The Rescue

Billie in the Dark

There lay Adie, asleep in her bed, looking so peaceful. Her chest moved up and down with each breath in the steady rhythm you have when you're asleep. Billie watched her, mesmerized. Suddenly tendrils of darkness came up out of the bed and silently wrapped themselves around her. He didn't move. Soon Adrienne was completely shrouded in darkness. It started to pull her down. Billie was still frozen to his spot. He blinked and she was gone. Only a small bit of darkness remained. Billie stared at it curiously. This had never happened before.

An image of Tré blowing out the candle in the room appeared in his mind's eye. Billie started backing away from the blob of darkness. Then it shot forward and entered his chest. Billie could see nothing but black.

Billie's eyes snapped open. He yanked the sheets off of him and sprung out of bed. He glanced around the room and his eyes rested on Tré's sleeping figure. He strode over to him and grabbed his neck. Tré woke up and stared at Billie with a confused look on his face. Billie didn't say anything, he just tightened his grip. He dragged him out of his bed and held him a few feet off of the ground.

Tré's face started turning blue. He clawed at Billie's hand and struggle to break few but to no avail. Billie paid no mind to it. Tré tried to shout to wake Mike up, but couldn't manage it. He was running out of oxygen and would die soon if Billie didn't stop. In a last attempt, Tré managed to kick the headboard of Mike's bed.

Mike sleepily opened his eyes until he saw what was going on. Then he was wide awake. He rushed over to Billie and grabbed his arm and tried pulling it away. It didn't work. Tré had passed out by then.

Looking around for something to use against Billie, Mike only found the candle. He grabbed it and it suddenly lit up again. He approached Billie with it and Billie suddenly dropped Tré and shrunk back into the corner into the shadows. Mike advanced on him and saw his eyes were black. When the light fell on him, Billie squirmed.

Mike stuck the candle in Billie's face. The guitarist's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed. Mike caught him and brought him back to his bed, shaking. He then went to go check on Tré. He seemed to be okay. Mike picked him up and put him back in his bed too. Lastly he picked up the candle which he had dropped and placed it back on the table, thinking it was best if it stayed there, lit. He then stumbled over to his bed and got under the covers before falling asleep himself.