Become What You Know

Electronic Buildings, Oh My!

"You guys started without me?" Brian pouts, looking at Jimmy behind the drums.

"You went to Heaven without me," he points out, shrugging.

"I brought Heaven to you," Brian says, and makes an over-exaggerated hand gesture. A nun steps out from behind him, waving. The others stare.

"Wait," Zacky says, "That's Heaven? Like, it's a girl, not a place?"

"I'm a nun," Heaven rolls her eyes.

There's a gun at her hip, a rosary wrapped around her wrist. Zacky isn't looking at her gun, though, he's looking at her chest, which is not very well hidden behind the habit. Heaven snaps her finger at eye level. When Zacky looks back up she's frowning.

"I'm up here, kid," she says, but then she's grinning. Zacky might die from embarassment; aren't nuns supposed to be wholesome and... not staring at Zacky like they're thinking very lecherous thoughts.

"Aren't you supposed to be wholesome?" Father Matt asks and Heaven waves her hand airily.

"I'm thousands of years old. I was martyred. God owes me sex."

Zacky snorts in the back of his throat. Heaven shoots a grin at him. Jimmy and Brian both sigh. The whole Brian/Jimmy thing is her fault to begin with. Then again, it was Brian's fault she was martyred. This is what happens when you get caught in a love triangle with an all knowing entity and his best friend.

"So," Heaven says, "The news from above is that the world may be coming to an end?"

"Here we go again," Jimmy rolls his eyes, "Please tell me this isn't going to be like World War II."

"I can make no promises," Brian says seriously, "Besides, it wasn't that bad."

"Adolph Hitler ripped me in half with his mind," Jimmy says, "I died. Painfully."

"Yeah, well what about that time I got shot in the head in India?" Heaven asks, fingering her rosary, "The thirties sucked for all of us."

"Yeah, well what about that time they tried to crucify me in Rome?" Brian asks, like he's really trying to share their pain.

"You killed every man in that branch of the military," Heaven points out, remembering the mess she and Jimmy had to clean up afterwards. They almost had to burn Rome to the ground to hide the evidence.

"I said try," Brian says with a sadistic grin. Heaven almost remembers why she was in love with him to begin with. Almost.


Mikey is waiting for Nicole to come back when the wall to his left crumbles. He looks up, and as the plaster sifts and settles he sees a girl with braids standing in the opening. Nicole comes through the door at the same time Mikey decides he's just fallen in love.

"What the hell?" Nicole says, looking wide eyed at the gaping hole.

Mikey's future wife just shrugs and then she's being pushed out of the way, and Mikey is being tackled by Gerard. Celeste walks in after him. He turns wryly to Nicole, an amused glance on his face.

"See, I told you I should have called my brother," Mikey says and Nicole is too busy staring at William to pay any attention.

"Patrick Stump?" Mikey asks, and even though he's never met the man in real life, he'd recognize that hat from all kinds of out of focus pictures, "And you're Jon Walker?" he asks, looking at the guy pressed to Patrick's side.

"Actually," another guy says from next to what appears to be a really tall twelve year old and a boy in a disney shirt, "I'm Jon."

"Oh," Mikey nods, because yeah, that makes sense in a weird way.

"Let's get out of here," Celeste says, and Mikey sees that she's fingering a taser in her left hand.

"This is crazy," Nicole says. Gerard is already trying to tug Mikey out of the door. Hole in the wall. Whatever.

"Wait wait, Gerard," Mikey is saying and Gerard is shaking his head, "Mikey, we broke into a government facility. We have no idea how long Jon can keep the people frozen and we have some one erasing all evidence that you were ever here. We don't have a minute." Gerard sounds a little like he's pouting.

"Wait, he can freeze time?" Nicole is pointing at Jon.

"Great," Nell says from Celeste's elbow, "What are we going to do with the neg?"

"We could kill her," Gabe offers. Nicole goes for her hip where her gun is.

"We're not killing anyone," Gerard says, "We could leave her in a really bad part of Jersey, though..."

"We're not doing that either," Mikey says, "We're going to go back to the cafe and then we're all going to talk."

"I didn't even get to help," the kid in the Disney shirt says sadly. A kid standing next to him pats him on the shoulder reassuringly.

Mikey grins, "How do you guys feel about saving the world?"


"This is a bad idea," Gerard says.

He just wants to keep Mikey here at the cafe where no one can hurt him. He doesn't want his little brother running off to save the world. Don't you have to like the world to want to save it in the first place? But Mikey is right when he says that they have to help. Because if Bert McCracken is hurting people using a super power someone has to take him down.

And the spirits agree.

Nell is smirking at Gerard from his left, and Celeste is sitting next to Ray. None of them are using their abilities because Nicole is in the room with them. Gerard has a feeling Ray makes Celeste feel better anyway. He gets it, because Ray is awesome all the time. He'd still rather she were sitting next to him.

And if Nell doesn't stop staring at him like she knows what he's thinking he's going to...sic the hyperactive siren on her.

Brendon was sitting next to her, but he kept twitching, so Nell finally shoved him off the couch. Now he's sitting on the floor at Spencer's feet. He's still twitching, because Ray gave him a second cup of coffee and he just can't help himself. No, really. (Also, he had two red bulls and a cookie on the way back from The Rescue Mission. Yes, it needs to be capitalized. It totally is in Brendon's head.)


"So, I'm looking for Uriel, then?" Heaven asks. She's chewing on the cross on her rosary. She may be the most blasphemous Nun to ever be accepted into the order.

"Yep," Brian says, "You're still in his good graces."

"I could do it," Jimmy mutters. He really doesn't want Heaven going anywhere near the womanizing angel. And his white wings. Jimmy wants wings.

"The last time you were face to face with him he stabbed you through the heart. With a flaming sword," Heaven rolls her eyes. She's not going to add that it was Jimmy's fault.

"Yeah man," Brian says, "He totally kicked your ass."

Heaven makes herself comfortable while the two argue about the seraph and her virtue.

"It wouldn't have happened if Heaven wasn't such a slutty nun."

"Slutty?" Heaven says, "We haven't been together in four thousand years, you don't get to pick on my relationship choices, Mr I've-Been-Married-One-Thousand-And-Forty-Two-Times!"

"It's been a lonely four thousand years," Jimmy shrugs, "If you would just get over what happened..."

"Oh no, don't blame me!" Heaven shouts, "Brian cursed you to eternal fucking life, got me stoned to death, and he nearly destroyed the world!"

"Because you cheated on me with my best friend!"

"Like you weren't sleeping with Jimmy behind my back!"

"We're completely fucked up," Jimmy shakes his head.

"I broke up with both of you nearly five thousand years ago and I still wind up in situations like this," Heaven says, "Yeah, we're pretty fucked up."

"I'm going now," Heaven says, because there is only so much of the two that she can take at one time.

They all did wrong by one another, but she always seems to get settled with the blame. Just like in the bible. Except Heaven is not going to be anyone's scapegoat. Brian was inattentive and Jimmy had made the first move. They were all to blame. (Although Brian takes the cake when it comes to mistakes. Jimmy's trapped in a loop of die and reborn, and Heaven is trapped in a Christian hierarchy. She was nineteen when she died. She's been nineteen for thousands of years.)
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know if this chapter was a little confusing. I will do my best to explain anything that was confusing. I see the whole story in my head and sometimes forget to write scenes, words, and sentances that mean a lot to the story, down.

It's shorter than I'd like, but I have a feeling that the next few might be.