I Don't Want Your Fake Love Anymore

A dream is a wish your heart makes

The doorbell rang and I saw Scarlett run off into the kitchen with a smile on her face.

“So,” J.B began as he inched closer to me.

Just as I felt the heat from his lips on mine,

I heard Scarlett yelling, “Auntie Erin!”

“Hi ya sweetheart!”

“Uncle Johnny, you’re back,” I heard Scarlett yell again.

“Hey kiddo,” Johnny said as he picked up Scarlett who was demanding he would.

We pulled away when we heard them coming closer to the living room.


“In the living room.”

When she entered, she has a similar smirk on her face that Brian had.

“Why hello J.B.”

“Hey Erin. Did you hear where we’re going for the birthday celebrations?”

“No where,” she asked as she sat next to me.

“DISNEY WORLD,” Scarlett shouted.

Erin smiled and shouted, “Yes!”

“Auntie Erin where’s my present?”

“Oh yeah!”

“Here is your gift sweetie.”

Erin handed Scarlett a Finnish Barbie doll.

"THANK YOU AUNTIE ERIN,” Scarlett squealed.

She looked at me and said, “Mama, can I go play upstairs?”


She jumped off the couch and hugged Erin and Johnny and ran upstairs to her room.

“I was gonna say, I wouldn’t know how to give you guys your gifts with Scarlett around and trying to explain them to her.”

“What the hell did you get us?”

“You can’t kill me. J.B put her on your lap.”

Before I can even reply, JB pulled me onto his lap and secured his arms around my waist tightly.

“Okay I’m just gonna leave the bag here, while Johnny, Scarlett, and, I go back to my place. And you can’t open it till we are gone.”

I sighed then said, “Fine but let me at least say goodbye to Scar and you can take the puppy as well.”

“You got a puppy,” Erin and Johnny asked at the same time.

“Yes Brian got it for us,” I said as I was walking up the stairs with Erin following me.

I walked into Scarlett’s room to see her playing with her new doll that Erin gave her.

“Where’s the puppy,” Erin asked.

I looked around the room and found a ball of black fluff on the floor right next to Scarlett sleeping. I walked over to where Scarlett was playing and picked up Batman.

“Here he is.”

“Oh my god! He’s so cute,” Erin shrieked.

“Uh huh. Uncle Brian got him for us for our birthday,” Scarlett said.

“Scarlett, would you wanna sleepover Auntie Erin and Uncle Johnny’s place tonight? You can take Batman with you.”


“Then let’s pack your pjs and clothes for you.”

“Okay Mommy.”

Erin grabbed Scarlett’s overnight bag and walked down the stairs with Scarlett while I walked down slowly holding the puppy. When I got down the stairs, I saw Johnny holding Scarlett and JB standing with them with a smile on his face.

“What,” I asked.

“Nothing,” JB said.

“Right. Well here is Batman,” I said to Erin while handing over the dog to her,

“And have a great time guys.”

“Bye Mommy,” Scarlett said with her one arm strechted out towards me indicating she wanted a hug.

I walked over and gave her a minature group hug with Johnny.

“Remember you can’t open till we’re gone,” Erin said.

“Yes Erin, now go!” Erin, Johnny, and Scarlett walked out of the house, got in the car, and drove off.

“So how bout we open those gifts,” JB asked with a sly smile on his face.

“Let’s get this over with,” I said as I began walking to the living room where the bag was left.

I sat on the couch with my legs folded like a pretzel and JB sat next to me. JB decided that he would go through the bag since I was nervous of what Erin bought.

“Okay, Erin told me that your gifts are in a bag itself and mine are just in there without a bag. Which ones do you want me to grab first?”


JB nodded his head and reached into the bag and pulled out a box of flavored condoms and a neon green man thong. I began to laugh hysterically.

“I think she wants me to model this for you,” he said while playing with the thong.

“I think so too,” I said with a smirk.”

“Okay now yours."

“Oh God.”

He pulled out the little bag inside the gift bag.

“Oh hey there’s a note. It says, ‘Have her put this on and take pictures.’ Let’s see what she wants you to wear.”

He opens the bag and starts smiling and laughing. He takes out furry handcuffs and those candy bikini tops.

“Oh my god!”

We started laughing hysterically and continued to laugh for several minutes.
After we calmed down, JB looks at me and smiles. I smiled back and before I knew it his lips crash into mine.

We were having a heated make out session until he said, “Let’s take this upstairs.”


JB grabbed all the stuff while I made sure all the doors were locked and all the lights were off. As I walked into my bedroom I noticed that JB changed into the thong Erin got him on my bed.

“How about we save the gifts Erin got me for another day,” I asked him.


I sat on my bed and crawled over to him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“You sure you want to do this,” he asked while stroking my arms.

I bit my lip and said, “Well you did dress up for me and it’s my favorite color.”

He sat up and kissed me hard on my lips and whispered, “Your wish is my command.”

Then he crashed his lips onto mine once again.

-Use your imagination-
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I finally posted a chapter...wow. Sorry to all the readers that have waited such a long time. i hope you like it. comments please?