The Rescue

Horse Riding Lesson #1

Billie ended up with a gray stallion that had a tail that he carried high. His name was Ghost and Billie liked him. Ghost was impressive and his name was way better than Buttercups. Mike got a mostly brown horse that had a white rump and top of its tail. There were darker spots on the rump and the horse’s name was Rain. So now the three had their mounts. They were going to be taught how to mount and ride the horses and pony at a walk.

Tré stared nervously at Buttercups, not trusting the pony at all. Also, he wasn’t sure if the pony could hold him, not that he would fell all too bad if the pony collapsed or something. He could tell it was going to be a long lesson.

“Just stick your left foot in the stirrup and then heave yourself up and swing your leg over to the other side and put your right foot in the other stirrup,” Julia told them. “Sit in the saddle so that you’re comfortable.” The three men did as they were instructed and were soon sitting atop their steeds. “Now grab the reins and hold them right in front of you. If you pull back, that means stop, or back up. Pull to the right to go right, pull to the left to go left. Kick your heels in to make your horse or pony to go or go faster.”

Billie felt all the information rushing through his head. It seemed easy enough. He just hoped that Ghost didn’t rear or start galloping all of a sudden. He doubted that he would be able to stay on and feared that he might get trampled or something.

“Now kick your heels in and let’s just walk around for a bit,” Michael said. He was riding a chestnut horse while Julia and Glayn stayed on foot. Michael led the three who were in a line, Billie first, Mike next, and then a grouchy Tré was last.

Tré felt so short being stuck on a pony when Mike and Billie were so high up on their horses. It wasn’t fair. Buttercups seemed to be deliberately trying to jostle him and make him uncomfortable. Eventually, after having had enough of this, Tré kicked Buttercups as hard as he could in the sides, not caring about the consequences. Buttercups shot forward, dodging around Rain and Mike and galloping with Tré holding on for dear life. Remembering what Julia had said, Tré jerked the reins back, which wasn’t too smart. Buttercups reared and Tré slipped off his saddle, landing on the ground with a thud.

“Whoa there, Buttercups,” Michael called out, galloping over to the pair to lend a hand to Tré.

Tré was on the ground for a moment, dazed. After regaining his sense, he picked himself up and brushed off his clothes, muttering dark things while he thought of ways to get Buttercups back. It didn’t help any when the pony turned around to face him and whinnied, laughing at him, he thought.

“Why you little...” Tré grumbled, shaking his fist at Buttercups. Luckily, before he could do anything Michael was over there and making sure he didn’t harm the pony.

“Erm, I think we better end the lesson for today,” Michael suggested. “Besides, it’s almost time for lunch.”