Status: ..stuck on this one. I haven't updated in a year. I may come back to it.

Is This What You Call Freedom? Is This What You Call Pain?


“Hey Mom. How’s it going?”

There was a pause while Anna’s mother responded to her. Her best friends Amy, Kelly, and Kaydin stood a few feet away under the leafless tree next to the school.

“That’s good. Hey, Amy wanted to know if I could go over her house with Kelly and Kaydin for a while is that okay?”

Anna’s mother always agreed, but she always asked out of respect. Anna loved her mother. Her friends loved her mom too. She walked over to the girls now sitting under the tree, closing her phone.

“Kay guys, my mom said I could come. She said she’d take us all for a ride in the convertible when she comes to pick us up too!”

The girls squealed. They weren’t stuck up girls. They were all down to earth, but Anna’s mom would take them for a ride in the convertible, and it was always the best part of their day. There was nothing better than riding with the top down, on a warm fall evening, with Eminem or old 90’s songs blasting.

They all turned and started walking in the direction of Amy’s house, giggling and laughing about something no one else would think was funny. The walk was pretty far, but with the four of them talking and laughing, it went by in no time.

Once they got to Amy’s they raided the fridge for something to eat. They were all and thirsty. The Kool-Aid was poured, and the frozen pizza was placed in the oven. The girls sat on the couch in Amy’s living room, and Kelly grabbed the remote, but Kaydin whipped Juno out, from her bag, and put it in before anyone could object.

Anna and Kaydin new every line to the movie, so they said them over the characters, and Amy and Kelly just watched and laughed. It was the best Friday Anna had had in months.

By the time they ate, watched the movie, and a couple episodes of Degrassi, it was 8:00, and Anna called her mom. The girls packed up for their rides home, and they all waited on the front steps. Of course Amy was coming along for the ride. Who would pass up a chance to ride around in the bright blue convertible?

Anna’s mom pulled up and got out, so Amy, Kaydin, and Kelly could get in. Anna sat up front, and put Jump Around by House Of Pain on. The girls had listened to it so much that they new every lyric. Anna asked her mom to drive around a little before dropping her friends off, so they drove down by the local beach.

Anna leaned back looking towards the sky, thinking life couldn’t get any better, when she heard a scream. She looked to her left just in time to see a red Truck hit her mother’s side of the car. Then everything went black for all of them.