You're the Beat in My Heart


Thee Weeks Later

So, that date Gerard and I had turned out to be great. He really was over all an amazing guy. After that, we've been out a few more times. I found out that he liked, no-loved to sing as well as draw and a few other interesting things about him and I've already thanked Christian and Alex more times than I should for bringing this earthly angel to me. I was at home right now at 9 am, sitting at my computer and editing one of Alex's articles, and I had to admit, Alex was one of the most perfect journalists out there, he rarely makes mistakes and is more expressive than others.

"Babe?" a smile graced my lips at the sound of his voice.

"In the computer room!" no sooner than 30 seconds past until Gerard had walked in smiling.

"Hey, what are you up to?"

"Just finishing up on this. What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm getting ready to head to Jersey in a few hours for the weekend. Today is my mom's birthday."

"Aw, how sweet."

"Yep, so I wanted to know If you wanted to come with me and meet my family."

"Oh, I don't Gerard, what if they don't like me."

"They'll love you."


"Please Kerry, I'll be awful lonely on the drive." he begged and pouted. I laughed and shook my head at his sudden plead and then smiled.

"Okay then, how long are we staying?"

"Just three days."

"Alright then."

"Get packing!"

"Aye aye captain." I grinned and he chuckled. I walked into the room and grabbed a duffle bag to put a few clothes in. Gerard just walked in and watched until I finished and changed. I threw on a August Polka-Dotted Sundress and blue flats.

"Ready?" Gerard asked.

"Yea." I smiled and grabbed my bag, which he then grabbed from me, and shut the lights of f of my apartment before closing the door and locking it. We walked out to his car and he placed the bag in
the backseat and then getting before heading to our drive to Jersey, and getting there around only mid afternoon.

"My family is barbequing."
"I'm still not sure they'll like me."

"Stop worrying, I'll never let them hurt you, I promise." he smiled. His smile made me smile, and I nodded. He quickly jumped out his door and ran to my side to let me out.

"Quite the gentleman." I laughed.

"Oh, yes. I shall never be rude to a lady, my mother taught me best."

"I see." I smiled as he took my hand and led me through the side gate, in the back yard were a decent amount of people smiling and talking amongst themselves. Gerard squeezed my hand and looked at me reassuringly. A woman in her late 40'sor so with bouncy dark hair came up to us with a warming smile.

"Gerard! I'm so glad you could come honey." she smiled and kissed his cheek, leaving a nice bright red lipstick mark. I giggled and Gerard chuckled.

"Of course mom, happy birthday, this is my girlfriend Kerry, Kerry this is my mom." he said, gesturing with his free hand between us.

"Call me Donna." she smiled warmly and hugged me.

"It's nice to meet you, happy birthday," I smiled.

"Thank you dear, now you go ahead and make yourself at home." she smiled and walked off.

"My mom seems to like you." he smiled.

"She's sweet."

"Ye-Oh hey Mikey!" Gerard called out To a boy who was passing by, and had turned around. He looked like Gerard, but with glasses.

“Gerard! Hey man, what’s up?”

“Nothing much, hey I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Kerry, Kerry, this is my younger brother Mikey.”

“So this is Kerry! Very nice to meet you.” Mikey grinned and shook my hand. I laughed and nodded.

“It’s nice to meet you too Mikey, I heard a lot about you.”

“Same here.” he smiled and walked off.

"Same herE?" I questioned Gerard with a smile. He laughed and reached down to place a soft, loving kiss on my lips. I smiled and kissed him back until we were broken apart by an elderly woman coming up to us and smiling warmlybefore saying Gerard's name.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe, I love watching my kittens wrestle each other xD Anyways, sorry for the time elapse >.< This is Kerry's outfit below:
