You Can't Save Her

How Could It Get To This?

I moan as the sun seeped through the blinds in Austins house, waking me up. "Hey babe!" I hear Austin say from his bathroom.

I smile slightly, but feel a sharp pain shoot through my head. It felt like someone from the future put some kind of machine on my head and sucked all the energy from me.

"Austin come get your sexy ass out here, and give me all your energy." I say rolling over to where he was sleeping last night. I can't believe I stayed the night here. I think to myself. I sigh and pull my messy hair into a less messy pony tail.

"Hey sexy thing." I hear Austin say from behind me. I giggle. "Are you kidding me? It looks like some train just crashed into me." I say flipping over looking Austin in the eyes. His gorgeous gray green eyes meeting my boring hazel eyes.

He shakes his head, "Nope.. You look amazing." He says smiling softly. I press my lips against his quickly, surprising him. However he didn't refuse my kiss, he leans closer to me making the kiss go deeper.

I back away sighing. "Baby I gotta get heading home, I didn't plan to fall asleep here." I say climbing over him. "Aw, come on babe. Your parents won't let me come over anymore." He says giving me his pouty face. "That's not gonna work." I say kissing him again, and walk into the bathroom.

I look into the mirror, who is that girl. She's so tiny, and fragile. Was that really me? I start undressing, as all my scars show them selfs.

The deep cut above my heart caught my attention as I went to grab my bag that had my skinny jeans and my dress in it.

I remember that night.. That was the night Harry came to live with us. The night everything changed.

I shake my head vigorously. Come one and get dressed, there's not time for this. I remind myself.

"Austin what time is it?" I ask from his bathroom, putting on my accessories. "It's seven." He calls back. "CRAP!" I yell running out of the bathroom, and grabbing my chucks sliding them on as quickly as I could.

"My mom and Harry will be awake soon!" I yell running out the door, "I love you baby, later."

About half a hour later I'm sneaking in my front door, and that's when I see Harry walking down the stairs. He scratched his bare, fat, stomach. I start feeling sick to my stomach.

He looks at me, and smirks. That bastard. He walks straight to me. "You know you got lucky yesterday, but guess what!" He whispers in my ear. I feel my body start to shake. "What?" I ask not really wanting to hear the answer.

"Your mom works tonight." He says slapping my face lightly. I take it, I didn't want to fight with him right now, not while I still have somewhat of a good mood.

I watch him walk away, after I didn't respond for a while. I couldn't be in the house tonight. There was no one to save me this time.

I start to run up to my room, when my mother starts heading down the stairs. "Hey Tempera.." She says softly.

Tempera was the old nickname she'd call me. The nick name that she would use to let me know that everything would be alright.

I remember when I was five, and I had fallen of the play place at Chucky Cheese. I balled my eyes out.. But my mother wrapped her arms around me and kept saying, "Come on Tempera, it's okay. Your a big girl right?....Well big girls don't cry." With my father to my other side, kissing my light pink knee, I felt secure. What happened to this family?

Things are not the same anymore. The name Tempera doesn't bring anything to my anymore. My father has been dead now for nine years, and in a few weeks it'll be ten. My step dad is planning to rape me whenever he has the chance, and my mom could care less if he does. My sister, if she is out of her room, is usually high off some drug.

We use to be such a close family before Harry came into our life. Man, I hate that guy, with every micro fiber in my body.

I run past my mother and slam my door shut, digging out my matchbox from the side of my bed. My guess is that it must of fallen when I left last night.

I turn on my cd player, and listened to the sweet screaming of Hawthorne Heights, just looking at my matchbox. The bedroom for my razor blade.

Do I dare end it all tonight?