Screams of Chaos

Chapter One-

~Violet's POV~

Sweet endless rapture. It honestly felt like I was in the midst of a dream, my fingers flawlessly moving over the frets, the silver SoC scripted black pick clenched between the fingers of my other hand strumming along the strings, putting together what I could only consider organized chaos. Heart pounding fiercely in my chest, the screams of the crowded night club fueling my veins with adrenaline as I moved along the stage.

This is my life. This is my muse. This is everything I've ever wanted.

But even so, doing this brings me nothing but thoughts of a forever yesterday, swarming my mind with pain, sorrow and the endless twisted agony that everyone else calls life.

My name is Violet Scotts, but my friends, and fellow band mates, all call me Vee, or Vi. I am currently twenty-four years old and have been playing the instrument grasped in my hands since I could gain a concept of an emotional outlet. In other words, I've been playing since I was very, very young. I can't really say much about myself that would give you the idea that my life is better, or worse, than your own.

I grew up as your average, punk-rocker no-holds-bar teenager. I got into trouble often in my teenage years, mostly due to my lack of ability to control the rage within my own mind. If it weren't for the other four people currently inhabiting the stage with me, I would've probably given up, or given into my inner demons, a long time ago.

My best friend, since before I could gain a concept of the real world, was the bad ass currently drumming away on a rather impressive drum set his ma had bought him two years ago. Christopher Cheriff. Ironically, the two of us became friends after getting a weeks worth of our recess time taken away from us for fighting.

He's still sour over me kicking his ass.

The craziest of our group, who was currently rocking out as he filled the club with bass chords I could never play. David Watson. Younger than myself, I had the pleasure of becoming his friend barely a week after forming a bond with Chris. Chris, and David's older brother, Matthew Watson, had been, and still are to this day, best friends, after growing up as neighbors. If anything, the fucker is always pulling strange ass stunts, both on and off stage, that ends up with him adding another injury to the long ass list already attained.

The most shy of the group, but ironically pumped the crowd as if we were playing in the largest arena. Dani Sanchez. Chris and I had the pleasure of meeting her two years ago. The music whores Chris and I are, often led us to checking out local shows all around the Phillie-Jersey-NYC area. We bumped into Dani at several different shows and recognizing our similar taste in music, Dani was quickly introduced and welcomed into our circle of friends.

Last, but certainly not least, was my best girl friend and our rhythm guitarist. Lauren Green. The Innocent British Music Whore. At least, that was before Chris and I completely corrupted her mind set. David was the first to meet her after she moved to our hometown from England, ending up in several, if not all, of David's classes. Even for a slightly naive girl, at least when I first met her she was naive, she seemed to just click with out group.

This whole band idea, had been all of Chris's idea. We were all hanging out at the Watsons' Home, munching on David's home-made deep-dish nachos, listening to music. That's when we all heard it. The heavenly, but passionate vocals leaving the shy lips of Dani.

Chris, who knew the rest of us played instruments, got the idea to form a band. Dani was hesitant, of course, but me? I was completely against the idea.

Like I said, as much of a release this instrument currently in my hands was for me, it didn't stop the fact that memories I wish I could keep buried would stay that way.

If you can't tell, obviously I was persuaded to join as lead guitarist. I'm not saying I'm the best guitarist ever, but I've never really been dissed about my talent. Then again, if you've been playing this instrument since you were eight years old, you'd find yourself talented as well.

"Thank you, Phillie! We, Screams of Chaos, thank you for coming out to our show tonight. You guys fuckin' rocked!" Dani screamed into the mic, getting cheers in reply.

We walked off the stage, my hand tossing out the pick, which was still grasped between my fingers, into the crowd, Lauren also following my lead. I took one of the white towels and wiped away the sweat from my brow, grabbing a bottle of water from off to the side.

"Hey, SoC," the club manager greeted us as the bass from Hip-Hop music flooded the club, "You guys did an awesome job tonight."

I listened as Chris and David talked with the manager, getting out pay for the gig tonight, as I placed my guitar back into it's leather-bound case. I snapped the clips in place before hoisting it up, the strap allowing the rather heavy case to hang behind me and allowed my hands to be free as I lit up a cigarette, allowing the menthol to tingle my slightly sore throat.

