

The scene began. It was the episode where 'Jake' came back from filming his movie, and he and Miley got together. Just the thought of watching them kiss made Sierra want to puke.

"Cut!" The director called after a few seconds.

"What was that?!" Miley practically yelled at Sierra.

"What did I do?"

"You made like this disgusted face or something, and then shuddered! Now we have to do the whole scene over again!"

"Miley, we only did a few seconds," Sierra hissed. She was getting really mad at Miley, because Miley got mad at just the slightest things.

"Girls!" The director yelled at them.

"So much for acting like friends," Miley seethed through gritted teeth as she smiled at the director.

"I thought my acting was good, unlike yours. That's what messed it up," Sierra hissed back.

"What's wrong with you two?" Cody asked as he walked up. Miley and Sierra immediatly shut up and smiled at Cody.

"Oh, nothing," Miley said with a fake smile.

Cody looked from Miley to Sierra with an unconvinced look on his face before he walked away.

"Look," Miley said, now fully speaking in Sierra's face. "The Jonas Brothers are going to be coming next week to film an episode. If you mess anything up, I will have you fired."

Sierra scoffed. "Fine," she said with the biggest attitude she could muster.

At that, the director called places, and the girls had to split up. Sierra couldn't help but think that shooting an episode with the Jonas Brothers would be a perfect way to get at Miley.

Oh, let the games begin.
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Written by Ariana