Your Lips Say That You Love Your Eyes Say That You Hate

Ray Toro

“Raymond Toro, you know I don’t like surprises, so where are we going?”

“Tara stop, please! Don’t worry, you’ll love it. I know you will!”

“How can you be so certain?”

“Because I love you.”

He looked over and smiled as he said it. I kept my face straight as I replied, “I love you too.”

He smiled as he grabbed my hand and led me down the walkway toward his car. I rolled my eyes as we got in but plastered a big grin on my face as I buckled my belt.

“So are any of the guys gonna be there?”

“Yeah, I think Frank and Mikey are. Bob and Gerard are too busy to come out tonight.”

“Oh that sucks. So is it just the guys, or am I gonna have any girls to talk to?”

“Um I think Alicia might be there, but Frank just broke up with Rene so I thought he could use a night out.”

“Awe poor Frankie baby. Well, I’ll make sure that he has a good time.

I smiled as Ray gave a small grin back. He looked deep in thought and I didn’t want to interrupt him. He started the car and we took off for the bar.

Once we arrived I saw Mikey and Alicia waiting in line. I ran over to them and smiled, but only Mikey smiled back. Alicia never seemed to like me, but it’s not like I ever did anything to deserve her bitchy attitude.

“Hi Mikey, Alicia, is Frank here yet?”

“No but he’s on his way, he just texted me. It took a lot of persuading to get him to come out tonight. I honestly didn’t think he was going to come.”

“Oh well I’m glad he’s coming Mikey. I’ll keep him company, don’t worry.”

I grinned again and Alicia merely rolled her eyes. I turned my back to her and quickly stepped ahead of Mikey in line. Ray joined up a minute later.

“Hey guys, I couldn’t believe that there was no parking!”

Leave it to Ray to say something stupid.

“Awe Ray it’s ok. It won’t be that far of a walk to get the car at the end of the night will it?”

“No it’s not that far Tara. I promise babe.”

I released a laugh but turned around to talk to Mikey. As soon as I opened my mouth I gave a squeal, Frankie was here!

“Hey Frank, over here!”

He nodded and hurried to get in line. I backed up to squeeze him in front of me and ended up treading on Alicia’s toes.

“Ouch Tara, that hurt.”

“Oh I’m sorry Alicia, do you need me to kiss it and make it better?”

She threw a glare but I just produced a sweet smile and faced away from her. I instead tapped Frank on the shoulder and waited for him to look me in the eyes.

“I’m so sorry that you and Rene broke up, but she was a controlling little bitch. You can do so much better than that whore.”

He gave a feeble grin and went back to chatting with Ray. I huffed slightly but brushed it off as we finally entered the bar. We found a table and the five of us quickly sat down. Frank still looked depressed but give it some time and I would have him smiling.

“Tara what do you want to drink?”

“Gin and Tonic on the rocks.”

Ray nodded and with Mikey and Frank, left to order the drinks. The music was pumping out some awesome beats and I began jiggling my foot in time with the song.

“I know what you’re doing with Ray, bitch.”

I lazily turned my head toward Alicia and laughed slightly.

“Oh yeah, what exactly am I doing?”

“You’re using him to get to Frank, I’m not blind you know.”

“Oh really, then why do you need glasses?”

“You’re just a little pathetic whore! Ray’s smarter than you think, he’s gonna find out what you’re doing and drop your sorry little ass!”

“Oh you sound so assured. But I’m sorry to say that I’m not going anywhere. Ray loves me, there’s no way in hell that he’s breaking up with me!”

Alicia was about to retort but stopped herself as the guys came back with the drinks. I smirked at Alicia as I leaned over to kiss Ray. He readily kissed back and wrapped his arms around my neck. I giggled slightly and pulled back after a minute. I reached for my drink and quickly downed it in one gulp.

“I’m gonna go get another, anyone need anything yet?”

No one responded so I got up and headed to the bar. I ordered another gin and tonic but I remained sitting at the bar. After finishing my second, I ordered two more and brought them back to the table. I slid in next to Ray and gave a girlish giggle.

“Whoops, sorry Ray.”

“It’s fine Tara, but don’t you think you better slow down? You’re gonna be hammered come tomorrow morning.”

“Ray don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. “

He nodded and pecked my cheek. I reached for the fourth glass and drained it. The music was really loud now and I couldn’t resist the beat. Ray never liked to dance, so it was a waste of time asking him. I instead pulled Frank’s arm and lifted him out of his chair.

“C’mon Frank let’s go dance!”

I didn’t give him a chance to reply as I dragged him to the middle of the floor. I wrapped his arms around my waist and began grinding. After a few minutes I let go of his hands but he kept them around my waist. I laughed and turned around, moving my body closer to his until we were practically connected.

“Are you having fun, Frankie?”

“Yeah, I actually am. I didn’t think I would. Ray’s lucky to have someone like you Tara. I would kill to have someone like you.”

“Oh, but if you killed people, I would never get to be with you.”

He slowed down a little, confusion written on his face.

“What? You’re with Ray, Tara. He’s one of my best friends. He’s happy with you; I couldn’t ever do that to him.”

“Oh, but you do feel something right?”

“That’s not the point, he’ll be heartbroken Tara. He really does care about you.”

“Well, the feeling’s never been reciprocated, Frankie. The only reason I ever dated him was to get to you. Now that you and Rene broke up, we can finally be together. I knew the moment I laid eyes on you that I loved you, Frankie.”

He stopped dancing altogether and stared at me with the most intense eyes that I had ever seen from a person.

“That’s wrong Tara. I don’t love you; I never have and never will! You’re such a bitch.”

He backed away and ran to the table, whispering something in Ray’s ear as he sat back down. I brought my hand to my head and breathed in and out slowly. I watched Ray get up and storm over to me. At the table, I saw Alicia smirking and I knew it was over.

“Is it true what Frankie said Tara? Is it true that you used me to get to him?”

For the first time in our entire relationship, I looked him dead in the eye.

“Yes, it’s true Ray.”

He nodded his head but I didn’t break the connection.

“Well, if that’s really how you feel, then I guess we shouldn’t see each other anymore. Good luck with Frankie, but he’s a stubborn ass. He values his friends and family over girls any day.”

He began to walk away but stopped himself and came back over.

“Now that I think about it, I never really did love you, Tara.”

I nodded this time as his eyes matched those of Frank’s only minutes before.

“I won’t be seeing you later.”

With that he left to go back to the table and a single tear escaped from my eyes before I saw the perfect angel in the corner. I wiped my eyes and prepared to start my game all over again.