Two Hearts to Make a Maniac

Chapter Six

I sat smiling, as Harley babbled on, and the Joker tore down the streets just like the psychopath he was. The second we stopped laughing, the Joker and I, he dragged me out of my apartment and we jumped into his beaten up van. I was still clothed in my blood splattered jeans and black jacket. My once white shoes were half covered in blood. I loved them.

No one talked at first, well the Joker was screaming his head off to the radio along with a clown in the front. Harley explained who everyone was. Skeeter was the one up with Gramps laughing. Jack and Boomer sat in the second row seats and Harley and I in the back. I really didn't care about the clowns but I like Harley. Her hair was died red and black, her face white, and her lips painted black. She was just happy and peppy and didn't seem to fit in. I liked her for that.

"Oh!" She exclaimed turning around and getting something. "Put this on."

Harley tossed me a medical mask. "Why the hell do I have to wear this?" I growled putting the mask on. I'm sure I look like a retard now.

A smile planted itself on her lips as she giggled at my angry expression. "We've all got masks, now your really part of the gang!" She squealed clapping her hands together childishly.

Boomer turned around to us. I really hated that they wore real masks because I couldn't see their faces and reactions. Boomer and I locked eyes for about a minute before Harley jumped in.

"What are you guys doin'?" She asked waving a hand between.

"Shut up Harley!" Boomer growled venomously, though it lost some of its effect seeing as it was muffled by the mask.

Harley sunk back into her seat her eyes lowered to the floor. I don't like Boomer. "Hey Boomer." I called, his face turned towards mine. Perfect. My fist collided with his face knocking him down from his seat. It was even more perfect because a second later Joker took a quick turn making Boomer slam against the side of the van. Harley and I let out giggles slumping together laughing at him as he tried to stand up.

"Why you little-"

"Now, now kiddies!" The Joker cackled. "Don't make me pull this car over!" He threatened before turning another sharp corner making me slam against the wall. The van came to rough stop making my head slam into the seat in front of me this time. Before I could even say 'ow' Harley dragged me out of the van.

The Joker laughed as I staggered out holding my head. He was having a fucking field day with this. Bastard. "Shut up 'ya crazy ass psychopath!" I snarled standing up straight. First day on the job and already getting in fights with the boss.

My head banged against the van as the Joker held my throat. I kicked my legs at him and the van as my hands tore at his arm that kept me suspended. God, I can't even breathe. "Now Little Leal, if I let you breathe will you be a good girl?" He asked licking his lips and turning his head to the side.

I swear he must have been deprived when he was a child. "Fine! God just let me go!" Saying that he let me go and stalked towards the building. Harley gave my a sympathetic smile before walking to the building. I didn't like this. I didn't like having to follow someone's orders. I wanted to kill, not tag along like a lost puppy. But I couldn't back out just yet. I wanted to know what he was doing.

Shaking my head I ran towards the building trying to catch up. I didn't take me long to find where they were. Loud voices came from a room signaling that's where I should be. As soon as I entered the room everything got real silent and every single person in that room pointed a gun at me. Whoopee!

"Joker? Is she one of yours?" A man asked.

"Nope!" He giggled grinning at me. "Never seen her in my life." Bastard.

Darting to the left I grabbed a mans arm twisting it behind his back. Shots fired each going into the man in front of me. He screamed only once, and that's all I needed to get my adrenaline pumping. Grabbing his gun I let the man drop to the ground. I could tell some of his blood had gotten on me. Those sitting at the table stared for a moment. I heard a click and immediately turned to it shooting the gun form the owners hand.

"Oh yes! I remember her now!" Joker cackled staring at the dead body of the man. I looked down at the man as well. His blood was starting to leak on the floor. Bending down I stuck my finger in the gathering pool of blood. Joker had started to talk to the men sitting at the table. Slowly I began to trace a figure eight in the blood. It was extremely entertaining because every time I'd make an eight the blood would make it disappear again. It made me laugh. I saw Harley look at me strangely. Lifting my finger from the blood I pressed it to my mask painting a smile on the mask. At least I'd look happy.

"-Kill the Batman!"

Holy mother of God I've missed something. Everyone began talking animatedly mulling over the idea. Eventually one by one, the men said yes, agreeing to the demands the Joker had set down. Then a new subject sprang up.

"What about her?" One man asked motioning towards me. "She hasn't been seen hanging around with your little gang before, what do you know about her?"

The Joker licked his bottom lip and blinked slowly. "She likes to hear people scream." A grin cracked on his lips. He really needed to redo his face paint. "Want to add anything?" He asked sticking out his neck and raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head. "Nope, you pretty much said it Boss." I grinned, but I doubt anyone could see it.

"Well gentlemen, I'll be seeing you all soon." With that he turned heel and the gang followed, myself at the end. God, I felt like I was in some clique or something.

As we road in the van, to God knows where, is was the same routine. Joker speeding and screaming, Skeeter following suit, Jack and Boomer talking, and Harley babbling at me. I did feel much talkative so I occasionally grunted a reply to her. Soon I zonked out, amazingly tired for no reason.

[[Third Person POV]]

"Boss!" Skeeter called to the Joker as he made his way to the abandoned house. "Boss, the girl won't wake up!"

That made him smile. Skeeter called her 'the girl' not Leal as she had told them. He could tell only Harley liked Rebecca. She had gone against himself already, he'd have to break her. Just a little too much spirit.

Turning around, the Joker swiftly walked to the van his hunched over appearance not giving way. Climbing into the vehicle, he looked back and saw Rebecca. Her whole body was tense. Both her hands were clenched onto the seat and her legs were pressed tightly together. The Joker couldn't help but giggle. She acted confident of herself but she was so insecure the way she slept showed it all.

But she'd be useful in his plan. She'd be the perfect little pawn. Pretty and quick-witted, exactly what he needed. Scooping her up, Joker hopped from the van and continued to walk to the hideout. It was beaten up and a little crazy looking, he liked it. The rest of the gang had gone inside except Harley.

"Hon can I-"

"Shut up Harley." He snapped quickly not wanting to deal with her at the moment.

The house welcomed him with open arms. It's walls were painted either green or purple and the occasional red. As he strode through the halls Joker glanced down at Rebecca. She had painted a smile onto her mask with the dead man's blood. He smiled at her actions. She was beginning to really become what he wanted her to be. He wanted her to be insane, crazy, sadistic, a sociopath. He wanted her to be like him, and he was going to make her that.

He'd screw with her mine, find every little thing that scared her and use it to drive her further into his insane world. She would become dangerous, evil, and blood thirsty. More importantly, she'd be his little psychotic prodigy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty. I feel as if I'm not getting the Joker's character quite right. I'll probably be seeing the actual Dark Knight movie fairly soon and I don't want to go into the story any further until I get the real feel of it. So it might be a couple days till I make another chapter. I'm sorry about that but I just don't want to screw up the story.
