As i Lay In The Hospital Bed

Chapter 1

Franks POV

“Beep…Beep…Beep,” No, that is not the sound of an alarm clock in the morning although I wish it was, no that is the sound of my pulse hooked up to a machine….

The doctors said I had lost a lot of blood, they asked why I did it…why I cut my wrists so badly that I nearly bled to death… and I jus say


Yes love, as great as that sounds its not.

Love wraps around you like a snake, strangling every bit of life out of you.

In some ways I think love holds to me together but in other ways it’s like the devil has your soul.

Love = Death


“Frankie honey, get up!” my mum chimes as she lets the light flow through my room.

“Argh!” I grunt as the light hits my eyes.

“FRANK GET UP! Didn’t I tell you to tidy your room throughout the holidays and it’s still a mess?!”

Blah blah blah just shut up stop nagging me!

“Yes mum you did…”


Oh yah! School! Are you seriously trying to make me contemplate suicide?

I stumble out of bed, slowly making my way to the shower.

I writhe in pain as I lift my pyjama top off; the cuts on my wrist seem to show my pain for everyday I’m here. If dad wasn’t here screaming and hitting us I would have stopped but it has seemed to get worse since we moved here.

My mum enrolled me at a fucken catholic school with gay uniforms.

It makes me gag every time I look at it….its so ugly…ew…I stare at it for a while wondering who could ever make up such a monstrosity and make the kids who wear them look like complete fuckheads!

So I decided to ‘PIMP’ out my uniform I put badges on my breast pocket and safety pins down my left arm.

“It still makes me gag!” I say to myself.

I put a thick layer of eyeliner on, straighten my fringe (daily rituals) and grab my books.

“Mum can I have 5$ for lunch?” I ask

“No honey, I made you a special lunch today for your first day at a new school!”

Oh yippee! Definite sign getting pushed into the lockers today.

“Thanks Mum, okay I’m going now… bye”

“Bye Darling, Have a great day!”

“Oh I will” I say rolling my eyes and walk out the door.

Brandon POV

“Ouch! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!?!” I scream at my brother.

“Well mum told me to wake you up so what’s better than a punch in the face?”

Fuck. I hate my brother. JUST GO DIE!

“Get the FUCK out of my room Adam!”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Adam sniggered,

“You just fucken punched me what do you expect!” I scream in his face and slam the door.

Fuck. My head hurts now. Stupid brother.

I get out my ugly uniform and put it on… I wish I could burn this outfit. EW.

I walk down the stairs.

“Good morning honey, I see Adam woke you up,” She laughed.

I scowl at her and mutter under my breath,

“Fuck you”

And I storm off to the kitchen.

Our kitchen is green, a…sick…dark green…like cowshit green.
It makes me barf every time I see it. I seriously can’t eat on this table when I eat with the family (which is never) I seem to throw up in my mouth it’s that sick.
Ew gag.

“Mum I’m going to eat and walk today”

“Ok, here’s 5$ for lunch have a good day hun!”

I slam the door after me and walk off.