You're the Beat in My Heart


A little over three years ago, I moved to the fabulous city of New York. A little over three years ago, I came to New York to find one thing, and just one thing only, love. Looking back on it now, it was a foolish thing to move to New York City for and soon I stopped believing such a thing existed and relationships suck. So instead, I took up my offer of being an intern with Vogue six months after moving with no success of finding love what so ever. And two years later, here I am, now one of the top editors of Vogue Magazine. I put all my effort in my work, and the pay was so great.

I sat at my desk over viewing an article written on the new summer fashion tips by one of our writers. I had just finished proof reading it when my best friend and fellow editor Christian had popped his head in my office door and smiled before sitting down in a chair on the opposite side of my desk with a big brown paper bag,

"I figured that you would morph yourself into editing Carry's article, so I picked you up some lunch." he grinned and pulled a two ceaser salads and two Coke's out of the bag and handing them over to me with a fork. I laughed and placed the article aside and took he lid off of the salad.

"Thank you! My stomach was ready to eat itself."

"No problem honey. Hey, I like your outfit, stand up and let me see." he said. I stood up and walked around my desk and faced him. I was wearing a classic 50s wiggle dress with cropped 3/4 sleeves that was high waist and fit perfectly around my curves. It had a hidden front zip closure and giant bucket pockets at hip with sculptural pointed collar and deep tan/brown color with black stripes and orange accents. Christian whistled and I laughed. My other best friend Alex had walked in and looked me over be fore giving an approving nod and sitting down in the chair next to Christian with his lunch.

"So Kerry, any amazing plans for this lovely weekend?" Alex asked. I sat back down and took a bite of my salad before answering.

"If you call staying late in the office, heading home and snuggling under a blanket with a book amazing then yes."

"Kerry, you need to go out more."

"I go out!....once in a while."

"We're talking every other weekend hon! You are now officially heading to the club with us tonight." Alex said.

"I'd rather not."

"Why? You'll get scared you'll get hit on?"

"Very funny."

"Come on Kerry! you need romance in your life!"

"I need a drink that's what I need."

"You won‘t pay for it."

"You know you'll buy me one." I said, a triumphant grin tugging on my lips. Alex and Christian rolled their eyes and nodded.

"So you'll come?"

"I guess so." I sighed. They grinned and high fived each other. We all gathered up our stuff and threw it away and walked to the elevator. I pressed the down button and we all waited patiently for the elevator to arrive. As soon as it did, we stepped in and Alex hit the number one button.

“So we’ll go home get ready, and then head over to your place.” Christian said as we walked out the building.

“Seems like a plan.” I said and hailed a cab, I never bothered to drive to work. They nodded and we said our good byes as I got inside the taxi.

“1534 Parkways ave.” I told the driver. He nodded and began the quick five minute drive. As so as I got into my spacious apartment, I walked into the computer room and switched the computer on. I waited patiently for it to load up. As soon as it did, I logged in and opened up a folder containing all my very own fashion designs and then grabbed the folder I had in my lap and pulled out a sheet of paper containing one of my sketches and placed it in the scanner.

As soon as the image was done scanning I immediately saved the picture and put the paper back in the folder and set it aside on my computer desk. After doing that, I walked into the restroom and turned on the shower and began to strip out of my outfit. As soon as I stepped under the warm water, any trace of stress I had dissapeared. After spending nearly an hour and half in the shower, I stepped out and dried my body and towel dried my hair. Walking into my room, I dropped the towel onto the floor and pulled out my lingerie and put it on. I walked towards my iHome and hit shuffle on my ipod, letting Selena fill the silence of the room. I dug through my drawers and pulled out a loose fitted dressy blue top and denim blue skinny jeans. I threw those aside on the bed and put my robe on and sat at my vanity mirror. I plugged in and turned on my hair straightener. As I waited for it to head up, I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and began to work on my make up. I began by applying a few swipes of mascara on my eyelashes, eyeliner and light blue eye shadow , making my blue eyes look brighter than usual. After I had done that, I blow dried my hair and straightened it.

“Honey you take forever!” Alex and Christian said in unison walking into my room. I laughed and smiled apologetically before shrugging out of the robe, revealing my white bra and panties. I didn’t mind if they saw and they didn’t care, since both of them were gay, and together.

“Is this your outfit?” Christian said picking it up off the bed.


“Trendy.” Alex said after glancing and looking over at it.

“She truly is a discerning fashionista. I’m so proud.” Christian said warmly and placed a hand over his heart and wiping away an non-existent tear with the other. We laughed and I threw on the outfit before grabbing my calico star bag and white pumps. We left and headed off to one of the many clubs of New York City. As we stepped out the cab, we began to walk and head to the front of the line of the clubs, Alex and Christian just kind of followed behind me actually.

“She’s going to look nice for him.” Christian muttered to Alex. I spun around immediately and eyed them. They shrank back, knowing what was coming.

