Screams of Chaos

Chapter Four-


My body slammed into a larger figure, causing the person to fly into another direction, my back smacking into yet another person as the unique Rock music of My Chemical Romance boomed from the stage. The day so far had been filled with myself, Fluffy and the rest of SoC throwing ourselves into mosh pits, bruises and cuts forming on our bodies as we were tossed against other people, sometimes even knocked to the mud-grass mix that made up the lawn where the mosh pits reined.

My Chemical Romance finished their set, my body coming to a halt as I cheered for the guys. Day had finally set into the early evening, people becoming restless as they awaited Avenged Sevenfold to take stage.

Helping Fluffy off the ground, we both met up with Chris, Lauren and Dani before making our way to where we had left Katie, Tyler and our families. I grinned widely as Ma shook her head at my disheveled form before informing us that she was going to get drinks. The parents left, allowing us to squat onto the several blankets we laid out, resting out beaten bodies.

"Having fun?" Tyler, Katie's boyfriend of six years, asked.

"Fuckin' right!" Lauren and I chorused, flashing each other grins.

Chris plopped down beside us, "Are you two enjoying the show so far?"

"Hell ya! You guys were awesome," Katie replied.

We downed the drinks the parents brought back before we heard cheers coming from the crowd. The five of us stood up, catching sight of Avenged Sevenfold making their way on stage. The opening riffs of Trashed And Scattered boomed from the stage, Shads' voice following as he began the first verse.

The five of us, who made up Screams of Chaos, Katie, Tyler and Fluffy, began jumping out, screaming the words along with the powerful vocalist on stage. Katie, who was the smallest of all of us, was the only one that didn't do mosh pits, so we all decided the last band, we would stay around and jump around with her.

Half way through Avenged Sevenfold's set, I heard a yelp behind me and glanced over my shoulder. My grin faded as I caught sight of Katie being shoved toward the thrashing mosh pit. I nudged both Lauren and Chris before running into the mosh pit.

"Get Katie-J out of the pit, no matter what. I'm gonna get the bastard responsible," I commanded, my instinctive sister-like affection burning inside me.

I noticed a group of laughing guys, the second largest one pointing at Katie's body as it was slammed against another person, her body hitting the ground. I let out a growl before lunging at the group.


"Get Katie-J out of the pit, no matter what. I'm gonna get the bastard responsible."

Before Chris and I could react, Vi's form disappeared into the crowd. Chris led the way, shoving a path between people. Chris tackled a guy, who knocked Katie the ground, allowing me to shove my way through the circle of moshing people. I groaned as an elbow slammed into my cheek, causing me to fly back against another person, their fist connecting with my temple. A grunt of pain left my throat as I spun around, lost my footing and met with the ground. Ignoring the sickening headache, I crawled under the legs, biting my bottom lip to hold back curses as a foot stepped on my calf.

"Kate!" I called out over the pounding music, pulling her huddled body out of it's fetal position.

She looked up at me, tears filling her eyes. Man was Vi goin' to be pissed. Because Kate was the smallest, Vi was always protective of her, even in high school. I pulled her into a protective embrace, my gaze moving to see Chris and Vi in the midst of a fight, their backs pressed against each other, fists raised.

From here I could see Chris's eyebrow was sporting a cut, his cheekbone under his left eye sporting another cut as well. Vi's hair was mussed, short torn at the neck, causing it to hang off her shoulder. Her bottom lip was busted and from here I could see that her knuckles were bleeding.

"What the fuck is goin' on back there!?!" Shads' voice yelled out from the stage as they finished the set.

I sighed, noting one guy had the audacity to take his gaze off of Vi. I smirked as the petite guitarist lunged at the man, her left fist connecting with his stomach. The large man hunched over, the air leaving his lungs, which Vi took the opening; her knee connecting with the bridge of his nose.

I called out for Vi as a man yanked her back, tossing her to another set of guys. Vi shoved against the guys and tackled the man that had thrown her, their bodies hitting the ground with a nasty thud.

"Vee!" Chris called out.

I glanced over to see security finally showing up. Vi was pulled off the guy she was pounding into, her eyes burning with anger. Future warning for all who cross Vi: Don't mess with her friends.

Statements were taken and ironically we were all released with but a fine to pay. We were escorted back stage where Katie immediately ran to Tyler.

"You guys are crazy," I looked up and immediately fought back a blush as my gaze met with familiar chocolate brown, "We saw the whole thing from stage. Are you alright?"

I nodded, feeling quiet confused, "Yeah. I hardly got into it like Chris and Vi did."

Syn's thumb brushed along the side of my face, just beside my eye. A hiss left my lips as a stinging sensation burned the nerves.

"Maybe not, but you still got some damage," he stated, motioning for me to wait. He returned with a First Aid kit, pulling out some antiseptic, "This is going to sting a little bit."

I winced as he placed the small cloth lightly against the cut, my eyes shutting as I fought back the urge to curse. My eyes snapped open as a soft, cool breeze blew along the cut. I felt my cheeks burn, taking in the feel of his calloused hands cupping my face, his cool breath blowing gently along the cut.

"Since when is Synyster Gates a medicine man?" I asked, despite my red face.

He smirked, "Well, Shads is known as one to get in a bar fight every now and then."

"So you cup his face and blow on his cuts too?" I retorted, his smirk disappearing as mine took place, "Interesting. I knew you all were close, but that close?"

I giggled at the horrified expression that filtered into his face, "Is your whole band like that?"

I felt confused again, "Like what?"

"Always turning people's words against them? When we met Violet and Chris, Shads asked what position Violet does-"

"-and she told him bent over, on her back and most of the time screaming?" I interrupted, received a nod, "Vi is known for her sharp tongue. Her and Chris go at it for hours."

I felt him place a small butterfly bandage on the cut before he stepped back, "Well, I'm guessing it's never boring, huh?"

I shook my head, glancing over at Vi, who was looking at her knuckles in thought. That look...that look was dangerous.

"Thank you, Syn. I appreciate it."

"Brian," I looked over my shoulder, "Call me Brian."

I smiled softly, inwardly squealing, "Well, Brian, thank you. I should probably go make sure Vi isn't beating herself up again."

I ignored his confused expression and made my way to the silent guitarist, "Are you alright?"

Vi looked up suddenly before her eyes glanced down at her knuckles. I glanced down at realized that she only had broken the skin over her knuckles.

"All that blood. It wasn't mine."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is for Renny...who is a bit down at the moment. Leave comments. Thank you!
