Screams of Chaos

Chapter Three-

AN: lyrics are going to be in italics, and Violet's back up screams will be bold italics.


"Yeah, and I'm usually tappin' it from behind," Chris's voice stated from behind me, but I didn't even look up, my lips pulling into a smirk as the eyes of the five members of Avenged Sevenfold went wide.

Chris's arm draped over my shoulder as a pink hue appeared on each of their faces, M. Shadows once again speaking, "I meant what instrument do you play?"

Without even looking, I could tell Chris was smirking as he replied, "We told you. She plays lead guitar; during her solos she usually bends forward a bit and sometimes, she ends up falling down from the crazy stunts her and D Watson do while on stage, so she plays on her back. She also happens to be back up vocals, so she screams."

"While Chris plays drums, so he is behind us tapping," I replied.

Rev was the first to burst into laughter, the rest following, Chris's husky chuckle in my ear, "Sorry, but I think you set yourself up for that."

I nodded, "So, where are the others?"

Chris's arm left my shoulders, "David is talkin' to the guys of Egypt Central, Dani is talkin' to Alex and the guys of Atreyu and Ren-tard is talkin' to Jared and the others of 30 Seconds to Mars."

I nodded, before following Chris through the stage door, Avenged Sevenfold bringing up the rear. I immediately spotted my band mates talking to various rock stars, my eyes moving to the familiar all hunter green guitar. Making my way to it, I immediately allowed my fingers to trace over the string-lined fret board, wrapping around it to carefully lift it from the stand.

"You're quiet passionate. Syn and Zacky are the same with their guitars," a familiar husky voice stated.

I glance over my shoulder, turning with my head, my gaze meeting a pair of golden-hazel eyes. I nodded gently, moving to take a seat on one of the amps, my fingers pulling the pick from behind the strings before softly strumming, the melodies gently soothing my nerves. I didn't mind the fact that I was being ignored. Actually, I preferred it. The only person that didn't seem to want to leave me alone, was the infamous M. Shadows.

"You know, there aren't a lot of left-handed guitarists. The only left-handed one I know is obviously Zacky."

Why is he talking to me? I wonder if he'll stop asking questions if I ignore them. I inwardly agreed and continued strumming the strings in a gentle melody, completely different from the in-your-face, pushing-the-limit, you-can't-win-this-race pace that I usually play on stage.

"You've obviously been playing a long time if you can play with your eyes closed."

No, you think? I hope I'm not being harsh. Is it so bad that I want to be left alone so I can get rid of the tingling nerves in my gut?

"I bet you were really young. Like, late childhood, early teens area."

Where the fuck does he get all these thoughts?

"Did your parents teach you?"

My shoulders tensed, my fingers gripping the neck of the guitar as a wretched sound screeched from the small amp. I felt my grip tighten, images filling my mind as I struggled with my inner demons. He didn't know. He doesn't know any better.


My eyelids slowly slid open, my gaze meeting Chris's worried stare, only to move to M. Shadows' confused and guilt-ridden gaze. I stood up, shaking the images from behind my eyes and forced a half-hearted smile, gently placing the guitar back in its stand.

"I'm ambidextrous, I'm been playing since I was eight, and I'm self-taught."

With those words, I turned and walked off, making my way through the back stage area. I always needed to get to know the area I was in. I stepped out onto the stage, taking center stage, my gaze trained on the empty stadium seats.


These seats will be filled, the back lawn crammed with people, their bodies slamming into each other as the fast pace music blares from the sound system.


I'm going to be a fuckin' wreck.

~Time Elapse~

I let out a groan as my back slammed against the wall of the dressing room, my nails digging into the shoulder muscles of Chris's back, the pent up burning sensation in the pit of my stomach releasing in a blazing white flash of heat. We both bit into the place closest to us, my teeth breaking the skin of his shoulder as his dug into the crook of my neck.

I unwrapped my legs from his waist as he set me on my feet, both of us kissing each other in a soft sign of affection. We both changed into our stage clothes before making our way out of the room.

"Nerves settled?" Chris asked, his voice slightly husky.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and nodded, "Yes."

'You broke my heart,' Dani's voice carried through the venue.
'I broke your face,
Put your ass in its place.
Ignorance is bliss,
Now I see,
Just how wrong it would be.'

'Fuck You!
Kiss my ass!
This is the last you'll see of me.
Break, shake, wake me up,
Wake me from this misery.'

'Find myself alone,
I bet you're pleased.
Tore myself up with this grief,
How the fuck could you do this to me?
Silent screams fill this mind,
my final words left behind.'

'Fuck You!
Kiss my ass!
This is the last you'll hear from me.
Break, shake, wake me up,
Wake me from this misery'

I pulled away from the mic, jumping up onto the ego risers as I allowed my fingers to shred along the fret board, riffs filling the venue. My mind drowned into the music, my eyelids shutting the images of hundreds of faces out of my vision as I fought to keep back the memories behind these lyrics.

'So I lie in this bed,
world broken before because of you,
All this hatred fresh and new.
Drown in the sorrows of never seeing her face,
the final words I speak to put you in your place.'

'Fuck You!
Kiss my ass!
This is the last you'll feel of me.
Break, shake, wake me up,
Wake me from this misery!'

Our final song for the set ended, followed my a loud chorus of cheers and screams from the crowd. I allowed my guitar to hang behind me as I bowed, taking the silver inscribed black pick in my hand and kissing it, tossing it into the crowd.

"Thank you Jersey!! You fuckers ready for Egypt fucking Central?!?" Dani hollered out, getting a round of screams.

"Ten minutes and those five fine asses will be out to give you a show!"

We walked off stage and I immediately made my way out to the concession area, wanting to get a drink. I growled as I once again forgot my lack of lighter, a cigarette pressed between my lips. Looking around, I noticed a random group of teens standing around, two of them smoking.

"Hey, one of you mind if I bum a light?" I asked.

Their eyes widened, "You're the guitarist for the band that was just on, right? Screams of Chaos."

I nodded as one of the kids handed me a lighter. I quickly lit my cigarette and was surprised when they asked for my autograph, the four already having our first self-titled album. I inhaled the fumes from the cigarette as I signed the inside cover, answering questions to the best of my ability.

"I think you have amazing talent. Your bands lyrics really speak to me, you know," a girl, at least seventeen-years-old, stated, eyes wide as I jotted my sketchy signature.

I could recognize that glint in her eyes anywhere. She was abused when growing up. Maybe...Maybe Chris was right. Maybe I could help people.

"I'm pleased our lyrics comfort you."
♠ ♠ ♠
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