Decimate These Thoughts

Gerard Way

Say, the lights are really low enough to play,
Would you cast yourself so solitary?
All alone you prove that I was,
Broken down to move and alright,
Battling the loss you live for,
Meant the world to you,

An empty bottle of alcohol hung loosely from his fingertips. A lonely tear rolled from the corner of his eye down his face and dripped onto the collar bone of his neck. He'd broken his promise to them. He'd broken his promise to her. The stench of foul breath and body odor hung disgustingly in the air. He was a mess; hair oily and matted, lack of shower for over a week, facial hair, or as much as he could grow. He laughed. This was all too funny.

And would you stay right here?
When I tell you,
That someone out there loves you.
Would you stay right here?
Well I'd tell you,
That someone out there loves you after all.

They tell her it'll be alright. They tell her he'll be okay. They tell her to keep the faith. She wants to believe it but she can't. He let her down before. He made a promise and lied. How can she trust him anymore? This... this human. Letdown. Man. Idol. Angel. Hero. Yet, through it all, she couldn't stop loving him. She couldn't stop loving them.

Sometimes it's all the 'machines?' that you're at 'fault?',
Would you catch this '...', 'break?' this off the,
'Nowhere and no one?',
And if you're walking out the door I'd stop you,
And '...' turn to me and I'd say this,

The lights blinded him as he danced across the stage. He sang as loud as he could even though his voice was sore because his well being didn't matter when it came to them. Sweat rolled from his brow even though it was cold outside. Inside, he was fighting his demons in front of everyone. They consumed every inch of him. He yearned for that heartache their roar gave him. It was the only feeling that numbed the pain; addiction. The song ended with a wail and he began to address the crowd. He yelled, "Keep the mother fucking faith!"

And would you stay right here?
When I tell you,
That someone out there loves you.
If you stay right here,
Keep attacking you,
That someone out there loves you.

She longed to burn them. All of them. The posters, the magazines, the CDs, the clothing. For every time she looked at any reminder of them, they burned her. She hummed to herself, "Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?" Such a silly question to ask an imaginary mirror. But maybe... just maybe... it could show her to herself and she'd see what love is. Love at it barest. Love when in doubt. Love when there's nothing left to give.

Is there no one, no one out there?
Is there no one who, no one who cares?
And if no one. no one out there?
Is there no one who, no one who cares?

He slammed the palm of his hand to his forehead repeatedly. He'd done it again. But he didn't get the effect he desired. He wanted healing, peace, happiness. Instead, he received a deep and dark sorrow that drowned his body and soul in its entirety. Drenched and dripping with his vices. Sweet, bitter, tasteless, alcohol.

And would you decimate these thoughts
When you go?

After she had pressed play she turned the volume up. The guitars and vocals crescendoed to meet the drums in an epic battle. The music blared and roared in the center of her mind, weaving in and out of the crack and crevices, making a home in her core. How could she ever have doubted them? How could she ever have turned her back? They'd been with her through hell and high waters. Before everyone else. Even when others had left her and turned their backs. She took out a pen and sheet of paper. It began, My Dearest Chemical Romance.

And if you stay right here,
When I tell you,
That someone out there loves you.
Stay right here,
Keep attacking you,
That someone out there loves you.

Tears sat at the edges of his eyelids. Suicidal thoughts invaded his cranium and danced around in a sensual way, as if trying to seduce him into doing what he wanting the most. Escape. But he knew he shouldn't think of it like that. Because that's when it became the most dangerous. When thought of as an escape. You can escape at anytime. You'd just have to choose your way to go. He thought of the letter he had received a few days ago. His manager had handed it to him and said, "Some more fan mail, I guess." He found the letter under a stack of paper and torn it open. A pray erupted from his throat. Hopefully, it helped him rather than downed him further. He placed his life on this note. Had it been encouraging, he'd stay. Had it been hateful, he'd leave. The letter was pages long but he got comfortable began reading. Those tears that had threatened to fall had finally began to rain. The note was everything he had hoped for. It ended with, P.S. Someone out there cares. Someone out there loves you.

He cried. He stayed.

No one, no one out there,
Is there no one who, no one who cares?
And if no one, no one out there,
Is there no one who, no one who cares?