The manager left us, and I, needing fresh air, decided to step outside the club, Chris joining me. He and I were the only ones in the band that smoked. We met up with David's brother, and I listened as the two chattered about the show. Matt was a frequent guest on our lists, because of his constant support, and even if he didn't get on the guest list, he was usually always at the shows he was able to make.

"Excuse me, but you guys are from Screams of Chaos, right?" a Jersey-accented voice questioned from a slight distance, as to not approach us if we were not in the mood.

The three of us looked up and I inwardly gasped, the other two gasping aloud, as our eyes landed on the infamous Gerard Way and Frank Iero. I rolled my eyes as Chris and Matt went into a dazed world, extending my hand.

"Yeah, we are. My name's Violet, these two bone heads are Chris and Matt, who is the brother of our bassist, David. I'm guessing you caught our show?" I asked.

Yeah. If you can't tell, I'm probably the quietest, but most forward, of our group. I shook their hands, Chris and Matt following my example.

"Hell yeah, we did. You guys are awesome," Gerard exclaimed.

Frank nodded, "Yeah, I've probably caught five of your shows when we are off tours, and you guys get better each time."

"So, if you don't mind me askin', why are you guys here?" Chris asked, once again taking lead as the leader of the band.

"Well, I don't know if you are aware, but we are joining Warped this summer," the three of us nodded at Gerard's words, "Well, since have a seniority factor of being on Warped, the tour manager is allowing a few of the big head-liners to pick a few underground bands to come on tour. Frank told us about you guys, and we just had to check you out."

"So, in other words, would you want to come on Warped?" Frank added after the lead vocalist finished.

The three of us looked at each other, Matt nodding for us to take the offer. Chris and I looked between each other, both of us elected as the decision makers of the band. I honestly don't know how comfortable I would be with a shit load of people listening to the agony of my lyrics.

Yeah. I write most of the lyrics, with Chris's help of course.

I don't know if I'm willing to allow nearly a thousand people, in nearly fifty different shows, into the mind and life that I created. The story that circulated around the lives of each band member. Stories that hit way too close to home.


I know for a fact, if we went on Warped, we'd have the high possibility of hitting it big, or possibly scoring a record deal with a major record company. This is probably the break the band needs.

Inwardly sighing, I nodded, "We'd be...honored to join you guys on Warped. Do you want our phone numbers or something?"

I noticed Gerard's slightly tense shoulders relax. Did he think I would pass up this chance? I would never be that selfish. This is not my band. This friends and I, doing what we love (yet hate at the same time in my opinion). This will never be just about me.

Chris and I gave our information to the guys before we headed inside. We went to the booth in the secluded back corner, where the others all sat, shot glasses already placed on the table, ready to be downed. Chris and I slid in on one side as Matt slid in beside his brother.

"Guys, you'll never guess what happened outside?" Matt instantly announced.

David snorted, "What? You got yanked into the alley and butt fucked to the point of your enjoyment?"

I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips. Oh, sweet sibling rivalry.

"No. Chris and Vee were approached by Frank Iero and Gerard Way of MCR," Matt stated smugly, glaring at this brother for the previous comment.

All eyes turned on us and I knocked back the shot before Chris and I explained what was going on. I instantly felt Lauren and Dani wrap their arms around me, squealing with excitement.

"Um, why are you two hugging me this time?" I asked.

Lauren grinned, "Do you know who the head-liners are this summer?"

I shook my head and instantly found myself listening as the two traded turns on announcing one band, before the other did.

"Obviously MCR."

"30 Seconds to Mars."


"Papa Roach."

"Egypt Central."

I waited as the two trailed off, glancing at each other before simultaneously squealing out, "and Avenged Sevenfold!!"

Hey! Yeah. You up there! I mean, if you are honestly there, God, I would like to question why you did this to me? I mean, these two girls?

"You're cursing God again aren't you," Lauren snickered, a wide grin on her face.

I couldn't stop the small smile that formed on my lips, "If He existed, yes. So, I am cursing my own sanity at the moment."

