You Can't Save Her

A Reason To Hate.

I pop in my ear phones to the cheap mp3 I bought with what money I had left over. My mom always took most of my check to buy her stupid fiancé whatever the hell he wanted. I hate being sixteen.

I walk into the house, "I'm home." I call out to no one. Or atleast I thought no one.

"There you are." I hear from my step dad, Harry. "What do you want?" I ask blinking, we kinda just stopped talking one day, so it was shocking when he talked to me.

"Your mom got called into work, just thought I would let you know." He says, but he seemed different. I smelled something on him.. Beer.

I backed up a few steps. "What's wrong with you?" He snapped at me. I shake my head, "Nothing Harry, just.. I smell beer on you."

That's how he snapped.

Next thing I know I feel his fist meet my face, how this happened I do not know. But it happened. I stood there holding my hand to face.. What the hell just happened? That thought race across my mind, and Harry grows a smirk on his face. "Damn bitch." he mutters. I growl lowly, for I do growl. Harry looks at me, "Are you upset little girl?" He asked in a smart ass tone.

"What did you just do?" I asked looking at him, dropping my hand. I was not about to just let him hit me. however before I could do anything I feel his fist meeting my face only harder this time. I fall to the ground.

"Do you need me to remind you of...." he stopped in the middle of his sentence, a idea had crossed his mind.

See Harry, he reads porn online.. Not just any kind of porn but Incest Porn.

Harry climbs ontop of me, and starts trying to unbutton my pants.. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME." I scream trying to rock him off me. "Shutup." he mutters to me. I keep trying to fight but lost. He had my pants unbuttoned.

However God was watching over me that night.

Right when Harry got the my pants unbuttoned, someone had knocked on the door..Scarying him off me and I ran to the door buttoning my pants.

There was my mom at the door, "MOM!" I scream throwing myself at her crying. "What is it?" She asked suprised. "H..H..Harry.. He.."

She pushed me off her at that moment.

"I'm tired of you making up lies about Harry, I love him..and you are just going to have to deal with him." She said, and like that she left me to see her fuck buddy.

Tears streaming down my cheeks, I run up to my room and blast my stero.

Like that I see how much my mom had changed, and how I became a ghost to her. "I can not stand this house, this family, this life, why God why me?" I scream into my pillow.

But after a few songs I sit up, grabbing the match box in my pillow case and pulled out my best friend, Mr. Rasor blade. After adding a few deep cuts to my arm, my cellphone starts singing Skillet, "Yours to Hold." It was my boyfriend, Austin.

"Hello?" I answer, turning down my volume. "Hey babe." I hear his sweet voice... I bite my lip, wanting to cry more. "Whats wrong?" I hear him ask.... Finnally I came up with a answer.

"Everything, can I runaway to your house?"