The Rescue


Tré wriggled out of Billie's grasp and ran down the center aisle screaming, "Run for your lives! He's going to kill us all! He almost killed me!"

Everybody look at him like he was crazy, and Billie rubbed his temples. "This is starting to get old," he muttered. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Saydu whispering something to a woman next to him who nodded. She then pointed to Tré and muttered something. An immediate change came over him. He paused and scratched his head, confused.

"What was I doing?" he thought aloud.

"You were just going to join us in having 'breakfast'," Saydu replied, motioning for Tré to take a seat in a chair that was two chairs down from him that was situated between another empty chair and the woman who had done something to Tré. He eagerly sat down, ignoring the staring of everybody in the room.

Billie walked up, due to the encouragement of Saydu, and Mike followed. Billie sat down on one side of Saydu, and Mike sat on the other, next to Tré. As soon as they were seated, everybody else sat down and continued their conversations.

There were only seven people seated at the table: Saydu, the three members of Green Day, a man who looked to be in his late forties, a young man who appeared to be in his late twenties, and the woman.

For a moment, nobody at the table spoke. Mike sat there awkwardly as Tré devoured the food he had on his plate, and Billie just helped himself to the food laid out before him. Not knowing what to do, Mike just stared at Saydu.

Finally he spoke, "You will each be trained in a certain form of combat by one of the villagers who excels in that form. This is because the King and Queen have been corrupted by the Evil and want to find a way to control it. Their troops surround it, guarding it for themselves. Somehow we will have to defeat them or be able to hold them back so that you," he stared at Billie, "can get rid of the Evil. You know how, and you were picked. Now it has become your destiny."

Billie glared down at a piece of chicken on his plate and stabbed it before eating it. He was picked! Why? He had been happy before his dreams, before his being 'picked'. Why, why, why? He didn't belong here, didn't know anyone here, and yet he was expected to save it. Why? What was his reason? Then his face softened. Because of Adie. He was going to do it all for her.

"Billie will be taught hand-to-hand combat by Glayn," Saydu continued, gesturing to the older man, "Mike will be taught archery by Michael," he gestured now to the younger man, "and Tré, you will be taught magic by Arlen," he gestured to the woman.

"Awesome! I'm gonna be a magical magician!" Tré exclaimed in a weird voice that was supposed to be mystical, making hand motions to go along with it. He took another glance at Arlen. "And my teacher is fine."

Out of habit, Billie hit him over the head, reprimanding him, "Tré, stop fantasizing before she turns you into a frog."

"Then she can kiss me, and I'll be a prince again, and we'll live happily ever after!" Tré grinned as though he really believed that what he had just said would come true.

"Yeah...right," Billie and Mike both said.

Arlen was blushing furiously and was trying to hide it by taking a drink. Michael noticed this and grinned while Glayn just shook his head, muttering something to himself along the lines of "This is going to be interesting..."