I Don't Want Your Fake Love Anymore

Tickles, Naps, and Johhny...OH MY!

“How are you feeling My?”

“Eh, better but there’s still the stuffy nose and slight cough, but not as bad as before. Thank you Bri, for taking care of her while I was dying.”

He chuckled, “Anything for you sis.”

“And thanks for the pup, he’s adorable.”

“I knew you wanted a dog and the same with Scar. So I decided an early partial birthday gift for the both of you."

“Oh big brother, how I miss not spending some quality sibling time with you.”

He laughed and smiled, then lay down next to me.

“You know My, I have to be honest with you, I feel the same way.”

I rolled my eyes and nudged him.

“Scar asked me how come she doesn’t have a father.”

“Really? She hasn’t asked me that in a while.”

“Yeah she did. I told her that her real dad was a bad man and broke mommy’s heart.”

“Yeah, he did.”

“When are you going to back into the dating game?”

“I have no idea. I guess I’m use to just me and Scarlett.”

“She does need a father figure though.”

“I know, I know.”

“You know good old James Hart and Taylor Armstrong has been asking about you.”

“Really now?”

“Yeah they ask are you single, what have you been up to lately, do you want to model for them, etc.”

“Uh, that’s nice of them to ask.”

“If I had to choose for you I would pick James.”

“Duh, cause he’s your boyfriend.”

“I know he is just don’t tell the world at all.”

We laughed.

“My, you really need to get out more.”

I sighed knowing he was right.

“Yeah Bri, I know. Everyone tells me that everyday.”

“Well listen to us will ya.”


“I think you should go on a dating show.”


“Why not?”

“Cause I will go insane if I was ever on that kind of show.”

“Fine party pooper.”

“Let me be one,” I said as I stuck my tongue out to my brother.

“When’s Erin coming back?”

“Any day now, then again who knows, she’ll probably wanna stay there.”

It was quiet for a few seconds until Scarlett squealed. Brian and I looked at each other and ran down the stairs. As we were approaching the living room, we heard Scarlett laughing. Then we saw Johnny tickling her.

“Stop it Uncle Johnny! I give up!”


“Johnny, leave my daughter alone,” I said.

Johnny stopped and looked up at me then said, “Fine then we’ll have to tickle the mother.”

“How about no,” I said as I pushed him and walked to my daughter and picked her up and sat down the couch. She hugged me and just stayed on me.

“When did you come back,” I ask Johnny softly as he was sitting down next to me.

“Uh Noon.”

“Not bad, how was Finland?”

“Amazing! We saw HIM and 69 eyes.”

My eyes grew wide.

“I hate you,” I whispered since Scarlett fell asleep in my arms.

Johnny chuckled and said, “Well we did invite you and you said no.”

I looked at him and frowned.

“You know why I couldn’t go,” I said as I looked down, “besides we had fun without you anyway.”

He stuck his tongue out.

“So where’s Erin?”

“Probably sleeping back at the house.”

“Yeah most likely.”

“Well I’m gonna go My,” he said as he kissed me on the cheek and kissed Scarlett on the cheek as well.

“Okay bye,” I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
The mystery man is coming soon.