Screams of Chaos

Chapter Two-


I yawned before bringing the cup of coffee to my lips, sipping the mocha flavored beverage from the cup. I barely got any sleep last night, if you can imagine. I mean, us, Screams of Chaos, playing Warped. With Avenged Sevenfold.

Ok, so I might have ahuge celebrityobsession crush on Synyster Gates, but can you blame me? The man is walking, talking, guitar-playing sex.

"Still thinking about Warped?"

Glancing up, I smiled widely at the familiar petite guitarist that entered the kitchen, immediately pouring a cup of coffee, adding her creamer and sugars.

"I can't help it. I'm excited. This is going to be so bloody fuckin' ace!"

Yeah. So excited my accent is coming back.

She nodded as she turned, leaning against the counter after she lit a cigarette, light grey smoke curling in the air as she exhaled, "I'm pleased to see you excited, Ren. This is definitely going to be an interesting summer, that's for sure."

My smile fell. If anything, I had to admire Violet a lot. When we had started the band, Dani and I questioned why she didn't want to play. I know she's sacrificing her own peace of mind for us to do this.

"Vi," her eyes refocused from the ceiling to my own, "Thanks for agreeing to do this."

Violet stared blankly before her eyes brightened, a wink thrown in my direction, "You and the others deserve the best life can offer."

"So, what are our plans today?" Chris asked, walking into the kitchen, kissing the side of Violet's head affectionately.

When I had first met these two and David, I was very envious of their close relationship. If one was angry, the other would keep a level-head. If one was sad, the other would crack jokes until the other couldn't breathe properly from laughing so hard. They always held such a care for each other, it would seem as though they were boyfriend-girlfriend material.

"Well, I actually made plans to see my ma," Violet said, her eyes softening at the mention of her mother.

Chris grinned as he exhaled smoke from the cigarette he just lit, "Tell her I said hi, and that if she ever needs that plumbing problem fixed, that I think I have just the right tools to fix the problem."

A disturbed expression flickered across Violet's face, laughter leaving my lips as Chris flashed her a smug grin. The petite guitarist socked her best friend in the shoulder.

"Fuck head. I don't need to hear that shit."

If you can't tell, Chris was not talking about fixing the plumbing in Vi's mum's house. Sick bastard always cracks a perverted joke.

"What about you, Ren-tard?"

A chuckle left his lips as he ducked out of the way of one of my mediocare punches, "I figured I would go visit my mum and dad."

"Morning," Dani greeted with a yawn, her gaze looking over the three of us, "Where's David?"

"He went tour Laura's house last night. He probably won't be back until tomorrow night," Violet said, handing the vocalist a cup of coffee.

"How do you figure that?"

Violet smirked as a reply to my question, "David and Laura are probably gonna fuck like jack rabbits all day today, and then David is probably going to spend tomorrow with his family."

I shook my head, giggling at her comment. In all cases, she's most likely right about David and Laura. The two of them have been dating since Sophomore year in high school.

"Well, I'm going to go now," Violet stated, draining the last of the coffee in her cup before rinsing it out and putting it in the dish washer.

"Hey Vee," Chris called out, the woman in question glancing over her shoulder in acknowledgement, "Can I come?"

Violet gave a soft, sad smile, before she nodded, taking a set of keys off the key rack by the kitchen door. Chris gave us a mock salute as he followed her, leaving Dani and I to look back at each other before the two of us went to get ready to visit our own families and give them the news


I couldn't help but moan at the explosion of flavor arousing my taste buds as I took another bite of my ma's home-made Baked Ziti, listening as Chris and ma continued to crack jokes back and forth.

"So, Violet, Christopher," Both Chris and I flinched at the use of our full names, "are you guys sure you are ready to do this? When you guys finish Warped Tour, you know that when you come home, nothing will be the same."

"Yeah. We're all ready to hit big," Chris stated, a nod coming from me as I agree.

We all cleared out plates, and Chris stood, stacking the plates before taking them into the kitchen, telling us he'd clean them as ma and I took some time alone. We both stepped outside, taking a seat at the patio table as we both lit up cigarettes.

"I'm so proud of you Violet," she stated. "I know this has to be hard for you, but seeing you put aside your own discomfort so your friends can do what they makes me proud to call you my daughter."

I stared at the burning end of my cigarette before bringing it to my lips, "There's no point in holding them back for my own selfish reasons. Chris, he convinced me that maybe this is what I need. Maybe I went through all of that so I could share with thousands of others and show them that even with everything in their lives, that they could amount to something great."

I glanced over at ma, watching as a soft smile appeared on her lips, "You and Chris are far too wise for your ages."

I nodded, "I told Chris that I would try to forget everything and just live in the moment while I'm on Warped."

"Sounds like a plan. How are you going to be getting around?" Ma asked.

I shrugged, "We'll probably just pool our money together and get a van with a trailer for our instruments."

