Status: Complete. =)

Black Angel


However cold the wind, storm and rain I'll be there until the end, a lost cause to find my way fell upon me so I decided to cope with it and find my friends, but I can't rejoin your lives I'd think that I'd just be the one messing things up, in a broken wall of severed memories, the smiles on the pictures make me burn


Through the amber waves of death, I've come to terms that I've lost all I had and could ever hopede for, words and my music can't explain how I feel about everything, I don't know how much longer I can run without falling, how much longer can I last? Running feels oh so much like falling! I'd be there for you through your tears and rain, God I'm sorry for walking out the way I did but he killed me in a way no one else could much longer can I run without falling?


I admit I was trying to run from everything I ever had here, I loved my band but it kills me to say my "sorry"s are not enough, I'd love to make peace but I don't deserve such friends back to me (*War cry/Siren Chant*) Days stop the rain, daylight dancer saved me, I move closer, closer closer to my goals with each passing day, can I end pain for all of us to live? To live without you is to hide under a rock, under a burning pile of broken glass combined with scorched photos of us, we have time to make up

(Chorus x3)

However cold the wind and rain, I'd be there to stop all the missing tears, I caused so much in so little time, how long can I run without falling? Running feels too much like falling...I don't deserve your justice and mercy, but can I prove myself in front of you? I can be there in time to fulfill my promise and everything, hate me all you want I just want you to know...

... I'm striving for you
