You Can't Save Her

The Begining Of The End..

"Ten more mintues of this.." I mutter to myself watching the clock tick by. "I hate this stupid job." I say mainly to myself. When I applied to work in this video store I did not imagine it to be like this. Perverts comming in to buy porn, and if I was lucky I get the drunk lesbians hitting on me.
I hate my life.

"Hey." I hear slurred from behind me. I groan as I turn around, "May I help you?" I see a guy that looks like he is in his thirtys rocking back and fourth infront of me.

"Oh yes you can help me." He says giggling as, I'm guessing, dirty thoughts ran through his mind. I roll my eyes, "Sir tell me what I can do for you."

A stack of movies come onto the counter, porn, porn, porn, porn, Blues Clues. I'm guessing the guy had a son.
"May I see your id?" I say looking back up at the clock.. Four more mintues.

I watch the guy dig through his pockets, looking for his plastic life. "Here you go." He says tossing it ontop of the videos. On the card it reads twenty five. I sigh, 'Sad..' was all I could think to myself when I check him the movies... Watching him drag his ass outside and start up his car.

Finnally I get to go home. Not that it's better then this...
What I didn't know was that when I got home I would witness a fight that would change my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short I know.
I just want Kirstin to read this, agree with me that I suck.