Ma nodded as smiled as Chris stepped out on the porch, "Mama Scotts, Vee, I'm going to go run over to my ma's house and see her and Chase for a little bit. I'll see you at home, Vee?" I nodded and watched as he kissed ma's cheek, "Love ya Mama Scotts, give me a call if you ever need that leak of your's fixed."

Ma smacked him as he raced back into the house, leaving ma and I to laugh after him. I lit up another cigarette as ma and I conversed about everything. Even in the midst of my reluntancy, I couldn't help but feel a bit excited as I thought about Warped.

"Ma, I'm going to head over to see Katie-J. I know her and Tye are gonna want tickets to the show in Camden," I said, kissing ma's cheek, promising to call her while I'm gone.

I climbed onto my black and red Ninja ZX-14, and revved the engine. I pulled my helmet over my head, slipping down the visor. I know, you can think of me as a pussy if you want, but I really don't feel like having my head impacting the ground, or going through a windshield.

I sped down the main road, about a five minute drive leaving me to park in front of an apartment complex. I made my way up one flight of stairs before turing to the first door. My fist pounded on the door.

"Katherine Francis-Grace Jushchuk! You jump of Tye's dick and open this damn door!" I yelled, not bothered about the other people in the building.

The door swung open, allowing me to step inside, walking past an irritated looking brunette, "You better have a good fuckin' reason for poundin' on ma door."

Yup. Jersey born and bred woman right here.

"Does the fact that SoC is going Warped this summer work for a good reason?"

~Time Elapse~

I climbed out of the van, my red lense shades keeping the suns glare from blinding me. I felt Chris's body brush along mine as the other's followed, Matt, David's brother, being the one to drive.

"Man, I can't believe you guys are doin' this," Matt said.

I smirked, "Control yourself, Fluffy, we don't need you going all star-struck on us."

Fluffy is a nickname I had given David's brother because back when we were growing up, Matt's hair was...well fluffy. It's been like that ever since.

"But this is Warped Tour. We've been to like...way too many Warped Tours, it's just weird that we won't be watching from the front of the stage," he replied.

Chris and I shared a look, "Psh, please. Vee and I will still find a way to head to the mosh pits."

"Hey, SoC finally made it!" a slightly familiar voice shouted.

The six of us looked up to see the five members of My Chemical Romance making their way over to us. The guys took the moment to introduce themselves, as if we didn't already know who they were, before Chris took charge as ring leader.

"Well, my name is Christopher, but everyone calls me Chris and I play drums. This is our driver, roadie and personal bitch-boy, Matthew Watson, but we just call him Fluffy. His younger brother, and our Bassist, David. Dani Sanchez, our lead singer. Lauren Green on Rhyhtm, and Violet Scotts on Lead and back up vocals."

"Oh well, you guys don't have to do sound check for another two hours, so you can come back stage and meet the other bands," Ray Toro stated.

Everyone nodded, Fluffy telling us he would see us at the show tomorrow before he drove off to Katie's Jersey home. I brought up the rear, listening silently as everyone chattered, Frank, Ray and Lauren chattering about their all time favorite guitarist, solos, bands and so on. Mikey and David seemed to be talking about video games, ranging from vintage to modern. It was the conversation between Chris, Dani and Gerard that caught my attention.

"-your lyrics caught me the most. The song, I think you called it 'Break, Shake, Wake' is very...angry."

"Ha. Not only is Vee our personal guitar genius, but she happens to be a master when it comes to expressing herself, whether she likes to or not."

"She wrote your lyrics? She seems so...reserved."

Dani snorted, "Weren't you reserved when your band started out?" I bite the inside of my cheek, keeping back any comments, "Vi wasn't always like this. Actually, she used to be a lot like Frank."

I shook my head, pausing in my steps as I placed a cigarette between my lips, patting my pockets for my lighter. Gah, that bitch, Fluffy, probably took it. Fuckin' lighter thief.

A flick followed by a single flame placed four inches from the end of my cigarette broke me from my thoughts. Instinctively leaning forward, I allowed the flame to brush along the end as I inhaled deeply, the rich menthol and nicotine filling my lungs. I pulled back and exhaled, looking up as I brought the cigarette from my lips.

"Thanks-" I felt my throat close up as vibrant green eyes stared back at me, "Zacky Vengeance?" My gaze then took in the four guys flanking the rhythm guiarist for Avenged Sevenfold.

"Yeah. You looked like you needed a light," he stated, his voice carrying a cute lisp.

I nodded thankfully, "Yeah, Fluffy fuckin' snagged my lighter."

"So, who exactly are you?" Johnny Christ asked.

"Violet Scotts. I'm with Screams of Chaos."

Rev let out a chuckle, "No fuckin' way?!? Frank and Gerard were tellin' us about you guys. Said you guys were really good."

I shrugged nonchalantly, "We're good. Not the best band ever, but it's something we," 'they "love doing more than anything else."

"What positions do you do?" the husky, deep voice of M. Shadows asked.

Before I could stop myself, I responded with, "Bent over. Sometimes on my back. I'm a bit of a screamer as well."
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Tell me what you guys think.