“You guys are trying to hook me up with someone?!” I yelled. They nodded smally and Christian took the risk of smiling warmly and stepping forward to wrap his arm lightly around my shoulder. I shrugged it off.

“Kerry, please, you need a boyfriend. Do you want to die old and lonely? Come on, give it a chance just this once.”

“There’s no such things as chances. For relationships anyways.”

“Come on Kerry, please. He’s a great guy, he really is. He’s an artist, makes good money, and he is gorgeous.” Alex pleaded. I eyed them both before sighing.

“How old is he? And you’re buying me a drink then.” I said. They grinned triumphantly and began heading toward the security guard.

“He’s 24, his name is Gerard, don’t worry about it. It’ll go great, I promise.” Christian said, and then him and Alex said their names to the guard.

“Alright, Kerry Braden.” I said to the guard, who checked on the list and nodded and let us in, receiving complaints and yells form people. What I loved about working for Vogue and being a top editor was that my name was on almost every list in New York. We walked in and were greeting by flashing lights and loud music, we headed over to the VIP section of the club. As soon as we sat down, a worker came and asked if we wanted any drinks. Alex and I both ordered, since Christian was our designated driver of the night.

We sat down talking for a few minutes, until Alex looked over my shoulder and smiled. I didn’t want to look back and continued talking to Christian.

“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” an angelic voice said. I turned my head and glance up to see a beautiful man.

“Oh no its okay, we just got here too, have a seat, Gerard this is Kerry, Kerry this is Gerard.” Alex said, motioning his hands between us. Gerard took a seat next to me and smiled before shaking my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I said with a coy smile.

“Likewise.” he said. The waitress came back and handed us our drinks. Alex whispered something in Christian’s eat and they both got up .

“We’re going to dance.” Alex said and they both split off, leaving Gerard and I alone. I involuntarily laughed at their obviousness of wanting us to be alone together and noticed Gerard staring at me.

“Is there something on my face?” I joked. He chuckled and shook his head.

“No, sorry for staring, I’m going to go completely honest and say that you’re beautiful, and trust me, I don’t say that right off the bat to every girl I first meet.” he said.

“Well, thank you. You’re beautiful too.” I smiled and took a sip of my strawberry daiquiri.

“Why thank you. So, tell me, I hear you are an editor. What’s that like?” he asked. Obviously the lovers told him about me.

“It gets boring once in a while but I love my job. I didn’t even think I would get the job, so young and quick. I’ve only been there for three years, and I mean, some people have been working there for a long time, and still aren’t where I am. I don’t even know myself how I did it.”

“Interesting, they must hate you.” Gerard laughed and brushed some of his dark black hair out of his face, revealing hazel eyes.

“Oh they do, trust me. So the guys told me you’re an artist?”

“Oh yea, I’m still going to art school, I really want to be one of those famous artists. Drawing is my passion, but for work I just work in the cartoon network building, just doing touch ups and other random stuff, not much but they pay is great.” he said. A few more hours and drinks later, I found myself dancing with Gerard and the way we were dancing, we can just say I didn’t normally dance that way. After one more song, my breathing was heavy and all I remembered was leaving and being really light headed and dizzy.

The next morning I awoke to a pounding head ache and found myself in my bed and arms around my waist. I turned around, and was met by familiar hazel eyes. Gerard smiled and removed his arms.


“Yes.” I groaned and sat up. Realizing Gerard was in my bed, I peaked under the blankets to see if I was , well, dressed.

“Don’t worry, we didn’t sleep together. Last night you were really drunk and felt sick so I brought you home and you asked me to stay with you, so I did.” Gerard chuckled.

“Oh, wow. I must’ve looked like an idiot last night.”

“No, you didn’t. You just had balance problems.” he laughed as I frowned.

“Ugh, what time is it?”


“Are you serious?”

“Yep. Chris and Alex slept over too, they took the guest room, but they left early this morning,. I wanted to stick around to see if you needed anything.”

“Aw, thanks that’s sweet.”

“Yea, well, I did because after getting to know you last night, I really knew I wanted to see you again, I like you, you’re sweet, nice, stylish.” he laughed, and I blushed. and looked down.

“Thanks, I like you too and I think it’d be great to see you again.” I said, almost to myself.

“Great, so how about you just get ready and we could go out to lunch.”

“That sounds good to me.” I smiled and hopped out of bed and noticed a small bag of clothes. Gerard noticed I saw them and he spoke up.

“Since you begged me to stay, I ran home real quick to pick up some clothes to sleep in and stuff.” he said.

“Oh, okay. Well I’m just going to go take a shower.”

“That’s fine.” he said. I nodded and walked out, smiling at the fact I was actually finally giving a relationship a shot for once in three years.
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I picture Christian as Christian Siriano from Project Runway, though he'd be like 16 in that time period, but oh well :] Below is both of Kerry's outfits [in order] , and we can pretend the model is Kerry =]
