Golden Games

Golden Games is a series where a 15 year old girl is caught up in a threatening game. Her father owed an unexpected amount of debt to hundreds of people, and when he died he transferred his large debt to his daughters head. Her story begins right before she leaves to stay with her oldest friend, Andrew, in Japan. Yamari gets faced with odd encounters that lead to her almost drinking poison, getting smothered in a steamy desert, and getting attacked by some monster-like woman who works with the evil, teen queen at Yamari's high school. Julia, the popular teen, wants to ruin Yamari's life by tormenting her the normal way and by squeezing in the abnormal assassin way. Yamari has her work cut out for her if she wants to keep herself, her best friends, and her family safe.
What could there possibly be to loose in the Golden Games?
  1. Hello and Goodbye
    The story starts off when a sudden change in schedule effects Yamari.
  2. Friends, Feelings, and Nightmares
    Yamari sees two dear friends of hers and gets closer to Andrew. Later that night she has a nightmare that may just turn out to her future.
  3. Confession and Destruction
    Yamari finds out a little bit about herself and that there are bad people looking for her. The day of the program comes quickly and while on the road the trouble occurs.
  4. Change of Scene
    Tahara, Toyohashi, a desert in Africa, and Illinois. These are where our pair, Andrew and Yamari, venture to in this travel and trick filled chapter.
  5. Great Friends And A Not-So-Great Enemy
    When coming back to her hometown, Yamari is balancing friends, love, school, and every other thing that could possibly happen in these games.
  6. Too Many Mistakes
    Yamari makes a few wrong decisions that don't turn out so well.