I Don't Want Your Fake Love Anymore

Nananana BATMAN

“Mommy… Mommy.”

I heard from downstairs.

“Mommy, where are you,” the little girl asked.

“In my bedroom honey,” I said.

I know what you’re thinking; I got a kid? Yeah I do and she is seriously the best thing that happened to me. I gave birth to her four years ago, now I’m twenty-four. Her father left us right after she was born. Thankfully, I have my best friends, coworkers, and family there to help my little girl and I out. I’m in the modeling career, not modeling like Tyra Banks, but more like Audrey Kitching, and Valary DiBendetto (sound familiar?), and I have my big brother who’s in a band you all might be familiar with; Avenged Sevenfold. He’s the one with the fedora and the fruity guitars. He helps us out, even though I tell him not to but he can be stubborn sometimes. Well I guess a name would be good right around now. The names Mikey Haner, and yes I’m a girl. My full name is Mikalina but I prefer Mikey. I heard the sound of running footsteps coming from down the hallway.

“Mommy,” shouted my daughter as she appeared in the room.

“Scarlett,” I shouted.

She jumped on my bed and gave me the tightest hug she can give.

“I missed you mommy.”

“I missed you too sweetheart. How was it at Uncle Brian’s house?”

“Awesome. We did lots of stuff.”

“That’s great. You must tell me at dinner.”

“Okay! Oh mommy guess what.”


“Uncle Brian bought us a puppy.”

“A puppy?”

“Uh huh a puppy and he’s really cute.”

“Well where is this puppy? Is he invisible?”

She giggled and said, “No mommy. Uncle Brian has him. UNCLE BRIAN!”

“I’m right here,” said my brother as he walked in holding a black and white Welsh corgi puppy.

I looked at the puppy and shouted aw. Brian placed the puppy on the bed and he ran over to me. I petted him and cuddled.

“Mommy I didn’t name him, I wanted to wait to come home and you help me pick.”


We sat in silence for a few moments.

“What about Batman,” I asked looking at Scarlett and Brian.

“I like it,” says the both of them.

“Okay Scar go play and watch TV while your mommy and I have grown up talk okay?”

“Okay, thank you for the awesome puppy, and for taking me.”

“No problem kiddo.”

She ran out of the room.
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