Two Hearts to Make a Maniac

Chapter Twenty-Four

Sitting in the living room, I drank from a soda bottle. Not one of those plastic bottles, a real glass bottle. Who the hell still has those lying around the house? I sure don't, the Joker does, but then again he's the Joker. He's got some form of excuse.

I was watching cartoons, it been days since I had. But no one seems to care about that, do they?

The channel changed from cartoons to the local news. I jump up angrily, glaring at the Joker. He was grinning and holding Lau by his collar. Growling, I turned to the TV watching whatever the hell he wants to.

"-Both buildings were blown up leaving only a small amount of them left. Everyone is morning the loss of Rachel Dawes. The current condition of Harvey Dent hasn't been told yet-"

I let out a roll of laughter shaking my head. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lau shaking.

"Take care of him for a minute, I need to get my things for our little trade off." The Joker cackled pushing the bound Lau at me.

Sighing, I grabbed his arms and waited impatiently.

"Look!" Lau whispered quietly. "I can get you anything you want! Money, land, anything! Just let me go!" He pleaded.

"Do you really think I do this for money? We'd be robbing more banks if that's what I was here for." I chuckled.

Panic flared in his eyes. "Well then why do you do it?!" He snapped.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my newly acquired gun, and hit him over the head. "I do it, because I feel like it." I answered.

"No it's not." The Joker countered striding into the living room and picking up the half-conscious Lau.

What was that suppose to mean? I hate it when he does this. He keeps contradicting me, with no good reason to. Ignoring his comment, I followed the Joker out to the van. Lau didn't talk much since he was still fleeting in and out of consciousness. Though I couldn't really say much for myself. Even as Joker ripped down the streets I found myself nodding off.

Even as we came to a screeching halt I just yawned and slumped back into my seat. Something banged against my window and I jumped and pulled out my gun facing the window. The Joker cackled holding Lau then knocked on the door politely.

"Why yes, sir, may I help you?" I asked, sickly sweet rolling down the window.

A frown etched on to his face. "I want you to get out of the car and stop talking like that before I blow your brains out."

I glared and hopped out of the van slamming the door behind me, following my crazy-ass Boss.

[[Third Person POV]]

The Joker sat on his pile of money, grinning wildly. Ebby was down below playing absent-mindedly with a wad of bills. He watched her carefully, as she threw the bills back on the pile carelessly. She herself was watching the mobsters, her arms crossed. Obviously, she didn't trust them, well neither did the Joker.

A grin spread over his face as he thought about his little Ebby. He loved the control he had over her, and how she didn't mind. She was perfect and she was his. No one else's, no one could touch her, only he could. Though, after all this was blown over, he was not sure what would become of them. They could not live a normal life, not that he wanted one, at least not for long.

Ebby shook her head wildly for a moment, as if trying to rid something from her thoughts. One of the mobsters approached her, a grin pulling at his lips.

"Why are you here?" He asked grinning. "Normally little girls don't like to play with the bad guys."

Anger radiated off Ebby as she crossed her arms tightly. The mobster laughed and began leaning in closer to her.


The mobsters body spun before falling to the ground, a bullet wound in his head. Everyone looked up at the Joker as he blew on the tip of his gun grinning.

"Anybody else wish to pester my property?" He asked, a sadistic smirk on his lips.

They all stayed quiet, a few shaking their heads, staring at Ebby warily. All of them had wondered why the Joker kept some girl around. The dead one was just stupid enough to ask. In personality, she seemed opposite of the Joker, except for the like to kill. She was silent and seemed very serious. Not sadistically playful like the Joker. But they did notice things, though they weren't hard to notice. Her hair was purple, one of the obviously favorite colors of the Joker, and there was a scar on the right side of her face, very similar to one of the Joker's. But they didn't know anything about her, well, besides that she was trigger happy. Hell, she shot her own family.

"Not so crazy as you look." A thickly accented mobster chuckled.

"I told you, I'm a man of my word." The Joker laughed sliding down the pile of money. "Where's the Italians?" He picked up a couple bills and began throwing them at Lau.

"All your money. What you going to do with all your money?" The man asked.

"Well 'ya see," He began licking his lips, "I'm a guy of simple tastes! I enjoy dynamite, gun powder, and gasoline!"

Ebby darted away then quickly came back with a gallon of gasoline splashing it over the money.

"W-What are you doing?" The mobster asked his eyes widening.

"And you know the thing they have in common? they're cheap." He chuckled throwing a lighter on to the money.

"You said you would honor your word." The man pointed out a cigar in his mouth.

"Oh I am." The Joker grinned. "I'm only burning my half. All you care about is money! This town deserves a better class of criminals. And I'm gonna give it to them!"

Ebby's eyes widened as the flames ate away the paper, a childish smile playing at her lips. The Joker grinned and turned towards the mobster. Advancing on him, he grabbed his collar and pressed a gun to his head.

"Tell your men, the work for me now." He demanded, grinning viciously. "This is my city now."

"They wont work, for a freak!" The mobster growled trying to struggle away.

"Frrreeaaakk!" The Joker cackled mocking the man's accent. He snapped out his knife waving it around. "Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches? Hm? And then we'll see, how loyal a hungry dog really is."

He shoved the mobster at the men, dragging him away. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out a phone, and walked up to Ebby. He dialed a number and grinned sadistically at her, and she grinned back.

"It's not abut the money, it's about sending a message." He mumbled. For a few moments he was silent, the person on the other line talking. "I had a vision," He began pacing around, "of a world without Batman. "The mob ground out a little profit and the police tried to shut them down one block at a time. And it was so boring!" He shook his head, rolling his eyes as well. Ebby watched him, enthused. "Now, I've had a change of heart. I don't want Mr. Reese spoiling everything, but why should I have all the fun? Lets give someone else a change. If Coleman Reese isn't dead in sixty minutes, then I blow up a hospital."

With that he snapped the phone shut and turned to his possession. "Come on, Ebby, lets go say hello to our sick little friend." He cackled. Ebby laughed along with him, her eyes beginning to shine with excitement.
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Ok, well hopefully this one is better then the last couple ones. Some of them sucked monkey balls. Hope you enjoyed my lastest update.