"I can't believe it. Us. Warped Tour," Lauren smiled, her eyes becoming brighter, "Our dreams are coming true, Vi."

"Yeah. We will actually be able to help people through our music, just like many of our favorite bands do," Dani added.

I nodded my head, but inwardly, I had to disagree. This. This was not my dream. My dream, was an easier one.

To be absolutely, and thoroughly...


~Chris's POV~

My hand lashed out, grabbing the fingers that stroked my face, my eyes snapping open only to come into contact with familiar blue eyes. I relaxed my tight grip on her fingers and immediately recognized the apprehension in her eyes. I moved over and pulled up the blankets, feeling like we were kids again as she sheepishly slid under the covers, her cool arms wrapping around my warm waist, the contrast causing me to shiver.

Now. Don't jump to conclusions. Vee and I aren't like that.


Ok, so maybe I'm lying. We've have had sex before...quiet a lot actually. The two of us just don't have the depth to go further in a relationship. She's my best friend and in my eyes, I don't think I could love her any more than I already do.

"Vee, what's bothering you?" I asked, my fingers playing with the long bangs that framed her face.

"I'm...I'm not sure I'm strong enough to do this, Topher."

Yeah. She's the only person that gets away with calling me that.

"Babe, you happen to be the strongest woman I know personally. You'll be fine. You know that guitar of your's inside and out. You never miss a chord or riff. You're back up screaming vocals definitely help our band have a unique feel to it. There aren't many female screamers out there that can actually sound good live."

"Topher, you and I both know, I'm not questioning my strength as a musician. I'm questioning myself, wondering if I have enough strength to allow thousands of people I don't know inside my mind, inside our lives."

I sighed and pressed a friendly kiss to the side of her head, "You have to take into context that we aren't the only ones that went through the pains we've had dealt with in the past. There are teens and even adults that have gone through the pain of losing a family member, dealt with abuse, dealt with a broken home, or dealt with the pain of having everything but nothing at the same time."

"Giving those people the knowledge that even with the pain they are dealing with, that they as well can amount to be or do something great with their lives."

Even now, with her stoic face, eyes blankly staring at the ceiling, I knew. She was thinking. I've known her long enough to realize whenever she becomes lost in thought, she has the tendency to look up.

"It's not just letting people into the story of our lives, is it?" I questioned softly.

Without a glance in my direction, she shook her head, "You know what happens when I play. You know the reason why I even picked up a guitar in the first place. Every time I'm on stage- every time I play, I remember. I remember everything I wish and hope to forget. It's either I live a life where I can actually suppress the memories, but then I wouldn't be doing the one thing I enjoy and love out of life, and then I have the option of actually playing and having to relive those days over and over again."

I couldn't stop myself from pulling her closer, tightening my hold on her, "You know I love you, Violet," Her gaze finally met mine as her full name left my lips, "You're my best friend. You are everything I could hope for in a friend, and more. Lauren, Dani and David- we all feel that way. Maybe it's time you thought about using your talent, make a statement and help us give a voice to those who do not have the courage we possess. Maybe, just maybe, you should use Warped Tour as a catalyst. To change, and forget the past, while you live in the present and help make toward a future you can be proud of."

Her face remained blank for a moment before her eyebrows knitted into a confused expression.


A smirk graced her lips, "Since when did you become smart?"

I returned her grin, "It comes and goes."

Silence once again.

"Hey Topher," I grunted my acknowledgment, "What do you say in giving Warped Tour a little taste of why we are called SoC?"

Glancing over at her once more, I recognized that glint in her eye anywhere. Man, did the bands at Warped have no idea what they were up against.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do tell me what you guys think? And don't fret, a7x and many other bands will come, I'm just trying to let you get insight on how each member of SoC feels, thinks and acts. This chapter gives you an insight as to why Violet is the silent, observant and more...level-headed when it comes to making a decision. I am also trying to show you despite her slight coldness, she obviously holds a place for her friends and band mates, well enough to sacrifice her own contentment to make the lives of her friends happier.

Tell me what you think and I hope you understand the balance I placed between Chris and Violet, to show why they are closer to each other than any other people.

Thanks for reading.